Friday, May 7, 2010

Chase goes non-union

This was the scene yesterday at 74-07 Eliot Avenue. It seems that the Chase bank that will be replacing a gas station is not being built union. On scene neighbors also complained of after hours activity. The site was an unholy mess this past winter, with a shoddy, falling down construction fence.
Having said that, this rat's looking kind of strange...


Anonymous said...

f*ck unions

Anonymous said...

Funny how these doofuses get paid to stand by an inflatable rat and hold signs they probably cant read.

Anonymous said...

f . unions,......jealous,or just brainwashed.Go to any "right to work" state.No unions,no security,lousy working conditions and low pay.Yeah,fuck unions.....

Anonymous said...

There unions pay them union wage
rate to stand there.

Since when did Chase Bank require union workers on there construction projects. I work for a general contractor who did many Chase projects a few years back. And I dont recall union labor as one of them??

Anonymous said...

Funny how these doofuses get paid to stand by an inflatable rat and hold signs they probably cant read.
hey asshole, I was one of them and to set you straight the people on this line are not working. They dont get paid to stand there and protest. And we can read. It is people like you and the rest of the union haters that probably voted for Blomberg. He as well as the developers have not only runied this city and put alot of union workers out of work. I don't know about you but I would rather see the union worker get paid than to have these developers get rich. What you dont know makes you look like a doofuse. I live in the neighborhood, and I was on that line and I am not a doofuse. I am an educated and well skilled worker and I am pissed that my community would rather support these developers instead of the union worker. Towers are being built by non-union and illeagl alliens, but that is okay as long as people like "Haung" get to make a fortune. You are the doofuse and this city is in the financial situation it is in because the union worker is not working and paying taxes. Maybe you would rather we get some illegals from Queens Blvd. to do the work?

linda said...

wow so many union haters or is it the same person? first NYC and STATE is going broke due to developers who hire illegals and don't pay into the proper taxes.. unions keeps the city thriving. second do you remember the queens blvd sears parking lot?? well that was non union labor when it came crashing down on cars.. think about all the buildings going up and the outrageous money they're asking ... cheap labor but they want people to pay out of the ass for shit work.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I'm not sympathetic. Unions have destroyed this country.

Anonymous said...

linda are you smoking crack???

Unions are the exact reason why the State is bankrupt. The unfunded pension obligations are responsible for driving the state into bankruptcy.

Unions extract more and more each year on the back of the hard work of people of the state. Have you ever driven by a union site and seen 5 people standing around watch one work?

If you work in private industry, do you have a pension? No, unions do. Did you get a raise last year? Unions did. How many friend and families were laid off last year? In you are in unions you get paid to do nothing. (See the automakers bankrupcy).

Unions have destroyed America. they are the main reason why there is no more middle class. They have done such a good job of being greedy that the only way to win in not to play. And you wonder why companies pack up and go to China or India.

Unions are not doofuses - they are scum and unAmerican. congratulations on ruining the country aholes.

Anonymous said...

Unions are in rapid decline in the private sector. What sort of (legal) private employer wants the turnover and training costs that come with low wages and poor working conditions? If unions made any sense in the private sector today we would see them voted in and not de-certified by their employee members.

" security..." -- so what private sector job is secure anyway? Unionized or not.

In the public sector unions are destroying the middle class since the middle class is beings taxed to pay for wages and benefits that are higher than the private sector equivalents and unsustainable. Today's Greece is tomorrows USA.

Anonymous said...

lmao... it's amazing how you can talk so much crap and then list your name anonymous.. i was talking about building trades not auto.. i think maybe you couldn't get into some union?? stop bashing all trades.. oh and when you do work around you home or possibly hire an illegal to cut you grass your allowing this country to go to shit.. OH and i'm also in favor of the AZ law!!

linda said...

oops hit send without posting my name, like you!! above statement is linda

Anonymous said...

Here in Brooklyn, Non-union electrical workers are being used at the new Luna Park Amusement area. How come I didn't see Local 3 Electrical union workers there with a RAT.
Did Councilman Recchia & Senator Diane Savino have something to do with keeping them away ?
Any word out there?

Anonymous said...

Without manufacturing, without unions, you no longer have a strong base for the economy. Trading stocks and real estate, doing nails, and hitting baseballs can only get you so far.

Guest workers don't pay taxes and send their money home.

Time for the unions to picket this bank, take their money from it, and...well, I remember when the steelworkers got shafted by a local bank in a local city they rented safe deposit boxes and left fish for safekeeping.

Fresh fish.

Babs said...

"Time for the unions to picket this bank, take their money from it, and...well, I remember when the steelworkers got shafted by a local bank in a local city they rented safe deposit boxes and left fish for safekeeping. "

great post.

Anonymous said...

Without manufacturing, without unions, you no longer have a strong base for the economy.


Right. Look at what the autoworkers union did. The costs of american car makers were soo much higher than foreign ones. Most manufacturers could not compete with the foreign car makers because wages were no longer competitive. Too many pension obligations, too many people being paid not to work, too many vacations, too many breaks, and too little working. If the american taxpayer had not stepped in American auto manufactures would have been dead forever. (And oh yeah guess what that money that we put in to save them is never coming back. At least the banks paid back their bailout money.) So if you build cars what would you do? you go to mexico, china India, any place but the USA.

Yeah great job protecting manufacturing. The only things union protect is their self interests. They could care less about the rest of us. More and more we are footing the bill for these extravegant salaries and benefits. Who do you think is paying for these bailouts and who do you think is paying the government union employees?

Anonymous said...

"NYC and STATE is going broke due to"

...unions. If you dont understand math, well... that is why you are in a union. You are no better than the illegal immigrants that take your jobs.

Ridgewood Mike said...

"The only things union protect is their self interests. They could care less about the rest of us."

That's exactly right. That's also how businesses work. It's a double standard to expect unions to act any differently than the people they have to negotiate with.

You know, a lot of nonunion industries have also offshored their labor. (You think those call center jobs that went to India were UNION jobs?) If it's cheaper, the companies will do it overseas. That's our system, and I happen to support it, but it's just not right to blame the unions alone for the decline of private-sector American jobs. Though the people who ARE making out like bandits in these economic times sure do like it when you do.

Anonymous said...

Unions are the biggest menace to this country.

Do you want to know what right-to-work states have? JOBS. The workers are paid just as well, but don't tie down employers with unproductive work rules and excessive, lavish benefits.

Anonymous said...

Sure some unions have pensions that are nuts.

But if you know the steelworkers and coal miners I knew, you would know that is not an issue.

Most of them never lived to enjoy it too much.

I think you NY watch to many mafia movies about construction sites to really know what the hell you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

To look after your interest is one thing. To hold the american people and entire industries hostage is unamerican. When a business onlu looks after its interest you are free to pick up and seek employmeent elsewhere or buy your good and services elsewhere. With unions they form a monopoly and then conduct organized shake downs. No different than organized crime. Look at the recent union contract approved. In the worst economic climate since the depression they managed to extract wage increase and additional benefits. I didn't get a raise at all last year. Honestly I'm happy to have a job and if they told me I had to take a pay cut I'd probably do it because there are no jobs out there. Year after year we pay more for less work and throw lavish benefits around. the day of reconing is coming. Look at greece. You can't keep spending money you dont have.

Queens Crapper said...

I would be more sympathetic to unions if they didn't send their thugs out to intimidate people who testify against land grabs for private developers. I would also have more respect for them if they didn't try to set the car belonging to my mother (who was a single mother of two small children) on fire when she crossed the picket line to go to work. I guess she was just supposed to let us starve.

Anonymous said...

As I sat here and read what all of you have been saying about the unions, I have to laugh. Except for the burning of the car part. The unions are not run by the mob or thugs anymore, if they were we would have alot more work. Today the unions are run by men who think they are politicans. They kiss Bloomberg's ass while he let's these tower developers build non-union. My salary is good but not like all of you tend to believe. I have to pay for my medical, my dental and union dues. Sure I get a vacation fund but in the same note does'nt people who work in offices get 2 weeks vacation and sick days? If I am sick and take a day off, I don't get paid and my vacation check equals out to 2 weeks vacation. And when I get laid off, I am out of work collecting unemployment. Some workers have to save anything they can because when they are between jobs it is hard to make ends meet. It is not like an office job where a person has less to worry about. Sure you see some guys working while others are standing there watching them. But the same shit happens in the office. Dont be haters of union construction workers. Dont put us in the same feild as the MTA booth people. Alot of us are your neighbors, your friends and family. Alot of us are hard working people. Alot of us dont get to even live to retirement. So dont bash all union members....

Anonymous said...

I am very pro union but I do not agree with the post about unions run by the mob. Maybe not the italian mob but they use the same tactics sometimes.

Please look at the history of the U.S. manufacturing industry and you will see why and when unions were created.

Unions are an organized group of workers who try to prevent exploitation from their employers.

But when I hear what they did to crapper I felt embarrased as a union member to see that other group have/had done these actions to other workers when anger should be directed at the employer not the employee.

Anonymous said...

Unions are an organized group of workers who try to prevent exploitation from their employers.


And now Unions are an organized group of workers who try to exploit the US taxpayer and their employers.

Times have changed, we don't have the same issues as we did in the 1800's. Nowadays unions don't exist to creat safe work conditions and workers rights. those are guaranteed by law. they exist to shake down the rest of us for more and more money. Ask yourself why it costs 2x as much to build in NYC as compared to other metropolitan areas? Who pays for it in the form of inflated RE price and high rent? You and I. sorry i don't feel any remorse for the union apologists here. You are running up the cost of goods and services and we are paying for it.

Anonymous said...

Nothing for nothing but wether it is built union or non-union, the cost is still the same. The only difference is the worker who is union gets paid more than the non-union worker because the non-union developer pockets the money. I know this for a fact because when I was working at a school, the F.B.I. confiscated the files on the Polish brick layers. They were'nt being paid prevailing wage and alot of the Polish workers were undocumented. The S.C.A. was paying the Polish brick layers boss the money but the workers were'nt getting it So where do you say the unions cost more to build? The price is still the same to build. But when you come down to it, the skilled worker does it once while the non-union has to do it over and over and it ends up costing more.

Joe Hill said...

Unions strengthened in part because of the horrific Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire on "March 25, 1911, in which 146 shirt makers (most of them young immigrant women) either died in the fire that broke out on the eighth floor of the factory or jumped to their deaths. Many of these workers were unable to escape because the doors on their floors had been locked to prevent them from stealing or taking unauthorized breaks. More than 100,000 people participated in the funeral march for the victims.

Don't like unions - don't f*ck with people - that simple.

Queens Crapper said...

Yes, because my mother, who was trying to raise 2 kids herself, fucked with people by going to work.

Anonymous said...

Well all I can say is that this union worker is not only gonna sell my house to some scum so they can destroy your neighborhood. And not only that, but by the way this city and counrty is being run by illegals, I just might move to Amsterdam. = )

Pete said...

By your mother crossing the line and being a scab, the union member is out of work extra time and can't feed his or her family. So yeah, she messed with other people going to work. It goes both ways, and is not as black and white as you make it.

Queens Crapper said...

"By your mother crossing the line and being a scab, the union member is out of work extra time and can't feed his or her family."

See, that's the problem with you union morons. All you care about is your own selfish selves. My mother's decision to go to work helped hundreds of people. Not only was she able to feed her kids but she helped many sick people heal.

See, there are some professions where striking can have some pretty detrimental consequences on others.

Not only that, but the people who did strike never recouped the money that they lost even after the pathetic raise they got as a result of striking went into effect.

The only ones that really seem to benefit from strikes are union bosses.

Anonymous said...

1199 did so much for their workers when all the hospitals closed. They...they...

oh wait, they didn't do shit.

Anonymous said...

The bosses were at the Obama inauguration while the workers were in the cold rallying to save the hospitals.

Anonymous said...

you know what happens to union shops? 9 times out of 10 the strike goes too long, and their jobs go to china, the executives leave with full wallets, and the workers lose all of their insurance coverage and pensions

Anonymous said...

Unions have brainwashed their workers into believing that refusing to work somehow benefits them. It never does. However, the dopes at the TWU would shut down the system in a heartbeat again if Roger Toussaint told them to, just so they can get nothing again.

Anonymous said...

to the azzhole that said the jobs to China when the strike goes on too long - you're not playing with a full deck are ya'?

That's one of the stupidiest things I think I ever read.

NAME ONE company that went to China (or any other country) because the strike went on too long . . . . take your time . . . . you can also use google search engine . . . .

Anonymous said...

Get a job a Wal mart and then see if you'd rather be in a union.

Queens Crapper said...

Don't have to. I decided to educate myself. No need for unions. More take home pay for me. Yay!

Anonymous said...

what IF the ONLY jobs in your area AND your surrounding areas were in WALMART? What would you do? You would HAVE to work for WALMART or move elsewhere wouldn't you? Your college education - useless in a place like WALMART.

Some areas in the country are faced with that bleak a future.

Anonymous said...

oh I forgot to mention your health insurance - you wouldn't have any.

Queens Crapper said...

"What if..."

Dumb argument. I don't live in an area where there is only a Walmart to work at.

Anonymous said...

BUT you DO live in an area where there is one job for every 300 people. . . .

Queens Crapper said...

I live in an area where there is one job for every 300 people? I'm going to have to think about that for a long, long time. Because I live in a household where 2 people have 3 jobs.

Anonymous said...

wow... post a picture of IRON workers trying make a point that CHASE bank uses UNION workers and all hell breaks out!

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