Thursday, November 5, 2009

A visit to Houdini's grave


georgetheatheist said...

Now here's something eerie that Martens and Gypsy Joe missed.

What is the significance of the house-like monument on the rise behind the semi-circular stone with the weeping woman? (Seen at 0:34-0:38 & 1:15-1:26)

I know kiddies. Do you? If no one guesses, I'll post the answer here tomorrow. You've got 24 hrs.

georgetheatheist said...

The time is 1:38AM, Nov. 5. Go.

Anonymous said...

I deeply admire Houdini. He supported his entire family. Got his brother started as a successful magician also. Was a good son.

But best of all, Houdini used his great skill as an illusionist to entertain, not defraud.

He spent his lifetime unmasking charlatans and some theorize that an attack from a group that he unmasked was directly related to his death.

What a shame we are governed by crooks now. We need another Houdini to help us look behind the masks and mirrors.

Anonymous said...

Wow I din't know that about his wife..

georgetheatheist said...

10:10AM. Over eight hours have passed and none of you know?

Mmmm, I thought you were all so Queens-savvy.

What do you win? The title of [real] "King of Queens".

3.5 hours to the half-way mark.

georgetheatheist said...

Or "Queen of Queens". Me bad.

Who? Deenee said...

OK, George. So what is the significance of the Levine mausoleum? I was hoping that the answer would magically appear because I have no patience (or virtue if you believe that old saying)!

georgetheatheist said...

Go back to the end of the line. It's not the Levine mausoleum. Not even close. Definitely no seegar.


georgetheatheist said...

3:36pm. Past the halfway.

I can't believe this. No one?

I'm spiffing and buffing the "King/Queen of Queens Crown" right now. It is a wonder to behold and will certainly be quite becoming on the head of the winner.

Anonymous said...

I'm spiffing and buffing the "King/Queen of Queens Crown" right now.

Hey! No "polish" jokes. Ya gotta watch what you say around here or you'll be called politically incorrect, George.

Anonymous said...

Cemetaries are 'soft locations' that the landmarks is telling city planning is ok to develop but be careful.

That is the attention they pay to 90% of the city.

The remaining 10% where the white folks live (and landlords, developers, financiers, and lawyers that protect DOB) they expand the districts so their back windows are protected.

The rest of you suckers who foot the bill can just hang hoping the preservation community (and your local elected official) will come riding to your rescue.


Anonymous said...

Come on George....give us the answer.......

georgetheatheist said...

I will indeed. And when I do it will make the hair stand up on your neck. That's how strange, eerie, and mysterious the matter is.

I can't believe you Queens "erudites" are faltering during this the last of your allotted time: 9:58PM - just 4 more hours left.


A. Corpse said...

I'm dying to know...

Red Skeleton said...

A. Corpse said...
I'm dying to know...

Make no bones about it!

Starchie Bunker said...

I hope George doesn't "stiff" us!

Ican Diggit said...

Starchie Bunker said...
I hope George doesn't "stiff" us!

If he does, he will have grave consequences.

georgetheatheist said...

You've got a half-hour. 1:09AM

gov. arnold schwarzenegger said...

Is it a tumor?

Anonymous said...

gov. arnold schwarzenegger said...
Is it a tumor?

Only if you join the foreign lesion!

georgetheatheist said...

The answer which you have all been waiting for.

Houdini was born in Hungary, but grew up as a child in Appleton, Wisconsin. He told people, however, that he was born in Appleton.

If you look at the monument on the rise, behind his grave site, the inscription reads Appleton.

Now you can all go to bed.

Anonymous said...

Beatrice (Bess)Houdini is buried in
Gate of Heaven Cemetery in Westchester County, NY.

Gary the Agnostic said...

Geez. And here I am thinking that it said "Colonel Mustard in the library with a pistol".

georgetheatheist said...

Actually the "Who Deennee" commentator above was poking around the solution. The name Appleton is inscribed above the name Levine. "Appleton" is a Jewish name? Isn't it strange that this inscription is precisely behind and above the Houdini monument? Who was "Appleton"?

Also what is the significance of the statue of the Weeping Woman on the grave site? I've never seen such a phenomenon before in a Jewish cemetery.

Who? Deenee said...

Actually the "Who Deennee" commentator above was poking around the solution.

In the words of Maxwell Smart...
Missed it by that much!

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