Monday, November 2, 2009

Trib quotes mob boss in editorial headline

I'm glad the Trib has finally slipped and revealed one of the Queens Machine's victory tactics.

“Vote early and vote often.” - Al Capone


Anonymous said...

Take the key and lock him up
Lock him up
Lock him up

Take the key and lock him up
No more Tribune!!!

But where will I go to find whores then? I guess I could always go to Asia. Right, Nussy?

Anonymous said...

Nothing like a little irony. It reminds me of the time when I worked for Citibank, and they toasted one of their executives with the famous Chinese curse, "May you Live in Interesting Times," but misunderstood it to be a blessing.

I suppose they know now why that is a curse. It's a shame so many people are poorly educated in history.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Trib has no credibility in its endorsements.

Anonymous said...


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