Monday, November 2, 2009

Subway flooding on the N line in Brooklyn

From Interactive Journalism:

The Daily News reported last year, that the New Utrecht Ave. station was among the 19 stops where renovations have been deferred due to a rise in construction costs.

“On New Utrecht Ave., below the elevated D line – where 10 stations are on the list of postponed renovations – there were similar fears. Earlier this year, big chunks of wood fell from the track. Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D-Borough Park) said he was creating a profile of every borough subway station, highlighting problem areas. “It doesn’t take millions to keep people out of dangerous situations,” Hikind said.”

Getting the main entrance to be waterproof can be a good place to start.

1 comment:

panzer65 said...

"Postponed Renovations?..Has anyone seen the condition of the J line? it looks like a rusting ship.

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