Sunday, November 1, 2009

Ridgewood bum is a real pisser

From the Daily News:

A boozed-up homeless man has been the bane of a Queens neighborhood, urinating and defecating in public and exposing himself in front of children, fed up locals said on Wednesday.

No one knows the name of the destitute man who locals said speaks Polish and loiters around Benninger Playground in Ridgewood. Neighbors charge his vulgar behavior is not safe for kids.

"He drinks so much, he doesn't know where he is," said Henry Valdes, 48. "He'll just stand up and pull his pants down."

Valdes, who has a 10-year-old daughter, said he has made several calls about the obscene behavior to community leaders.

But unless the man is caught in the act, he cannot be arrested, officials said.

The vagrant has also caused problems for city parks workers, who said every morning they have to clean up a corner of the playground he uses as a toilet, and sometimes sanitize the excrement-covered benches.

It doesn't sound like it would take much effort to "catch him in the act".


Anonymous said...

This is a very sad, disturbed man. Why can't the city help this guy?

Taxpayer said...

"But unless the man is caught in the act, he cannot be arrested, officials said."

The vagrant has also caused problems for city parks workers, who said every morning they have to clean up a corner of the playground he uses as a toilet, and sometimes sanitize the excrement-covered benches.

It doesn't sound like it would take much effort to "catch him in the act".

- - -

These "officials" never heard of DNA? No need to catch him "in the act".

As for city parks workers being instructed to clean his toilet bowl, are they not members of a union? They never heard of going on strike? What the hell does that union do for the workers? Spend the workers' dues on assisting the Commissar violate the law by stealing a third term?

And, the parks workers need to instruct their managers to demonstrate how to clean this creep's toilet. It is not part of their job description to handle hazardous material. Let the waste accumulate. Then invite the Commissar to clean it up. He authorized it. He's ordering them to handle the hazardous waste.

Anonymous said...

because 1. the city doesn't want to.
2. Bloomberg wants to kill off homeless people.

Mayor Bloomturd said...

Urine the money...

Anonymous said...

The city doesn't want to "catch him in the act" because then they would have to provide thousands of dollars of shelter, medical and food assistance.

This way they hope he quietly dies in the street with winter drawing near.

Anonymous said...

A former 112 Precinct Captain, who shall go nameless, specializes in stopping this type of behavior, although he was sued several times and beat up. Look him up.

Anonymous said...

Anyone else would be arrested and in this case sent to a looney hospital.

Anonymous said...

Call the appropriate patrol boro (patrol boro queens north) and ask for the community affairs lieutenant.He can send the useless cops in the light blue jackets to take care of this problem.

Anonymous said...

I know this guy. He is a illegal alien from Poland. He should be deported.

-Joe said...

Benninger Playground ?
I grew up in Ridgewood never heard of it.
Madison Park perhaps ?

In the old days this fine "import" or any A-holes wouldnt last 2 days in Madison Park.

"What the hell does that union do for the workers? Spend the workers' dues on assisting the Commissar"
You got that right Taxpayer, it was once called orginized crime

Anonymous said...

today on the subway, I lost count of the people I've seen sleeping on the platforms sitting up. one person in a fetal position w/ a winter coat on, sleeping at the base of the stairs. And it is getting cold.

this is the richest city in the world. It breaks my heart to see homeless people. that could be me.

Queens Crapper said...

You will always see this kind of thing because the courts have ruled that the mentally ill have a right to sleep in public if they choose to.

Anonymous said...

Maspeth mom says...

What about the rights of children who want to play in the park and not be exposed to this sort of filth. I had this diry bums 4 friends outside my house the other night. Drinking and pissing all over the place. GO BACK TO POLAND!! I am so SICK SICK SICK OF this Crap from Europe.

Anonymous said...

Now we have Euroshit coming across the borders hordes straight to Queen's ?

Queens is finished, 90% of all those new peoples kids will be on food stamps in the next 10 years.
Whoever owns a house with unused space will be forced to take them in.

I see the mayors plan now.
This scumbag has been running the city like a corperation from day one.
He wants Queens to become a slum of slave barricks like they did in England around the Steel factorys.
Perhaps in this situation the slaves will be just numbers to get more $$ from the Federal goverment.

I see NOPLACE left to build factories or labor camps perhaps I'm missing something ?

Anonymous said...

What about the rights of children who want to play in the park and not be exposed to this sort of filth.
Have you not yet realized that you and your kids no longer matter? We are now second class citizens in our own city.

Cherokeesista said...

I don't care what his issues are if some freak exposed himself to my child he better not fall asleep!! HE'D LOSE SOMETHING!!!

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