Thursday, November 5, 2009

Reyna wins, party boss loses in the 34th Council District

From the Village Voice:

"How can you explain being the party boss, the chair of the democratic party, and not supporting the democrat in this election?" said Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez as she stumped for Reyna in the 34th. "That's outrageous"...

Velazquez called [Vito] Lopez a "bully" whom she'd been "standing up to" for years, " and attributed his lack of support for Reyna to his need to control money, politics and power.

Reyna started in politics by working for Lopez. Eventually she became his chief of staff. And in her first two, successful city council campaigns, she had Lopez's support.

But then, earlier this year, Reyna set herself against Lopez by coming out against the controversial rezoning of the Broadway Triangle, a project Lopez wanted passed in the city council. Velazquez said that's when Reyna "became her own person."

In September, Lopez held a large rally where he introduced Davila as a candidate for the 34th district and described her as a "team player".


Anonymous said...

I voted for Diana. Glad I did. And after reading this, I think I'm becoming a fan of Nydia.

Anonymous said...

Nydia: Vito realized Diana was her own person when she didn't back his candidate for judge in 2005. He was with Richard Velasquez and Diana was with Marty Needleman. As the years have passed, she has just grown stronger.

Anonymous said...

Good for her.

Anonymous said...

Luscious lips........

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