Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Peter Koo victorious in the 20th Council District

With 100% precincts reporting: Peter Koo 50%, Yen Chou 45%, SJ Jung 4%, Evergreen Chou 2%


Anonymous said...

I hope that Peter Koo won't be tweeded. Peter, if you are reading this, please do better than John Liu...although Liu set the bar pretty low.

Anonymous said...

Liu received the most votes of anyone in the City. He had 686,000 votes, which is even more than Bloomberg's 549,000 and DeBlasio's 663,000.

If he's setting a low bar, I wonder what a high bar would be?

Queens Crapper said...

Liu set the bar low for his horrible representation of his council district. The only reason his numbers tonight were high were because Asians wanted to vote for him for being born Asian. His record didn't matter to them.

Anonymous said...

"If he's setting a low bar, I wonder what a high bar would be?"

Well, troll. I live in the 20th district and having Liu gone is a victory for our community and a loss for the city. Haven't you read any of the previous posts about this man? Why don't you educate yourself before making a wiseass comment.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Koo. His victory shows that Flushing is more than an Asian district. It has its blacks, Latinos, Jews, etc.

People of every background vote, and I'm sure Isaac Sasson's endorsement couldn't hurt, either.

Anonymous said...

No way there are 700,000 Asian voters in the City. Liu had the support of NYers from all races and classes. Just maybe not the support of the spin doctors who read this blog.

Also anon 3, I live in Flushing and think Liu has been a great Council Member. If you have to resort to name calling, it just shows your argument has zero substance. People always pound the table when they are wrong.

Anonymous said...

If you have to resort to name calling, it just shows your argument has zero substance. People always pound the table when they are wrong.

I guess we should rewrite history and make believe that John Liu's father didn't engage in bank fraud. I guess we should look the other way when areas of this district have gone from low impact to high impact residential overdevelopment. You may live in Flushing but it would be hard to see all of the negative overdevelopment when you have your head up your ass!

Anonymous said...

Still don't understand the Liu's dad did a bad thing, so the son is guilty also argument, but then again reason has never been a strong point of many of the posters here.

Also development in Liu's district is at the same level as development all over the city -- even in your hero Avella's district, there are McMansions going up everywhere. But it is fun to argue guilt by association and use selctive facts when you have nothing else.

Mike said...

Liu was a horrible councilman, did nothing to help Flushing (unless you were asain of course) and helped destroy its character (if you can even say it had any left). In four years I'm sure he'll fun for mayor.

But this isn't about Liu.. it's about Koo.. a great victory for Council District 20. I've met both Liu and Koo (hey they rhymes) and Koo is much more down to earth and human than Liu who thinks he is above everyone. I hope he moves out of Flushing.. I'm tired of seeing him in the Pathmark shopping center all the time trying to act like hes down with the blue collar people of Flushing.

Anonymous said...

Also development in Liu's district is at the same level as development all over the city -- even in your hero Avella's district, there are McMansions going up everywhere. But it is fun to argue guilt by association and use selctive facts when you have nothing else.

Are you shitting me? When was the last time you opened your eyes and looked around the 20th council district? Liu has learned a lot from his dad and cousin Tommy Huang but more obviously was his grooming by the Queens machine to do their bidding. If you think he is a saint, you are sadly mistaken. Many of the posters here have direct knowledge about Liu's misdeeds but if you think that you can post your lies and inuendos to a blog that has been created to combat the type of overdevelopment that John Liu allowed, you are in the wrong ballpark.

Anonymous said...

"Many of the posters here have direct knowledge about Liu's misdeeds but if you think that you can post your lies and inuendos to a blog that has been created to combat the type of overdevelopment that John Liu allowed, you are in the wrong ballpark."

OK sure. All the patients in the asylum also think they are right and everyone else is wrong.

Anonymous said...

OK sure. All the patients in the asylum also think they are right and everyone else is wrong.

Perhaps now is the time that you should cash the reality check that you have been avoiding all of your life.

Anonymous said...

This is quite a KOO! Congratulations, Peter!

Anonymous said...

Even the usually pro-Democrat Trib endorsed Koo.

Unknown said...

The better person won!!! Congratulations Peter!!

Anonymous said...

Even the usually pro-Democrat Trib endorsed Koo.

True but bear in mind that Koo's campaign used Multi-Media Advertising, a division of the Queens Tribune. Of course, Skenkler said that he keeps the 2 separate, right?

Anonymous said...

"bear in mind that Koo's campaign used Multi-Media Advertising, a division of the Queens Tribune"

According to Schenkler's column defending his endorsement of Kim and attack on Halloran:

"During this election, our affiliate has provided a variety of services to nine different council candidates in Queens. Three of them were only minor print jobs to date. Of the nine, it appears only two -- one minor customer and one significant customer -- will receive this newspaper’s endorsement."

Either Koo was a minor customer, or he became the 3rd candidate to receive the endorsement, because Kim must have been the "significant customer."

Anonymous said...

The Queens Tribune = Advocacy journalism at it's finest or worse, depending on your point of view. It is NOT acceptable to have a point view in articles that appear in newspapers without a qualifying statement indicating that it is an editorial or written from a specific point of view. Whatever happened to objective journalism:


The press was very instrumental in informing citizens of issues when this country was being formed. However, when publishers such as Schenkler abuse their power in order to advocate issues and political candidates in the guise of objectivity, the public and the democratic process are screwed!

Fair and Balanced said...

On the other hand:


Anonymous said...

the vigilant Korean/Chinese American voters of dist.20 have spoken. they are aware as to who the communist sympathizer candidates were.rejection was
noted by my generation.

thank you dist.20 voters ,for honoring the lives of the 37,000 American heros ,who kept your ancestors free.

Korean War Vet,1953,U.S.Navy

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