Monday, November 2, 2009

Ognibene tries deception (with Gallagher's help)

Got a robocall tonight. A young male voice said that they were representing the Gay and Lesbian Coalition and urging me to vote for Liz Crowley because she is the only candidate in the 30th district council race that is 100% for gay marriage.

TRUTH: There is no Gay and Lesbian Coalition.

TRUTH: There is another robocall going out saying not to vote for Bloomberg and that Crowley is pro-gay marriage.

TRUTH: These calls came courtesy of the Ognibene campaign in an effort to score points with older voters.

TRUTH: Crowley is for civil unions, but not gay marriage.

TRUTH: Dennis Gallagher is working on Ognibene's campaign and his fingerprints are all over this. His blog is also encouraging violence against Crowley.

God help Council District 30!


Anonymous said...

Let's not forget about Ognibene and Pinky's Internet pornography business formerly located on the fourth-floor of Christ the King Regional High School where the nuns used to live. One nun still works there.

linda said...

got that call tonight and saved it. wtf are they trying to pull and if i was liz i would be going after them for this one. hey i don't give a flying fxxk what or who wants to marry, but to call my house trying to push my vote against someone on gay rights is just wrong. I think they should pass a law against all the parties, where they cannot be allowed to waste tax dollars or contributions on mail and phone calls. sick of all the junk recycling mail, phone calls and t.v. ads........ thank god it will be over tomorrow....

Anonymous said...

The call I got said it was "Patrick" calling on behalf of Elizabeth Crowley as the only candidate who supports gay marriage
etc. etc. etc.

Anonymous said...

What so stupid is I was for gay marriage 25 years ago...It is true today as it was then the best cure for Aids is monogamy

Yet no organized religion has the guts to see this as a health issue and not a moral one

Anonymous said...

The worst part of the election process is the nastiness. If Ognibene is behind these calls against Crowley, he's wrong, however, I have received lots of mail making Ognibene a criminal with Crowley making the accusations. They are both wrong. Instead of attacking each other, they should be stating what they are going to do for our community and the people they will represent.

Anonymous said...

Holy shit! Did it just go five comments deep without mentioning Halloran, Kim, Nussbaum, Schenkler, Stavisky and Ackerman? Maybe there is hope for this blog after the election.

Anonymous said...

Get Ognibene elected and get our neighborhoods back on track where the issues are most important to residents - safety, cleaniness,property zoning, civc responsibility and community affairs.

Liz is clueless if not well meaning. Ineffectual government has ruined our well being in a short span of time. We are no longer what we were in Middle Village, Elmhurst & Maspeth. Batten down the hatches as we are embarqing on a severe quality of life down-turn the likes most have never ever seen in their lifetime.

Anonymous said...

Yes, vote for Ognibene since both Bloomberg and Quinn can't stand him and will make sure the district gets nothing.

The decline actually started under Ognibene when they built all those shitty condos along Metro.

Anonymous said...

They've both done their share of dirty politics and are a couple of liars who will do nothing once they are elected.

Anonymous said...

Gallagher used to have hair?

Anonymous said...

Serph Maltese did the same robo calls in the last election re gay marriage. Why do these 2 hypocrites sit on the board of a Catholic school?

Anonymous said...

Maybe Mike Michel. Gallagher isn't talking to Ognibene because of Haggerty. Gallagher got an ailing Ognibene to run for mayor but Serf asked them to wait a year. A year later Serf reluctantly felt honor bound to call a vote, and support Tom. This is the kind of honor Tom knows nothing about in turning Bloomberg against Serf from the other direction, stabbing Serf from both sides. Ragusa won the day because Ognibene and Haggerty distracted Crowley from other wins.

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