Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Eric Ulrich retains 32nd Council District seat

With 100% of precincts reporting, Eric Ulrich 59%, Frank Gulluscio 41%.


Anonymous said...

I don't know what it is, but this kid, I mean man, just looks so smarmy. I'm so proud to have a councilman who's in the Mayor's pocket.

Anonymous said...

what you really mean is "i would be really proud if this councilman was in the pocket of Acorn...working families party,s.e.i.u union,etc.etc.etc.

a real two party system is the safest for society. a free society can diminish out of control corruption.

one party=totalitarianism (marxist/fascist government slavery.)

after last nights freedom of our citizens to choose their reps,.in 2009,many agree with me. a politician can only fake out a free citizenry for a short time.

can ulrich be a slavic name ?although i would never
vote strictly for my ethnic candidate,it is nice to know that he has the will to serve his community.

Anonymous said...

It is what it is. Underneath the smarmy appearance is a Republican ideologue who won with Bloomy's database, bucks, and field op.

Anonymous said...

WTF are you talking about? The voters of this city used their "freedom" to elect a mayor who "faked out a free citizenry" by extending term limits against their will. I guess you voted for Bloomberg because you were afraid Thompson was a Troskyite in blackface.

I would rather have a councilman who represents the interests of unions and the WFP because these are the interests of actual working New Yorkers. Instead, I now have a councilman who owes favors to a billionare mayor and the Catholic Church.

BTW "Ulrich" is a Germanic name, not Slavic, but he somehow claims to be Italian so people in Howard Beach vote for him.

Anonymous said...

"... but he somehow claims to be Italian so people in Howard Beach vote for him."

Another do nothing asshole Gulluscio /Addabbo asswipe. Ulrich should take on Addabbo next year and flush him out too.

Anonymous said...

Good idea: abandon a council seat one year in and guarantee a Democratic pickup.

Anonymous said...

past appointments of bloomberg in n.y.c.government,appear to have been mostly dem/lib.
eg.commissioners at dob,dot,finance,doe,parks etc.etc...he was originally a dem,switched to g.o.p.and returned to dem,and g.o.p. endorsement this election.

the other g.o.p. winners were koo,halloran,ulrich,oddo and asterino (westchester).christie(n.j.),mcdonnell(va.)
accordingly ,these g.o.p. wins show disappointment in
the socialist/marxist policies being forced on citizens ,by the federal government.
local dem. reps.mostly follow the drum beat of their national leadership. they sponsor ACORN,most unions and leftwing groups.
was it not the n.y.c.council,all dem/libs., who voted with bloomberg for erasing term limits ?
how did your former CM vote.did it get any of the money ?would you rather your rep. be beholden to a rev.wright"G-- D---America"??
i bet you left the U.K. to get competent health care.

now let 's keep it a rational ,factual debate??

Anonymous said...

This race in a nutshell:
Dem = bogeyman
Rep = God
The Reps gave the usual wedgies to get the voters' knickers in a twist. Read that choice, gay rights, ACORN, Marxist, -liberal ain't good enough anymore - etc. Pick a card, in this race they all got played. And what will change in the district -not a thing for the good. Taxes and/or fees will go up, albeit with the smarm posturing agin knowing full well they must or services will be cut. Services will be cut after lots of posturing by all that essential services won't but we'll have less cops and closed firehouses. Press release grafitti cleanup will continue and the streets will be dirtier and more clogged with traffic. Schools will stay overcrowded, kids who can't really read will graduate with high test scores. But, as the voters said, he's young, he's a new broom and those bogeymen , well, they're evil.

Anonymous said...

Mentioning Rev. Wright and accusing me of being British is a great way to foster a "rational ,factual debate." (BTW comma, then space).

My former councilman Joe Addabbo (who apparently is a Marxist) voted against overturning term limits. My current councilman, Eric "the Kid" Ulrich was fortunate enough not to have been in power when the council voted for the measure. I can only wonder how someone who took millions of dollars from Bloomberg would have voted if he had been there.

Anonymous said...

Joe Addabbo has done nothing in the year since he won the Senate Election. What a loss for the area's that are served by this Senate seat. Can someone call Maltese and get him back involved.

Anonymous said...

RE:...BTW,space.....the words,smarmy,knickers, according to funk & wagnalls, are british(informal).

the british invented RADAR. the words, Bogey,bogie are terms used by radar operators when "unidentified aircraft" appear on the radar scope.

i was a U.S.Navy, radar operator ,during the Korean War,in 1953.
the british military fought heroically,to stop the N.korean /chinese ,communists from enslaving the S.Koreans. 37,000 American men ,of my generation, did not return to enjoy a free America.

the rev.wright comment was in response to the comment about the Catholic Church,by WTF.

explain BTF?? i am a freshman at this . your generation has to be vigilant.

Anonymous said...

BTW = By the way
WTF = What the fuck

I didn't realize you were a senior citizen. The wonky punctuation makes sense now (as well as why you voted Republican).

Queens Crapper said...

Most people in that district voted Republican because Gulluscio ran a shitty campaign.

Anonymous said...

many younger citizens, who chose to march to the dem/lib/marxist drum ,do wake up eventually. encountering totalitarian invasions of free people can do it.

living under five years of nazi(national dem.socialism)occupation,will do it. as my wife and her family did in Norway, 1940-45.

being forced to move or enroll your children in private school,because the dems.were voting for the force busing of pupils,through the fed. court orders.their child did not take part in the "experiment" in the U.S.A. school districts. eg,j.carter,h.clinton,etc.etc. this will do it.

become a homeowner,pay your mortgage on time ,with the property tax . only to find out that Obama/ACORN had scammed the U.S.A.,along with the fed.finance committee's.freddie mac,fannie mae,etc.etc. this can do it.

reach the senior part of life,having your labor contribute to social security,which funds 80% of medicare costs,buying the remaining 20%. and then
dem.reps.(who will not hold town hall meetings,eg G.ACKERMAN), without reading a 2000 page health bill, are now voting to control our citizens health. our care (my choice) is fine, and does need to be tainted by government.this can do it.

BTW ,i vote in bayside. i see that your district also
can vote correctly, with knowledge of the facts.

Anonymous said...

It's really sad that you think Obama is a Marxist/fascist.

First of all, pick one of the two (there are differences between them).

Second, what has he done to make the USA a totalitarian state? How many political enemies has he killed? How may media outlets does he own? Don't mention the "war" on Fox News--Stalin would have shot everyone there, not boycotted them. Is private property illegal under Obama?

Also, how do Democrats plan to "control our citizens health?" They are preserving the private insurance system, but adding regulations to prevent abuse on the part of the insurer. The public option (which will probably be dropped in the Senate) will only insure about 8 million people (out of 300 million Americans). If you're worried about "death panels," they already exist in this country and have names like Aetna, Cigna, and United Health.

Most importantly, you are a direct beneficiary of Socialism. MEDICARE IS GOVERNMENT CONTROLLED HEALTH CARE. Every time you cash your social security check or go to the doctor, you're a satisfied participant in the very ideology you decry. In the greatest country in the world I don't even have the "luxury" of going to see a doctor because I can't afford private insurance and my employer doesn't provide it.

Lastly, it's particularly sad that you opposed school integration. I went to a public school in lily-white Howard Beach when they began to bus kids in from overcrowded schools in Richmond Hill and Woodhaven. Despite the fears of many parents, my school's academic performance and safety didn't decline. I made a lot of friends who were Indian and Hispanic and I think I'm better person for having been exposed to diversity at a young age.

If I ever find my views turning to the right as I grow older, the only thing I can attribute it to is selfishness. The more wealth one amasses, the more irrationally fearful he is that others will take it away.

Anonymous said...

Gulluscio did run a shitty campaign, but having a cheering section at St. Helen's didn't hurt Ulrich.

Anonymous said...

many younger citizens, who chose to march to the dem/lib/marxist drum ,do wake up eventually. encountering totalitarian invasions of free people ,can do it.

living under five years of nazi (national socialism) occupation,...will do it. as my wife and her family did in Norway, 1940-45.

being forced to move or enroll your children in private school,because the dems.were voting for the force busing of pupils,through the fed. court orders . their children did not take part in the forced integration "experiment" in the U.S.A., school districts. eg. j.carter,b.clinton,etc.etc... this will do it.

become a homeowner,pay your mortgage on time ,with the property tax . only to find out that Obama/ACORN had scammed the U.S.A.,along with the fed.finance committee's, freddie mac,fannie mae,etc.etc.... this can do it.

reach the senior part of life,having your labor contribute to social security,which funds 80% of medicare costs. buy the remaining 20%. and then
dem.reps. like G.ACKERMAN (who will not hold town hall meetings), are now voting to control our citizens health.they will not even read the 2000 page bill ? our health care (my choice) is fine, and does not need to be tainted by government....this can do it.

BTW ,i vote in bayside. i see that your district also
can vote wisely.

Anonymous said...

my comments were in response to why i voted for the g.o.p. candidates.

if you read a world history book you will learn that germany and the u.s.s.r. (now russia),signed a pact, to invade and divide europe. hitler broke the pact by invading the u.s.s.r.

totalitarian conflicts of my era ,were the n.korean/chinese communist invading s.korea,in 1950-53. i am a korean war vet.

the marxist,castro invasion of the island of cuba,in 1959. i was there in havana in 1955-56.

my only statement concerning Obama ,was his work with ACORN . i believe congress has denied any more fed.funds to ACORN,and it is being investigated for wrong doing,at this time.

some think that the "state media ",is now n.b.c.,a.b.c.,c.b.s.,n.p.r.and conducts themselves similar to "pravda"

you forgot the key word "forced" in your interpreting of the school integration comment.
The U.S.Supreme Court ,in 2009, ruled force busing a pupil because of the color of their skin is unconstitutional. there has never been forced busing for integration, in the n.y.c. school district. only voluntary racial busing.

as we communicate, there is a" eminent domain" conflict at Willets Point,near Citifield.ask these property owners whether their land is being stolen by the government ?new london,ct.was also a victim.

the health bill states that it will cut $500 Billion in coverage from Medicare. are not senior citizens affected ? they do not have income when retired. where do they get this money to pay for care,that has been denied by the bill ? where does the money come from to pay for the additional 12 million,30 million,47million (pick one),persons ? many of my relatives,neighbors ,son's and daughter"s ,were earning six figure incomes. they are now unemployed 1-2 years. where does the tax revenue come from, to pay for this bill? doctors will be penalized by the medical czar,if they do not follow scores of government guidelines.
the unemployment rate in 1977 was 11%,it is now 10.2% and rising. don't you think it is time for the fed.gov. to stop the wasteful spending ? cutting taxes worked for R.Reagan,after he beat J Carter in 49 states.

i am a n.y.c. school graduate,(manhattan).we jocks ,spanish,black ,white and asian had respect for each other in 1948-52. the racialists tried to destroy that.

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