Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dan Halloran is District 19's new Council Member

Dan Halloran 53%, Kevin Kim 47% with 100% of precincts reporting. Congratulations!


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Dan!!!

Anonymous said...

I was nervous for a while, but this will make Bloomberg easier to swallow.

Dan - don't forget you're mission!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Kim really shot himself in the foot with that Trib stunt. Good for Dan

Alan Gross said...

Mazel Tov! Oops. Didn't mean to get all religious or anything. Right, Schenkler?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Halloran! From Avella to Halloran, the district's reputation of electing mavericks who vote their conscience is ensured.

Anonymous said...


This article mistakenly says Kevin Kim voted twice:


If only they knew!

Anonymous said...

Hopefully, Halloran will be a gentleman, and respond to The Trib's future interview requests, but only after The Trib apologizes.

georgetheatheist said...


Happy days are here again.
The skies above are clear again.
So let's sing a song of cheer again.
Happy days are here again.

And now for our daily Latin lesson:

Amo, amas, amat, amamus, amatis, amant.

Schenkler, Schankler, Schunkler
Skenkler, Skankler, Skunkler

Mike said...

Congrats Dan!

A great victory for District 19

Anonymous said...

Only a total loser who even post Tony Avella for Congress when this man barely received 20% in the primary.

Jerkoff much? Considering the fact that Tony had a limited budget and limited city-wide recognition, was given very little attention by the press, and had to fight a strong machine candidate, I thought that he had a good showing for a first attempt at city-wide office. Tony Avella has a lot of respect in the 19th council district and the 20th district as well. I guess that you must be an Ackerman/Skenkler troll who is scared that Tony could actually defeat Ackerman and his hidden agendas and potential Asian money laundering. People are fed up with abusive behavior and over the next few weeks, I expect that the Tribune's insulting front page cover labeling Dan Halloran as a "pagan lord" will come back and bite Ackerman right in the butt. I wonder how that long-time friendship is going because of this development. Hmmmm............

So long, sucker!

Anonymous said...

tony avella is easily the most reviled scum in city council. you can look for weeks and you won't find a single person who will call him a friend.

And that's a bad thing? Considering how those thieving bastards allowed Bloomtard to gain a 3rd term even though there were 2 referenda approving term limits, who needs "friends" like that? Tony was one of the only councilman who stood up for the people of this city and that is the person who I want representing me in a city, state, or federal position. Hey Evan, does your mommy Moby know that you are staying up late playing with the Queens Crap bloggers?

Anonymous said...

I think the troll is the same jerk that thought that Kevin Kim would be representing the 19th district at this time. HA!

Anonymous said...

I have nothing to do with Kevin Kim, idiot. You were the fool that posted that Avella would do better when he couldn't even gather more than 69,000 votes. WTH? Avella barely recieved 20% of the votes in the primary. No one likes him in the city council. He didn't even received matching funds. Anyhow, you are an idiot and probably didn't even vote so I wont' waste my time on you anymore.

Anonymous said...

Anyhow, you are an idiot and probably didn't even vote so I wont' waste my time on you anymore.

Too bad. You're unintelligent rants and unintelligible and illogical comments are entertaining us. Anyone can throw numbers around but Tony represented the 19th district well and prevented a lot of negative development to occur and that is a truth you can take to the bank!

Anonymous said...

Tony Avella for Governor!

Anonymous said...

"Tony Avella for Congress???// We don't want him since he throws people under the bus. We don't want tony avella."

I have a sneaking suspicion that you have a hidden agenda for keeping the status quo:


Anonymous said...

i read Fr.Brosnan's letter to his parishners.they should demand his resignation immediately. he is being used by his radical clergy fellow travelers.could dan berrigan be his real mentor? who invited Fr.dan to speak at sacred heart parish,a few months ago?

are the pupils being marxist indoctrinated?

Anonymous said...

I am wondering how much influence the Queens Crap site had in affecting the outcome?

Anonymous said...

"I am wondering how much influence the Queens Crap site had in affecting the outcome?"

It was the Kim/Sacred Heart mail fraud that sealed the deal for me. Congratulations to Dan. Maybe a public swearing-in ceremony and party?

Anonymous said...

It was the Kim/Sacred Heart mail fraud that sealed the deal for me.

Another Queens Crap scoop!

Anonymous said...

Tony Avella is done.

Anonymous said...

this is great news. glad to see the voters recognized the kim campaign for what it was. hopefully that's the last we hear of him. Good luck Dan.

Anonymous said...

Tony Avella is done.

And Kevin Kim is the new city councilman!

Anonymous said...

And his wife looks pretty cute, too! Queens Courier article on the victory.

Anonymous said...

Tony Avella is done.

And Kevin Kim is the new city councilman!

Nope.. but Tony will never hold office again. He blew it...

Anonymous said...

Nope.. but Tony will never hold office again.

Sez you. I didn't know that Nostradamus is now a Queens Crap blogger!

Anonymous said...

"Nope.. but Tony will never hold office again. He blew it..."

Personally, I think he was ideally suited for Public Advocate and don't think he should have run for Mayor. He likely alienated much of the Democratic Machine by challenging Thompson, by not endorsing Kim, and by opposing Quinn at every opportunity (including fighting the repeal of term limits). Tony would likely have to run for office as an Independent.

Bill said...

Personally, I think he was ideally suited for Public Advocate and don't think he should have run for Mayor.


Anonymous said...

Tony would have also been a much better Borough President than the do-nothing Helen Marshall. He ran for the wrong office.

Anony2 said...

Whew! TG Dan won!

Thankfully I can throw out my

Chris said...

id take Tony avella should run INDEPENDENT against gary ackerman!!!

Anonymous said...

Let's have a contest: What will be the headline of the Queens Tribune story about Dan Halloran's victory (and/or Kevin Kim's defeat)?

Anonymous said...

Let's have a contest: What will be the headline of the Queens Tribune story about Dan Halloran's victory (and/or Kevin Kim's defeat)?

Dan Halloran Republican Victor


Kevin Kim Shaman Loser!

Anonymous said...

Halloran Defeats Kim In Hot Race

PizzaBagel said...

Halleluia! In spite of the disappointing Bloomturd squeaker of a win, the Halloran victory shows that we're not living in Bizarro World after all.

Anonymous said...

kim vs.weprin ,for dem. primary, in next n.y.s.senate
race.tribune is neutral!!!!!!

Bloomberg's annoyed neighbor Lino said...

Folks, let me point you to this data on Bayside:


Take a look at the age median: 47.68

Then look at the racial comp:

RaceWhite 73.2%
Black 2.9%
Asian/Pacfic Islander 20.8% (NYT misspelled Pacific)
Other 3.0%

Bayside is one of the whitest sections of Queens..it also has one-of, if not the oldest age medians in the borough.

Against these realities, the fact that a flawed candidate such as Kim lost by only --6 points-- is indicative of the future.

N.E. Queens is essentially a "last stop" for those, mostly white residents. In the near 12 years that I have had business in that area, I have seen it's face change.

The changes are more gradual than places such a Astoria, but the same effect has been occurring; white population getting older, leaving and their replacements are mostly in the case of Bayside, Asian.

Halloran is likely the last of the beef eatin-football types..and most certainly last republican to hold office there.

Anonymous said...

Except that District 20 which is more Asian, just elected a Republican.

Lino said...

" Anonymous said...
Except that District 20 which is more Asian, just elected a Republican.'

Anomalous situation. The Dem's didn't really back "their" man and, as a result Koo's money and backing won the day.

Now, if the Rep had been a roundeye.....

Anonymous said...

Asians generally don't care about party affiliation.

Anonymous said...

I think Ruffles and Skankler will try to spin their "story" to imply that Halloran somehow stole the election rather than winning it:

"Heathen Halloran Helps Himself to Kim's Seat"

Anonymous said...

This election was a lose lose for queens. I'm glad Halloran won because i personally despise Kevin Kim. That being said Halloran has no clue what he is getting himself into. Until the people in the 19th district start to care and elect someone who can make a difference, nothing will change there. Congratulations northeast queens on at least 4 years of accomplishing nothing. And on another note: Ackerman needs to go.

Anonymous said...

"Congratulations northeast queens on at least 4 years of accomplishing nothing."

Another Nostradamus making predictions. I guess you win the lottery every week, too. Let's give Halloran a chance and at least wait until he's sworn into office...

Anonymous said...

TONY AVELLA for Congress what a great thought. We do not need billionaires to buy elections let's have someone represent the people!

Anonymous said...

Well, the Tribune has finally covered the victory: Three Boro Council Seats Go To GOP. In it, Ruffles refers to Halloran as "a Pagan ex-cop and attorney from Whitestone," although he does include quotes from Halloran saying that there was too much focus on his faith during the campaign -- Ruffles just doesn't mention which newspaper was the one obsessed with it.

Anonymous said...

Just curious, who's Ruffles?

Anonymous said...

"Just curious, who's Ruffles?"

Rafferty of the Queens Tribune, who did the original hit job on Halloran.

georgetheatheist said...

"Ruffles" is Brian Rafferty, the editor of the Queens Tribune and the writer of the Pagan articles on Halloran. Gabeesh?

Bayside Boy said...

"i read Fr.Brosnan's letter to his parishners.they should demand his resignation immediately. he is being used by his radical clergy fellow travelers.could dan berrigan be his real mentor? who invited Fr.dan to speak at sacred heart parish,a few months ago?

are the pupils being marxist indoctrinated?"

Fr. Berrigan, while hardly a rational political mind (the man is an radical pacifist with no regard for conservative political thought), can hardly be accused of playing racist or theocentric politics. The man is a Jesuit priest and is emplyed by Halloran's Alma mater, Fordham University. You're not so subtle implication that Berrigan had trained a parish preist to attack a local Republican is inane, and indicative of a less than developed mind.

Please, put the conspiracy theories aside and lets just see this for what it was, a parish priest unwisely getting involved and a dirty campaign using that to gain an advantage.

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