Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Bloomberg 51%, Thompson 46%

4 more years, folks. $100M spent and he only won by 5 percent. You should have come out in stronger numbers.


Anonymous said...

I don't know how to express my anger and frustration that he got away with this third term b.s.

Anonymous said...

Boss Tweed lives! That's the final nail on the coffin of the common man in NY.

Anonymous said...

Better get the lube out for another 4 years of this turtle faced turd

They said voter turnout was low, so thanks a lot to those bastards who couldn't be bothered to vote. I hope it was worth screwing us (and yourselves) in such an important election.

Anonymous said...

At least it was by only 3 or 4 points. He should be embarassed.

Fadlo said...

What a shame. As it turns out, the Dems would have beaten him this time had they run a credible candidate.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Better get the lube out for another 4 years of this turtle faced turd

at least i can still laugh--
thanks !

Anonymous said...

Tony Avella would have been a better challenge!

Gary the Agnostic said...

If you didn't vote--if you didn't spare a few minutes to meet your responsibilities as a citizen of this city, state, and nation--you have no right to complain about the results of this election.

Possibly a foolish question, but will Bloomberg learn any thing by the closeness of this election, or will he just go on cooking the books and ignoring the needs of middle-class New Yorkers as before?

Queens Crapper said...

I think almost everyone who reads this blog voted today. Will Bloomberg learn? Why should he? He's in charge and now we will see him totally not care about satisfying the electorate, but rather accomplishing his goal to turn this into his version of Utopia.

Adolf Bloomhitler said...

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho
He He He He He He He He He He He

4 more yearz...of me!

Anonymous said...

Bill Thompson was a credible candidate but Bloomberg bought the media. All the media did was covered his staged press releases and give Bloomberg a free pass. Bloomberg spend over 100 million on a negative campaign on thomspon who never had a scandal while in office. Thompson didn't have slush funds or mobsters in his payroll. the issue was that we had democrats who sold out for money and we had people who don't READ or understand the ISSUES. NYC voters are LAZY and IGNORANT

Anonymous said...

Queens Crapper said...
I think almost everyone who reads this blog voted today. Will Bloomberg learn? Why should he? He's in charge and now we will see him totally not care about satisfying the electorate, but rather accomplishing his goal to turn this into his version of Utopia.

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Unfortunately, you are quite correct. That's why I said that it was probably a foolish question. Bloomberg's victory speech is proof of that.

Gary the Agnostic said...

That was me. I clicked the button on the bottom too fast.

Anonymous said...

We are so fucked because of these stupid ignorant voters. Bloomberg didn't spend 100 million to serve us but to serve himself and complete all those shady dealings. We are dead. our last hope is to push our city council members to stand against Quinn and vote for a NEW speaker.

Scott Alderman said...

At least this close result puts the kabosh on a fourth term.

Anonymous said...

Couldnt believe the bought and paid for or whatever the hell it was ethnic collage behind him during his acceptance speech. That rat mayor has the guts to talk about progress and change when there has been none for the better the last eight years?

So folks if you like paying out the a!$@ for everything you buy then you got the right little Wall St thief who will pawn the blame on someone else.

Also this city is horrible to give info to neighborhoods about the proper place to vote and every other detail weeks in advance unless its some stooges just pushing pamphlets for Bloombucks in particular instead of just getting every last person to vote not promoting a candidate. There were no big lines for voting. Thanks corporate press for making aware to those who dont vote often enough the details in their neighborhoods of where to go.

The loser has done nothing for the economy and people still voted for this little lying rat? NYC voters are dumb.
Enjoy uniformed lemmings who went with the man who blames every problem on a
different agency he is suppose to be responsible for.

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg came into office with a net worth of between $4 & 6 Billion Dollars. In 8 years his income grew to be between $16 & 18 Billion Dollars.

During this time, Warren Buffett, the 2nd Richest Man in the USA, the Oracle of Omaha, the CEO of Berkshire Hathway, lost over 10 Billion Dollars.

Hell, Bill Gates lost money too!

Bloomberg LLP, Mayor Bloomberg's private company makes money leasing ticker machines for $3,000 per month to people on wall street. Well with Wall Street collapsing, and almost 200,000 jobs lost, you would think his company (i.e., Bloomberg himself), would be taking major financial hits.

On top of this, Bloomberg LLP (Radio), is loosing money because advertisements have virtually dried up for everyone, yet, Bloomberg bucks the trend? How?

We are in the worst economic crisis in the history of the free market system, and yet Mayor Mike, who takes a $1 a year salary, has quadrupled his personal income.

Wake up New York! He is using his position to make himself even richer, along with his rich developer friends. He has the ultimate insider information.

If anyone needs to be investigated, it is this man. Did you hear me Attorney General for the Southern District? Did you hear me John Crudele of the New York Post!

Anonymous said...

, we need to make sure Quinn is not voted next year as Speaker again. Call your city council member and tell them not to vote for Quinn.

Anonymous said...

The fact that Bloomberg won by only 5% speaks volumes. Had more people voted, Thompson might have won. I always say that you get the government you deserve. To all the people that were too lazy to get out and vote -- Don't complain when your water bill and real estate taxes are raised again. You have no one to blame but yourself.

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg didn't spend 100 million to serve us but to serve himself and complete all those shady dealings.

The man stole term limits from the citizens - don't make it an easy 4 years for him - make sure you are heard!

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg will learn nothing from the closeness of this race; he's too much of an egomaniac. My husband and I better get second jobs so we can afford the property tax and utility rates that loom ahead!

Anonymous said...

GARY said:
If you didn't vote--if you didn't spare a few minutes to meet your responsibilities as a citizen of this city, state, and nation--you have no right to complain about the results of this election.

hahah.. So that means the majority of the US should stop whining how bad the economy is and stop whining about the stupid war in Irag and Afgan because the majority of the citizens voted for George W Bush since year 2000!

But I hear majority of the people in US are whining. Isn't that Irony. So what's the point of voting.

In fact, I know the people who didn't vote are faring much better and buying more investment now than the people who voted. And you're right, they aren't complaining.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Bloomberg. He ran a good campaign and was able to not only capitalize on his track record and capture the imagination of the voting poulation. Maybe we can stop the mudslinging and get behind him as Nyers.

Anonymous said...

A two-term incumbent during a terrible recession running against a Democrat in a heavily Democrat city wins by a significant margin (5 points is significant). Goes to show who has the minority viewpoint on things.

Anonymous said...

That really is a dumb analysis.

Bloomberg is a Democrat and could have had that line if he wanted it.

Anonymous said...

He ran against 2 other Democrats in the past in worse times (once after 9/11) and won with wider margins.

Anonymous said...

So does this mean Bloombucks will spend 200 million four years from now?

Anonymous said...

Ms. Italy, you seem pretty ungrateful given that Bloomberg gave teachers the biggest raises they have ever gotten with hardly any givebacks at all. But with yoru handout attitude, I'm not surprised.

Anonymous said...

"Maybe we can stop the mudslinging and get behind him as Nyers."

Get behind him never I do not like theives, liars and cheats. Leave him behind yes, I wanted to stay in NY just for the election to hopefully kick his azz to the curb, came close, now I can move out of NY with a clear conscience. I will always remember the Late Great NYC.

Anonymous said...

* IT REALLY WAS CLOSE: Bloomberg won by 50,342 votes, out of 1.1 million cast. That averages out to 8.24 people at each of the city's 6,110 election districts. So if you're the biggest Thompson supporter in your ED, just imagine if you could have dragged your nine laziest friends out to vote. And if you're the biggest Bloomberg supporter in your ED, all those handwritten letters to your neighbors and the sign in your window may have really made the difference. Seriou

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/brawlforthehall/2009/11/bloomberg-and-thompson-by-the.html#ixzz0Vtwxjo82

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
"Ms. Italy, you seem pretty ungrateful given that Bloomberg gave teachers the biggest raises they have ever gotten with hardly any givebacks at all. But with yoru handout attitude, I'm not surprised."

You are the biggest idiot EVER and clearly don't know what you're talking about. Do your research.

Oh and don't bother responding with some smartass remarks. I will NOT be answering you. You're a waste of time.

Anonymous said...

They said voter turnout was low, so thanks a lot to those bastards who couldn't be bothered to vote. I hope it was worth screwing us (and yourselves) in such an important election.
It was worth it, I didnt want to miss V on ABC!

Anonymous said...

Get behind him never I do not like theives, liars and cheats. Leave him behind yes, I wanted to stay in NY just for the election to hopefully kick his azz to the curb, came close, now I can move out of NY with a clear conscience. I will always remember the Late Great NYC.


Don't let the door hit you on the way out. NY will be better off without your fairweather types.

Anonymous said...

Thompson was a niche player appealing to blacks still on a Obama high. Thompson did best in the Bronx. Staten Island Manhattan and Queens backed Bloomberg in big numbers. Thank god he lost. He would have sent the city back to the 1970s overnight.

Anonymous said...

Why can't the Dems put through a legit contender?
People seem to think that if Thompson's supporters actually came out and voted he would have won. Ever think that they did? What if all the complacent Bloomberg voters came out also? I think his victory would have been much wider. Everyone thought Bloomberg was a shoe-in, but it didn't turn out exactly so. I'm sure thousands of his supporters said to themselves "why bother voting because he's going to win easily anyway?" Thank God they at least overturned residency requirements last year because now I can live in the burbs in a few days and still be employed by the city!!!

Anonymous said...

Thompson had Fat Al front and center last night. Anyone who has that race baiter by his side doesn't deserve my vote.

I'm glad Bloomberg won.

Mr Bright Side said...

not for nothing but NYC is tougher than any mayor can ever be.
we'll survive. besides, if Thompson was elected, it would only be a matter of time until he started screwing things up too.
It is what it is, sit back, wait it out, take your vitamins, say your prayers and in 4 more years, we'll have some other guy/gal we can collectively hate.
an aside, does anyone know what happened to Wade Nichols? i don't neccesarily like him much but he sort of fell off of the face of the earth

me said...

"It does not matter who votes or what they vote for, all that matters is who counts the votes”

Good ol' Joey Stalin

Words to live by

Anonymous said...

"Thompson had Fat Al front and center last night. Anyone who has that race baiter by his side doesn't deserve my vote.

I'm glad Bloomberg won."

I can't believe I'm saying this, but did you see the blank expression on Sharpton's face? He so didn't want to be there. His "endorsement" and "help" of and to Thompson was as usless as Obama's and Quinn's. You do know he's as much in Bloomie's pokcet as anyone else?

Anonymous said...

I just saw him eating lunch, onions and iceburg lettuce I think, at the Diner on Broad Street between fulton and John street. there is a huge crowd outside taking pictures.

Anonymous said...

I'm moving out...

Anonymous said...

I'm moving out...

Thank you Billy Joel. We'll miss ya.

Anonymous said...

I'm moving out...
sell me your house!

Anonymous said...

Why would someone spend a 100 million for the citizens of new york city??


He did it for him self!
Why is he laying of cops and firemen we kind of need that 100 million
The people of New York are very lazy or possibly stupid
I made my father and brother vote for Bill last night and they never vote

boycott bloomberg!!!

Anonymous said...

Regardless of what Bloomberg has or hasn't done for the city, I find it unbelievable that people were willing to vote for someone who basically crapped all over the concept of democracy.

Government for the people, by the people. When the people say "no" to overturning term limits, you are just a thief to take away the individual's right to have a voice through the voting process.

PizzaBagel said...

If Bloomturd takes this squeaker of a win as a mandate from the people, he is totally delusional. He is the lamest of lame ducks, and I hope that his third term is a living hell for him -- a case of being sorry for what you wish for, because you might get it. Well, you've won, Grinch. May you choke on it royally!

PizzaBagel said...


You do know he's [Sharpton] as much in Bloomie's pokcet as anyone else?

On the mark! Pretty much from Day One of Term One, Bloomie has been kissing Reverend Al's ring, if not his a##. An unholy alliance if ever there was one.

A fitting fate for Bloomturd in the afterlife would have him forced to bear the weight of all the money he spent on this campaign -- in bags of nickels and dimes.

Democratic Lino said...

Well for what it's worth..which is nothing at this point..I voted for Thompson at the same booth as Bloomberg.

Small revenge.

Anonymous said...

lino I hope you purelled right after..

Anonymous said...

"Don't let the door hit you on the way out. NY will be better off without your fairweather types."

Not a fairweather type, my friend i was born and raised here in NY, I've just had enough of working my azz off and giving up just abt 50% of my peanuts back to a greedy City and State. I will however close my door with dignity I mourn for this city.

Anonymous said...

maybe is time to move this 2nd job thing isent paying off

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg got all his endorsements via bribes, kickbacks, and quid pro quo promises.

So called Clergy men & woman from all religions were in his back pocket.

He even hired the best talent the democratic machine had to offer to work his campaign.

All the major newspapers endorsed him because of promises of advertisement dollars.

He could not run on his record because, he failed at everything he tried, except rezoning.

He tried to turn all the east river bridges into toll plazas. Remember congestion pricing.

He tried to build a multi use sports stadium over the rail lines used by the LIRR, and gave the developer incredible incentives. We were supposed to get the New Jersey Giants and New Jersey Jets back to New York. Instead, we still have the ugly rail lines.

He, same as "the One," tried to get the Olympic Committee to select New York City. "O" failed in his Chicago bid, and Bloombitch failed in his New York Bid.

And as far as I can tell, after a solid eight (8) years in office, there is still a phucking HOLE were our cherished World Trade Centers once stood.

He paid off all the charities to endorse him.

He foolishly gave unsustainable raises to every freaking union basically buying their votes, and tying the city's hands financially for years to come.

He gave 8% raises to his own staff, even after the economy was flushed down the toilet.

He gave incredible tax breaks to all those Financial Businesses, some not even in business anymore.

He fudged the school numbers to make it seem like the kids were learning.

He fudged the value of the land around Yankee Stadium to justify spending our $1.5 Billion Tax Dollars. It is not the House that the Boss Built, it is the House the Tax Payers Built, and we can't even afford to attend any games!

He bought the endorsement of the New York Daily News, which for the last few days after the election are going after every democrat for not helping Bill Thompson.

The Daily News endorsed Bloombucks, but they are now blaming everyone else for not supporting Thompson! What nerve of the Daily Snooze!

Bloomberg has no record to stand on when 30,000 homeless wander the streets, when over 700,000 people are unemployed in the City.

The people who were supposed to vote, stayed home, and now we are stuck with this billionaire jackass for the next four years.

The only good thing about this, is, that he will be blamed for the biggest financial mess since BIG MAC had to rescue the city from bankruptcy.

I did not vote for Bloomberg this year, and I did not vote for Obama last year.

My mind is clear, my conscious is clear, the Country is going to hell in a hand basket, and the city is going down the toilet, but through it all, the Yankess win, theeee Yannkeessss winnnnn!

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