Sunday, November 1, 2009

Begging for heat in the Bronx

From the Daily News:

Bronx tenants who haven't had heat or hot water for three months took the dramatic step of hanging giant banners out of their windows this week, begging for relief.

The residents of 2285 Sedgwick Ave. are forced to use crock pots to heat bathing water, shiver beside space heaters and face sky-high electric bills since a July fire knocked out their gas service.

"I don't know if I can keep taking it," said Jonathan Rodriguez, 26, who is wheelchair-bound and needs hours to get ready in the morning because of the lack of heat.

Tenants of the 54-unit building have repeatedly called the city's 311 hotline to report the problem, but gas service cannot be restored until the gas line to the building's boiler and hot water heater is repaired.


Anonymous said...

How do these landlords sleep at night knowing their tenants have no heat/hot water? What a disgrace.

Anonymous said...

have they made claims to the DHCR?
or are they being screwed over by a so called tenant's lawyer?

Miles Mullin said...

How do these landlords sleep at night knowing their tenants have no heat/hot water? What a disgrace.


The live in Landmark Districts, graduated from Pratt, play tennis with their banker who went to NYU Business School in the Village and their wife employs people living here as a nanny without benefits.

We wonder why community preservation and politics are in such a sorry state in this city?

Because our elites hang out in Bermuda and are Bloomberg supporters BTW.

"To whom much is given much is expected"

Anonymous said...

Oh Crappy, how can your post something like this - you are supposed to be racist and all that.

Now you have one upped the preservationists and ethnic advocates.

There you go again - raising the bar in the self-styled 'Media Capital of the World."

Queens Crapper said...

Well it was in the Daily News. Of course, it was in the Bronx section of the Daily News which means the rest of the city can pretend like it's not happening.

Anonymous said...

I, and the tenants in my building had no cooking gas for over two years. Although we had oil heat, half of the time there was no heat in the middle of the winter and city inspectors only promise to come within 72 hours.

I wish I had thought to embarrass these animals as thoroughly as these tenants are doing.

Anonymous said...

The building should be seized by the city if the Landlord can operate it. Once it's seized the city can issue a public bond for 1/2 the value of the building to pay for the proper operation of running a rental building until it is sold for a minimum of the bond's value and the interest based on the length of time the city has held the building. A new owner must purchase an insurance product covering repairs for major building item such as the boilers, plumbing and electricity. The obligation of the landlord should strenghtened so that if the laws are not adhered to - their property will be seized and sold prior to any court proceedings.

Anonymous said...

Well it was in the Daily News. Of course, it was in the Bronx section of the Daily News which means the rest of the city can pretend like it's not happening.


Yes, but did you hear the breathless coverage of the Marathon.

It sounded like a heavyweight match from the 50s.

Oh, is there a mayoral election around the corner?

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