Tuesday, November 3, 2009

30th Council District result

Elizabeth Crowley 59%, Tom Ognibene 41% with 100% precincts reporting


Anonymous said...

KFC guy Tom was just too nasty for me. The fact that he had the rapist Gallagher on his side didn't help me either.

Yes said...

There is a God

Anonymous said...

First I would like to congratulate Elizabeth Crowley for winning the City Council Seat.

The City Council is embroiled in a corruption scandal for hiding money in fake accounts, as well as taking money from the Mayor to get support to overturn term limits.

So I hope and pray that Elizabeth does not associate herself with the wrong people and ruin what could turn out to be a long political career serving NYC.

To address previous negative comments I've read on this site about Elizabeth by anonymous posters. Elizabeth is smart, she is very good looking, and for someone with two children, she has a very nice body.

She would have no problem looking great wearing a bikini at the beach. More than I can say about some of the freaks and geeks that comment on these blogs.

Do these physical attributes make her qualified, or less qualified to do her job, no, but she can use them as part of her arsenal when trying to get legislation enacted.

Being smart is the key here, so the physical attributes, and being strong will only help her be more successful. Also, she has friends and family to lean on for advice.

I stand ready to lend my support to help Elizabeth Crowley be successful in any capacity she sees fit.

How can I help? My office skills include working 9 years as a word processor, and workstation technician, for law firms and banks and another 7 years as a Network Security Engineer (MS & Unix Servers, Cisco Routers, and Switches). Leading teams of engineers (Project Manager).

Additionally, I just spent the last 7 years working as a real estate sales person for the largest brokerage in the city. So I know the real estate industry in Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and The Bronx, and can advise on these issues as well.

My only concern at this time is for my neighborhood. So what is Elizabeth Crowley going to do about the homeless man that is wandering around Ridgewood, and Glendale urinating and defecating in Benninger Park, as well as the vestibules of apartment buildings, and commercial establishments.

More importantly, he has been exposing himself to the children in the park and the 104th is not doing jack-squat about it. There were also two homeless men living in the park for the past two months, but now I hear they are back at the "old Ridgewood Movie Theatre," on Mrytle Avenue, living on Madison Street.

Elizabeth Crowley, you have my contact information from the Rally in the Democratic Club on Putnam, as well as the press conference in Benninger Park on Sex Offenders, and if you can't find it, Cathy Nolan has it.

Contact me to talk, you can buy me a cup of Hazelnut Coffee at Dunkin Donuts. Light and Sweet, Milk and Sugar. Oh, and a Jelly Filled, or Boston Cream Filled...:>)



Anonymous said...

First I would like to congratulate Elizabeth Crowley for winning the City Council Seat.

The City Council is embroiled in a corruption scandal for hiding money in fake accounts, as well as taking money from the Mayor to get support to overturn term limits.

So I hope and pray that Elizabeth does not associate herself with the wrong people and ruin what could turn out to be a long political career serving NYC.

To address previous negative comments I've read on this site about Elizabeth by anonymous posters. Elizabeth is smart, she is very good looking, and for someone with two children, she has a very nice body.

She would have no problem looking great wearing a bikini at the beach. More than I can say about some of the freaks and geeks that comment on these blogs.

Do these physical attributes make her qualified, or less qualified to do her job, no, but she can use them as part of her arsenal when trying to get legislation enacted.

Being smart is the key here, so the physical attributes, and being strong will only help her be more successful. Also, she has friends and family to lean on for advice.

I stand ready to lend my support to help Elizabeth Crowley be successful in any capacity she sees fit.

How can I help? My office skills include working 9 years as a word processor, and workstation technician, for law firms and banks and another 7 years as a Network Security Engineer (MS & Unix Servers, Cisco Routers, and Switches). Leading teams of engineers (Project Manager).

Additionally, I just spent the last 7 years working as a real estate sales person for the largest brokerage in the city. So I know the real estate industry in Queens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, and The Bronx, and can advise on these issues as well.

My only concern at this time is for my neighborhood. So what is Elizabeth Crowley going to do about the homeless man that is wandering around Ridgewood, and Glendale urinating and defecating in Benninger Park, as well as the vestibules of apartment buildings, and commercial establishments.

More importantly, he has been exposing himself to the children in the park and the 104th is not doing jack-squat about it. There were also two homeless men living in the park for the past two months, but now I hear they are back at the "old Ridgewood Movie Theatre," on Mrytle Avenue, living on Madison Street.

Elizabeth Crowley, you have my contact information from the Rally in the Democratic Club on Putnam, as well as the press conference in Benninger Park on Sex Offenders, and if you can't find it, Cathy Nolan has it.

Contact me to talk, you can buy me a cup of Hazelnut Coffee at Dunkin Donuts. Light and Sweet, Milk and Sugar. Oh, and a Jelly Filled, or Boston Cream Filled...:>)



Anonymous said...

I voted for Crowley and I hope she does the right thing and vote for a NEW Speaker and RID us all of Christine Quinn.

Anonymous said...

God help us all! The 30th District is screwed.

Anonymous said...

The only ones who are screwed are the Juniper Park Patriots and a fake democrat named dick.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Dennis, I'll keep you in mind.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth - your in now do the right thing by us. You grew up here, St A's taught you your morals etc. Once again, do the right for your family and neighbors - congratulations.

Anonymous said...

What a joke; no matter who won this election, the district lost. I once had a conversation with Crowley and she's not very bright and certainly doesn't know how to get things done. We're really screwed!

Anonymous said...

There were two bad choices here. I was appalled at Ognibene's mailer where his wife brought up Crowley's brother. Why should she be responsible for her brother's actions? That was low-class by Ognibene, and I was surprised.
The campaign finance violations were valid issues, as were Ognibene's past shady dealings with a building inspector. But her brother?
Crowley is not too smart, but she seems to be trying and working hard.

Anonymous said...

"You grew up here, St A's taught you your morals etc."

Yikes, do you really wanna go there?

Ridgewoodian said...

*Sigh* I suppose she's better than Ognibene, who's scary right-wing, but not MUCH better. But maybe she'll prove herself. Anyway, I wrote in Charles Ober.

Anonymous said...

Isnt this the dope that threw her people under the bus when it came to the new Maspeth School? Voting "no" while setting up that the school gets built anyway?

Or was that a different bucket of scum?

Anonymous said...

But her brother?

ordinarily a valid point, but in this case Liz went to great legnths to extoll positive family attributes, grandfathers were cops, father on the council, cousin a useless congressman etc.. So this is makes the rapist fair game. Not to mention that her obvious and not unfair bias towards her brother may factor in if a vote on sex offenders comes up and then we or our children pay for her brother's mistakes. It's not like he was convicted of stealing candy it was RAPE. By the way he is due out in 2011.

Anonymous said...

Yay crowley!

you republifag fools backing ognibene had no chance, my parents knew that when she got rezoning done in under 4 months she'd have no problem kicking anyone's ass in the elections!

And to address the people who need a lesson in civics, Quinn isn't going anywhere, why would a democrat run against her in the council for speaker? That never happens in any government.

Anonymous said...

You're surprised by Ognibene tactics? He's scum and will always be scum. Who was running his campaign anyway-no-one ever saw him!

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