Tuesday, October 20, 2009

We have no money, so we're buying the High Line

From NY1:

The city is considering taking ownership of the northern portion of the High Line.

Currently, the city already owns the portion south of 30th Street. That part of the elevated rail yard has been transformed into a public park.

The Department of City Planning is now starting the public review process necessary for the city to take ownership of the entire length of the High Line, which extends to the West Side Rail Yards.

Advocacy group Friends of the High Line says the move would guarantee the preservation of the park in the future.

Very interesting. I guess Bloomberg can find money in the city budget when it comes to Manhattan.


Mayor Bloomtard said...

This is giving me wood:

Anonymous said...

You think hospitals, schools, fire houses, housing, etc. is more important.

What is wrong with you people.

Maybe I should promise a chicken in every pot to calm you down.

Anonymous said...

Should have been made the southern end of a fast quiet 'maglev' train service to destination points north of the city. What a lost opportunity for mass transit and cleaner living.

Jerry Rotondi said...

How about buying the landmark RKO Keith's Flushing Theater?

The asking price will keep on dropping.

Or what about acquiring the St. Saviour's site to create a badly needed park for Maspeth residents?

But of course, your honor, they're located in Queens and you're unable to find our borough on your map.

the queen of Queens said...

Of course when those rich Chelsea artsy-fartsy fags scream loud enough they always get what they want!

I'm going to take my pink feather boa out of the closet and drape it over my shoulders next time I attend a public hearing.

Do you think the city will listen to me then?

Anonymous said...

Well, somebody's high on something!

Gary the Agnostic said...

I'd prefer pot in every chicken.

Anonymous said...

Isn't the LIRR Rockaway Branch also worth preserving as a park?

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, one small stretch of thousands of miles worth of abandoned elevated track across this country, and all efforts are made to save this piece of it. Meanwhile a Icon of Queens is being intentionally left to rot.


Anonymous said...

...I'm going to take my pink feather boa out of the closet and drape it over my shoulders next time I attend a public hearing...

Hehheheh. "Meat packing district" indeed!!

Ridgewoodian said...

"We have no money, so we're buying the High Line"

Yeah, except that there's no mention in the story (such as it is) of actually, well, buying the structure, as in exchanging money for ownership. The words that are used several times are "take ownership." Back in 2005 the City acquired the portion of the High Line south of 30th Street. Did it buy it? No. It was donated by CSX, the company that owned it. I wouldn't be surprised if the current round of acquisition followed a similar pattern.

Way to misread.

Queens Crapper said...

Way to not know how shit works in this city.

Honestly, Ridgewoodian, are you THAT fucking stupid? Even if you take it over for free, once you own it, you are responsible for its upkeep and maintenance, plus any lawsuits related to it. That alone will cost tens of millions of dollars per year. Not to mention the cost of the ULURP process.

So while other communities are being told there is no money for projects they need (and were told this even during lush times), this administration certainly has no problem catering to wealthy Manhattanites.

Anonymous said...

Not only St. Savior's but why can't the city take back the abandoned Brinkerhoff Cemetery of Fresh Meadows?

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