Thursday, October 15, 2009

Two suspects nabbed in College Point hate crime

From the Daily News:

A shocking video shows a gay man trying in vain to fend off two thugs who repeatedly punch and stomp him on a deserted Queens street.

Jack Price, 49, tries again and again to get to his feet and escape, only to have the cowards knock him back down in their brutal onslaught, the footage shows.

Two men have been arrested in the beatdown.

Daniel Aleman, 26, was nabbed Sunday night, and Daniel Rodriguez, 21, was captured Tuesday night in Norfolk, Va., police said.


georgetheatheist said...

Why do people do this?

Anonymous said...

A horror! Put those animals in jail!

Anonymous said...

college point fell off in the pasted 10 years

Anonymous said...

Why would he beat him hip like that for no reason, That guy probably said something to those guys to spark that anger.

Now hes using the gay community and rights to change the story.
College Point has seen better days how did it turn this bad?

Anonymous said...

I am glad that those punks got caught and that they will be charged with a hate crime. It is a shame that an american can't go to a store, whether he be gay or straight. I hope they lock them up in population and let Bubba make them feel like gays.. lol

Anonymous said...

These wastes of life should be charged with attempted murder.

Gary the Agnostic said...

Anonymous said...
Why would he beat him hip like that for no reason, That guy probably said something to those guys to spark that anger.

Now hes using the gay community and rights to change the story.
College Point has seen better days how did it turn this bad?

Thursday, October 15, 2009


Nothing justifies what happened to that guy. Those two punks should have the book thrown at them.

Anonymous said...

They are typical thug cowards,picking on a weaker person,2 against 1.I bet if he was non-white it would not have happened.There is more to this story than him being gay.

Anonymous said...

If you get beat up by 2 or more people you can just claim they shouted XXXXXX. For example if you're indian you can say that they said hindu mother fucker as they hit you. If you white you can say they said cracka, honkey or white bitch as they hit you.

Gay people are known to be flamboyant and extroverted. This gay guy probably made a pass at them and got his ass whooped. EVERY ASSAULT IS A HATE CRIME and they should be charged with only assault in the first.

Erik Baard said...

Personally I believe that assault should stand on its own and that infringements on rights, like the freedom of expression, should be handled as a separate channel. Both should be prosecuted and the subject of civil suits, but distinctly. It's just a philosophical difference I have with the thinking behind the "hate crime" category.

That said, it's absolutely irrelevant if he "made a pass" at them or was "flamboyant." If a gay man's notice so disturbs them, they might want to check their own leanings. And if this man was aggressively cat calling or some such, they could file a complaint of harassment to a police officer. Given that they were under no threat, of course, they should have sensibly laughed it off.

I'm glad there's a chance for justice and I hope this man heals well and overcomes any fear these criminals might have placed in him. This is his city, day or night.

Queens Crapper said...

I agree with Erik on this.

If you get hit over the head and robbed, is it less of a crime if the robbers failed to call you a racial epithet?

You're still bleeding and out whatever was stolen.

georgetheatheist said...

If you call someone a "son of a bitch" while pummeling him is that consider species profiling?

This guy made a pass at 2 guys?

Anonymous said...

We should get Fred Phelps opinion on this situation.

Anonymous said...

Ok, just because a gay man is walking down the street, does not mean he will immediately make a pass at any other man walking down the same street. Just as a straigt guy does not make a pass at every woman he sees. I highly doubt that a gay man walking down a dark secluded street in College Point was making passes at anyone. Its not Chelsea or Hells Kitchen, where making a pass would go unnoticed. It could have been he glanced at them, as you would glance at anyone walking down the street, and that could have set them off. I have been called Faggot walking down the street talking on my cell phone, I am not flamboyant, and I was wearing a suit. Didnt make a pass at them....they were just some stupid ignorant teenagers.

Anonymous said...

These two punks hang out with "Mr Crimes Crew". A bunch of thugs who have continual run ins with the 109Pct. They are well known to the police.
The father of one of the punks turned his son in because he was disgusted with his sons actions.

Anonymous said...

Punk ass kids stand in front of this deli on 18th ave and college point blvd 24/7. They think they are all tough cuz they hang with a known drug dealer. These kids just beat up a man cuz they wanted to show off and they knew that this man was an easy target.Even if this guy mad a pass or not. I really hope that they get their ass kicked in jail. And i bet 100 % that they are crying like a baby for their mommy.

ohh and the kids are not all to blame. I blame the 109 precinct too. They dont do shit when they roll by at 3 am and see a bunch of kids hanging in front of this store!!!! Maybe if they cleared the front of that store we wouldnt be having this issue.

Anonymous said...

This guy did not hit on these thug losers. Thats just clouding the issue. They beat him up because they heard and did not like he was gay.

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