Thursday, October 15, 2009

Tell us something we don't know...

From the NY Times:

Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg is closing in on a milestone: building or preserving 165,000 city-financed apartments and houses for low-, moderate- and middle-income families, the goal of a $7.5 billion housing plan he announced in 2002 and expanded in 2005.

Alan Ceballos at his building in the Bronx. He lives in a subsidized two-bedroom apartment for about the same price that he payed previously for a market-rate one-bedroom.

It has already financed the creation or preservation of 94,000 units, including 72,000 for low-income households, city officials say.

But those efforts have been overwhelmed by a far larger number — the 200,000 apartments affordable to low-income renters that New York City has lost over all, because of market forces, during the mayor’s tenure.

The shrinking supply of these apartments, highlighted by researchers at New York University, illustrates not only the increasing strain that housing costs have had on this city of renters, but also the limits of the mayor’s success in providing the city’s poor with reasonable places to live. While the mayor’s plan has put thousands of low-income families in new or rehabilitated buildings and helped stabilize neighborhoods, it has been nearly drowned out by the twin waves of gentrification and rent deregulation.


Anonymous said...

Like to see a Pratt study on this!

Anonymous said...

They only do DEVELOPMENT studies fool!

Lino said...

" While the mayor’s plan has put thousands of low-income families in new or rehabilitated buildings and helped stabilize neighborhoods, it has been nearly drowned out by the twin waves of gentrification and rent deregulation"

You can lay that last point about deregulation -right at the doorstep of indicted Senator Bruno, his republican henchman and their figurehead Potaki.

Quoting Senator Chuck Schumer "New York should not have it's rent regulations governed by farmers and upstate businessmen"

When a working person thinks about who they will vote for, they should consoder who, and what these candidates -really- represent.

Anonymous said...

Some of Bloomberg's quotes:

1. "People are being disposessed because they don't know how to budget their money"

2. "All you have to do is call 311and they will get you a free lawyer."


Anonymous said...

re:quoting C.Schumer comment,you would rather support ,a Harvard ,lawyer,marxist ?as a n.y.s. rep. ,in 1975, he voted for n.y.s. regents members that advocated the failed policy of forced busing ,to integrate our school children.THE SUPREME COURT ,in 2009, ruled that policy is unconstitutional.

the school districts of the U.S.A. were in chaos ,because of the left-wing agenda of these marxists in our government. the parents, who were forced to give their children over to this failed experiment,moved or enrolled the child in private schools. it was very costly.i know.
but the marxists, conveniently , sent their children to religious (temple/catholic) schools.

one rabbi ,who labeled me a racist,told me that his child did not have to participate in this experiment!!

marxists only dictate,they never participate in the failed projects that they initiate. chaos is their agenda. and class warfare is their method.

Anonymous said...

Smart Rabbi - would sure like to meet him.

Anonymous said...

if you drive north to SCARSDALE,the Rabbi (hypocrite),is available to discuss marxist theory with one of his fellow might bring your "red book" with seems that this administration is now following Mao?? see Obama's communications director,Dunne on Fox news.
another fellow traveler that you want to meet ?you better hurry.she may not last too much longer.she has been exposed on tape. she was not much of a "master of deceit ".

Anonymous said...

Maoist takeover? What a wacko. Probably thinks I'm a Communist because I watch PBS.

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