Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunnyside struck by tire thieves

"Heartless tire bandits broke a young girl's heart Tuesday when she discovered the theft of all four tires from her new Honda. Working silently just yards from her building on 52nd Street near Skillman, the thieves did their dirty work without detection and fled, leaving garbage bags to cushion the chassis.

Tire theft and other forms of auto burglary in Woodside and Sunnyside are just one of the latest signs of hard times hitting our normally crime-free neighborhoods while we sleep. Uh, hello 108?"

Photo by J. Millus


Anonymous said...

Blooobberg cut over 5000 cops(through attrition) from the NYPD.The average precinct puts out 3 patrol cars and 1 supervisor.Starting at 2am,each team gets a meal period.i1 car gone from 2-6 am. Figure arrest(s),notifications,guarding prisoners or edp's,etc, and you may have 1 car on patrol.Leave a light on outside your home,get some good locks and good luck! This is just the begining.

Anonymous said...

Same thing happened at 112 Street and 71 Ave in Forest Hills Friday night. A Honda also.
Uh hello, 112 precinct???

Anonymous said...

Do they still send one car and two cops from every precinct into Manhattan every tour for the CRV/Surge drills? Eight precincts in Queens North equals eight cars and 16 cops taken off the streets of Queens North three times a day to fill Manhattan with more cops.

Anonymous said...

This crime, has been going on in Woodside/Sunnyside for over a year now. They (the thieves) know that it takes 20 minutes for a squad car to get to a call and they take less then five minutes to steal your entire set of tires in the early morning. Usually happens to just Honda's and Toyota's. Invest in lug and wheel locks and park under a street light.

Anonymous said...

108 pct is too busy taking the bag from slumlords to do anything else.

it's your problem now.

Call the news, that's the only way you are going to embarrass them into doing any real work.

Anonymous said...

Maybe that's because of the scum who live in Sunnyside. could be your next door neighbors. They know she's a young girl and won't come after them, so they go ahead and rob her wheels.

Anonymous said...

Not for nothing but to the left in the photo, what is with the orange rolled up security gate? looks like an HPD/ DOB violation to me.

if that gate is down, even unlocked, how would they/occupants get out in a fire or other disaster?

Anonymous said...

Probably it was a business on the 1st floor..dr office..heck a computer graphics place...get a 13 year old to climb through the windows and unlock the doors....take all the laptops

if that gate is down, even unlocked, how would they/occupants get out in a fire or other disaster?

Unknown said...

thats beat. can't stand thieves.

Anonymous said...

The cops from the 108 aren't taking bags from anyone. They are overwhelmed by the out of control population growth in LIC, Sunnyside and Woodside, while their own numbers decrease daily through attrition, as annonymous 1 stated. With all the additional traffic and congestion, it takes them forever to get to the other ebd of the precinct from their criminally outdated station house at Vernon and 50 Ave. They turn out maybe 2 or three cars a tour if they are lucky, and get stuck handling every mundane duty that other municipal agencies don't feel like doing, and just dump off on the police. The most vigilant cops could not possibly cover the area or the workload that the NYC cops are expected to handle without virtually any support. As the population in the area skyrockets and the number of police personnel continues to diminish, don't expect things to get batter anytime soon.

Anonymous said...

And the junkyard that the victim will go to buy some used wheels/tires will likely be the same one that bought them from the thieves.

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