Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Paterson awards $1.5M taxpayer funds to Claire's phony LDC

From the Queens Courier:

Governor David A. Paterson pledged more than $1.5 million to a Queens development corporation seeking to clean up and reclaim the Flushing riverfront.

The grant, announced Wednesday, October 7, is part of the state’s broader Brownfield Opportunities Area Program (BOAP), an initiative to clean up abandoned properties that may pose environmental threats because of contamination.

The Flushing-Willets Point-Corona Local Development Corp. (FWPCLDC) received the largest sum out of the more than $10 million worth of grants to begin research and planning for its Flushing riverfront project. The project is an effort to clean up and redevelop the land along the Flushing River, according to Claire Shulman, President and CEO of FWPCLDC.

With the $1,505,700 provided by the state, FWPCLDC can initiate studies to determine what needs to be done to clean up the riverfront, and what can ultimately be built there, according to Harry Giannoulis, President of the Parkside Group, a consulting firm that helped FWPCLDC to apply for the state grant.

I guess the fact that Shulman's group was fined for illegal lobbying didn't stop them from continuing to use the Parkside Group to lobby some more. And I also suppose that our esteemed governor had no problem with doling out "honest graft" to them despite this. (Notice how Vicky's paper neglects to mention all that.) The corruption with regards to Willets Point doesn't stop at our two-bit pols from Queens, our city council or our mayor. It stinks way up in Albany as well.

The land Claire wants cleaned up on the other side of the Flushing River? Owned by Fulton/Max International Holdings which really seems to like Gary Ackerman. Oh, one last thing: Fulton/Max is a company owned by F & T Group (aka TDC Development).

Hellooooo FBI?


Anonymous said...

Suppose Paterson loses in the next election. Do you really think Cuomo or Giuliani would reverse course on Willets Point?

Taxpayer said...

Is Paterson entirely blind to how criminal this redistribution of our tax dollars actually is?

Or, is he just plain stupid?

Or, does a part - a large part - of this money flow back to him?

Anonymous said...

Is it me or does that bovine criminal Shulman grow uglier by the hour? Can't wait to see her in that orange jumpsuit, especially with halloween coming up. She's the perfect jack(ass)-o-lantern!!!

Ms. Tsouris said...

Why is Shulman still around? Didn't we get rid of her yet? Shouldn't she move to West Palm Beach and do her dirty work there? She's definitely not on the up and up; she sat in the same office with Donald Manes as he did his dirty deeds. She just continued where he left off. Yes, she's also not good to look at, but that's besides the point.

Anonymous said...

what a joke and a waste of tax payer money

Gary the Agnostic said...

Anonymous said...
Suppose Paterson loses in the next election. Do you really think Cuomo or Giuliani would reverse course on Willets Point?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I don't know about Cuomo, but Considering that Claire was a strong supporter of Rudy's while he was in office...

Queens Crapper said...

Hopefully by the time we cross that bridge, the NYS Supreme Court will have ruled against ED abuse.

Anonymous said...

This is BS - Where was Gov. Patterson when St. Johns Hospital was being closed? This grant could have allowed St. Johns to buy more time to come up with a solution. The Gov. is throwing away taxpayer $$ into an endless hole.

Anonymous said...

Old corrupt pols never fade away...
they just get handed a cushy new job earning about $250,000 a year!

Shulman learned all of her tricks from her former boss Donald Manes!

She was Donald's bitch!

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