Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Jamaica Bay marshes to be restored

From the NY Post:

Jamaica Bay’s marshlands will soon see a bit more green than usual — in the form of a multi-million dollar restoration project, officials announced last week.

The United States Army Corps of Engineers announced the signing of a pact with a series of agencies to help restore the dwindling salt marshes, whose continued existence did not seem assured just a few years ago.

According to the Corps, the project will beneficially utilize about 200,000 cubic yards of clean sand from the ongoing New York-New Jersey Harbor 50-foot deepening project to restore about 35 acres of low and high marsh habitat in Jamaica Bay. It is expected to cost $11.5 million, with 65 percent of the cost paid by the federal government and 35 percent divided between the state and city. Included in the federal cost share are about $3.9 million in federal stimulus funds. Construction is expected to begin in November 2009.

Photo from CS Monitor


Anonymous said...

How times change. About 40 years ago, I stood in the middle of Marsh Land in New York City, and my father gestured expansively at it and said--someday the Army Corp of Engineers will drain all this swampland.

Taxpayer said...

Better not let the mad Commissar see the photo here.

He's likely to go out himself with his illegal shotgun to kill that goose.

If the poor creature lands, he'll gas and cremate it.

Notice also that the Commissar will join the feds to save the Jamaica Bay marshlands while at the same time he wants to vandalize the Ridgewood Reservoir.

Use federal tax dollars to save but city tax dollars to vandalize?

And there are still some few people who want to give this deluded madman another term?

Gary the Agnostic said...

For many years, the City government pursued the idea of turning Jamaica Bay into a harbor for shipping.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet Bloomburg is repsonsible for the loss of the islands in jamaica bay! I'll bet it's part of his evil plan! Yep, no doubt about it.

Anonymous said...

Well by not instituting a smart plan to prevent CSOs, he has contributed to it, no doubt. Maybe all that developer tax break money that was lost could have been put toward that.

Anonymous said...

$11.5 million......$3.9 million in obama stimulus funds..... our tax dollars to fix dwindling salt marshes?

we now have a 10% plus unemployment
in n.y.. how does this "more green" put my son's industry back to work and paying their taxes ?

we are the highest taxed state in the U.S.A. without the younger generation working,who will pay ,so that the "greenies" can waste more revenue.watch for more chaos,chaos,chaos in the future. vote the windmill dreamers out. jobs first,marxism never!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

This is great news. In contrast to many of the other supposed "world class" attractions of Queens, Jamaica Bay truly is an outstanding and unique Queens (and NYC) resource. I urge all to visit if they haven't already...

Anonymous said...

These marshes are essential to protecting the quality of groundwater.

They are important to the preservation of commercial and recreational fisheries and important stops in the migratory routes of hundreds of species of endangered birds.

Marshes are important to protecting private property from flooding during storms and hurricanes.

They are also important parks and wildlife sanctuaries.

Restoration can provide jobs to many lesser skilled people who otherwise would be loafing around collecting welfare or unemployment checks.

Cavalier mis-use of our bay environment during the last century wiped out shellfish beds that produced the best oysters in the nation. A valuable industry gone.

People rarely see the dollar and sense value of a clean environment, but when they have to pay doctor's bills for cancer or respiratory problems they care.

This is an excellent use of stimulus funds.

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