Wednesday, October 21, 2009

City Hall can't find DEP commissioner

From the NY Post:

The city's problem-plagued Department of Environmental Protection is still searching for a new commissioner after a yearlong hunt that has seen five candidates fail to pan out and several others turn down the $205,000-a- year job.

The DEP, crippled by budget cuts and the bungling of some of the city's costliest projects, has been searching for a boss since Emily Lloyd resigned last October.

The mayor's appointment staff has interviewed at least five industry experts, but none has panned out.

Acting Commissioner Steven Lawitts applied but didn't make the grade, a City Hall source acknowledged. Lawitts declined to comment.


Taxpayer said...

Could it be that some capable people simply won't take the job because they refuse to deal with the power mad Commissar?

These people have to think of the resume they must send out once the Commissar is finally gone and their own job search starts again.

They want to be able to demonstrate successful accomplishments, not obedience to a miserable moron.

So, let's help the prospects for NYC. Dump the Commissar.

Let's make this the place for capable, successful, managers to work for us.

Dump the Commissar! Less than two weeks to fresh air!

Anonymous said...

Can't the local party bosses find a disgraced pol to fill the DEP chair?

How about Monserrate or Seminerio?

Anonymous said...

City Hall can't find the way to the bathroom unless there's a trail of developers' "C" notes leading to it!

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