Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Big-name Dems line up against Hiram

From 1010WINS:

New York's two U.S. senators called Monday for fellow Democrat Hiram Monserrate, the state senator convicted last week of misdemeanor assault against his girlfriend, to resign his seat.

Sen. Charles Schumer, of Brooklyn, said Monserrate "should do the right thing" for New York and his constituents and step down. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, a Hudson Valley congresswoman appointed to fill the vacancy left when Hillary Rodham Clinton was named secretary of state, said if Monserrate doesn't resign immediately state lawmakers should move to expel him.

"Domestic violence has no place in our society, and certainly has no place in the state Legislature," Gillibrand said. "We must take a hard line against violence toward women in our society."

Calls to Monserrate and his attorney were not immediately returned Monday.

Hiram is also having trouble raising money to pay for his wedding, his attorney fees and his next campaign...


Anonymous said...

No way he steps down.Look for his old cronies from the National Latino officers Association pull the race card.He is their meal ticket to bigger and better.

Anonymous said...

At least Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand is taking hard stance advocating Monserrate's ouster from the State Senate if he won't resign. Congressman Joe Crowley can make this happen, but is more worried about his political machine and how it affect him rather than the approach everyone shoud take - remove this monster from office that represents a community: a vicious batterer of women - a caveman from the stone-age behaviors that are cowardly acts.

Anonymous said...

Better give Hiram a paper cup to drink his wedding toast!

And we just heard that his intended wife booked a honeymoon suite at Bellevue.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of violent perverts...what's "Pinky" Gallagher up to these days?

Anonymous said...

a reelection fund? if anyone in his district is stupid enough to vote for him again, they deserve him.

Sarah said...

Sorry but it is only a two-week news cycle. If he ignores the call to quit for two weeks the news will forget about him. He is not going anywhere. In the end he will be a hero to the dems, you'll see. He will get committee seats and re-election funds.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Maybe Albert Baldeo has a residence in that district also.

Taxpayer said...

What moron actually believes that any democrat will jeopardize the Democrat majority?

It will never happen.

This is all grandstanding by the Democrats. While they are all demanding Monster Rat's ouster, they are busy raising money for his next campaign.

Send Monster Rat $100 or more, you will get a drinking glass with cocaine inside.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't crazy about Gillibrand when she took over, but her stance against Hiram has improved her standing with me greatly.

His district should boot him out royally.

Anonymous said...

Gallagher, Mc Laughlin, Spitzer, Monseratte...who's next?

Those Dems sure know how to pick their deviates!

No wonder they keep the ol' clubhouse door shut tight to outsiders.

Waz up Toby? When's Evan gonna make you a grandma?

Or is his wife just his beard?

Anonymous said...

if the dems. kept Chappaquidick teddy,after the death of a girl friend,why would they dump a guy who sliced his girl friends face?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
if the dems. kept Chappaquidick teddy,after the death of a girl friend,why would they dump a guy who sliced his girl friends face?

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Probably for the same reason why the Republicans keep guys like Larry Craig and John Ensign around.

Queens Crapper said...

When did they kill anyone?

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