Monday, October 19, 2009

2nd Avenue subway at a dead end?

From the Times Ledger:

The Second Avenue subway is renowned as the most famous subway never built, but now the project could once again face a threat, this time from the MTA’s maxed-out credit card and a financially beleaguered governor.

Gov. David Paterson announced last week the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s proposed 2010-14 capital program was “simply unaffordable given New York’s current fiscal condition.”

“I will not agree to raise taxes, which would be required to fund the plan,” he said.

Paterson said the state could not afford upgrades to city mass transit and upstate roads and bridges “until the economy improves, the federal government provides adequate multi-year funding and the Legislature joins me to seriously address the structural imbalance in the state budget.”


Anonymous said...

Don't need it. Let the folks walk from their East River view apartments to Lexington Ave - good cardio practice.

Anonymous said...

How many times have we funded it with bond issues "to build the 2nd Ave subway" - and the money got diverted for other things?

Anonymous said...

instead of more subways in Manhattan which has more than enough

Try putting queens more subway service like putting it under frances lewis boulevard than to the whitestone bridge into the bronx

lol we will never get money

panzer65 said...

Make it an elevated line.

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