Friday, March 13, 2009

Unusual home in Glendale

Do you think he has a C of O for this house?


Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter whether he has a C of O--that never stopped my landlord from renting out at $1,300 a piece.

Anonymous said...

As a member of the "Squirrel Lover's Club" (yes it's a real organization)
I approve and admire the ingenuity
of these fascinating cute little critters.

S-s-h-h-h...but don't let the DOB know about this!

I post this in loving memory of the Squirrel Lover's Club's founder...
that gentle soul...
Greg Basset.

Rest in peace Greg who's, no doubt, dancing among the soft clouds with his cloud-tailed friends in heaven.


Anonymous said...

Anyone who sleeps here will wake up tired.

georgetheatheist said...

I despise squirrels (along with pidgeons). Some squirrels got into a hole in my roof and had a field day with the attic insulation. I catch them with a "have-a-heart trap" (the exterminator who sold it to me said to drown the squirrel in a garbage can of water, but I'm too kind to mammals) and I let them go in a nearby cemetery.

Anonymous said...

Mothballs are supposed to keep them out. You might want to see if a few might be okay in your attic. They can be dangerous to breathe.

Anonymous said...

It's Queens; you don't need a CofO, just nerve, which squirrels have in excess. You don't even have to be secretive about it, since the Buildings Dept. won't "notice" in any case, if they ever bother to show up. This malefactor wouldn't even have to offer a cash(ew) bribe.

Anonymous said...

It's Queens; you don't need a CofO, just nerve, which squirrels have in excess. You don't even have to be secretive about it, since the Buildings Dept. won't "notice" in any case, if they ever bother to show up. This malefactor wouldn't even have to offer a cash(ew) bribe.


I love this place! Go Crappie!!!

Anonymous said...

hey, is that Jake in the tree? No, looks like James.

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