Tuesday, March 10, 2009

This bill must be passed


Federal lawmakers are threatening to retaliate against several countries - including Iran, China, India, Jamaica and Vietnam - for refusing to take back some 140,000 of their citizens, including criminals ordered deported after serving their time.

Their refusal to repatriate bad guys jeopardizes US security, because courts have ruled that criminal aliens cannot be detained more than 180 days after a deportation order is issued. After that, they must be released.

That's de-facto amnesty - a frightening thought in a post-9/11 world, critics say.

"This is a very serious issue," said Long Island Rep. Peter King, ranking Republican on House Homeland Security Committee.

Legislation is being introduced by Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) and Rep. Charlie Dente (R-Pa.) - and supported by King - that would suspend all visa applications from countries that refuse to take back aliens who have been convicted of crimes.


georgetheatheist said...


Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

- NYC born & buried poet Emma Lazarus ("The New Colossus", 1883)


September 11, 2001

Anonymous said...

Their refusal to repatriate bad guys jeopardizes US security, because courts have ruled that criminal aliens cannot be detained more than 180 days after a deportation order is issued. After that, they must be released.

Why would they take back their own 'human refuse'? They'd rather have them stay in the U.S. and have America deal with the problem. Why is Mexico so glad to have millions of it's citizens leave to go to the U.S.? They even print pamphlets telling them how to cross the border. It's better for them to have the U.S. serve as a safety valve for all their social problems - free medical care, employment, currency remittances back to Mexico, etc. There's a lot of pissed off Mexicans who would love to riot in the streets of Mexico City, and probably hang the Mexican ruling class from lamp posts. Better to let the trouble makers go, and let the gringos up north deal with 'em.

Same goes for Iran, Jamaica, and the other crap hole countries mentioned.

I can hardly wait for the 'useful idiots' who troll this blog to come out of the wood work to flaunt their morally sophisticated peacock feathers, and tell us why this bill SHOULD NOT be passed.

I'm beginning to seriously believe some of the those who say that the ruling class in this country and the pro-illegal immigration useful idiots are intentionally trying to destroy America.

Watch your backs useful idiots, you might just run into ME when the riots start.....

Anonymous said...

Write to these legislators to tell them you support the bill. But, they can and must do better.

Cut off all foreign aid to any country that refuses to take back its garbage.

Pass a law to overturn that moronic judge's decision.

What's the logic in releasing criminals after 180 days? Why not after 1 hour?

Emma Lazarus never could have conceived of the "huddled masses" coming here to take jobs and tranquility from citizens.

By the way: Why is it so grotesque for us to send billions of dollars to foreign countries to buy oil, but it is a thing of beauty to allow invaders to send billions of dollars back to the foreign countries where they were born and where they can vote and earn, just so they can take the jobs and meals from our citizens here?

And, the jobs and meals the invaders steal belong to the US Citizen minorities, some of whom came legally from the very same countries of the illegal aliens.

Anonymous said...

Electric Chair then throw all the toasted turds in the garbage.
--Same for the judge

Why spend tax $$ on legel aid, watering, feeding useless things in jail.

America is falling to the barbarians and anthropomorphic muds over 10 X faster then the Romam Empire.


Anonymous said...

suspend all visa applications from countries that refuse to take back aliens who have been convicted of crimes. Sounds like these POLS have a great idea and resonable solutions to a major issue.

Anonymous said...

We apparently didn't learn our lesson when Fidel Castro opened his sewer line and released some of Cuba's most hardened criminals to our shores where they were welcomed as political refugees. At this point, we need to consider the strain on US resources and the impact on American taxpayer citizens whenever immigration issues are considered. The most severe sanctions are necessary against these arrogant governments including a ban on all visas, a cessation of foreign aide and a total economic boycott. Fine the hell out of any U.S. corporation that does business with these offending countries.

Our immigration laws are a sham and a disgrace. Take measures to stop federal judges from becoming de facto legislators.

Finally, vote out any politician who refuses to take a firm stance on illegal immigration and hostile posturing by foreign governments that seek to take advantage of this country's broken immigration policy.

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