Friday, March 13, 2009

A tale of 2 Arby's

From Brownstoner:

A fast food restaurant is indeed trying to take over the former Gage & Tollner space at 374 Fulton Street on the Fulton Mall in Downtown Brooklyn. The Daily News today reports that the chain known for its roast beef sandwiches submitted an application to the Landmarks Preservation Commission in January to modify the historic interior. “We’re keeping everything in place, and anything we move in will be nonpermanent and easy to move out,” said Raymond Chera, the franchisee behind the project. “It will probably be the most beautiful Arby’s ever.”

What Brooklyn gets from Arby's & LPC:

What Queens gets from Arby's & LPC:


Anonymous said...

Oh, please... the hypocrisy is incredible.

Anonymous said...

It's more of a tale of 2 boroughs.

Marty Markowitz is a pure bred Arabian stallion compared to Helen Marshal who's a brainless chooch...
a sleek race horse vs a dumb burro!

Helen's merely a beast of burden for the speculative builders and real estate slobs...."yassir master"!

The crooks are slicker and more stylish in Brooklyn....that's why it's called "Crooklyn".

In Queens we have dim wits running
(better make that ruining) our borough who insist on destroying our heritage.

Shulman, then Marshal....just two burro presidents following
in the steps of Donald Manes.

Here, without blinking an eye, corrupt pols hand over our deserving landmarks to avaricious developers
in return for nothing!

The pols get enormous campaign
contributions from those destroyers.

I wonder how much cash is in Shulman's offshore numbered bank account deposited by the likes of Tommy Huang (for her complicity in selling out the RKO Keith's Flushing Theater) or what she's getting from TDC fo her Willets Point hand job!

Anonymous said...

Look at the home grown preservationists in

1. The don't say anything about this but do rush to every whine and cheese display at HDC.

2. Like their Manhattan cousins, they only work for preservation of their own communities and ignore everyone else.

3. They belong to the 4 Borros Alliance thinking that Brooklyn Heights, not being in Manhattan, has more in common with Jackson Heights than Greenwich Village.

Anonymous said...

Dont forget they make secret lists and trade it with other 'insiders'.

Its nice to be part of the 'in' crowd!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for another invalid analogy. The Niederstein's building was an old wreck that was structurally unsound. The Brooklyn building is completely intact.

Anonymous said...

Thank God they are saving this site, but what a comedown. My sister was once treated to an elegant lunch at this site to soften the blow when Department of Education canned her during the Reagan year reductions. I always wanted to go, but never did.

Queens Crapper said...

"The Niederstein's building was an old wreck that was structurally unsound. The Brooklyn building is completely intact."

Because the Brooklyn site was landmarked and the Queens site was not, although it certainly qualified since the moment the landmarks law was passed. Thanks for indirectly proving my point.

Anonymous said...

Arby's has to be kidding. There's no way they'll be able to keep up the maintenance on this place. Just like TGIF didn't.

Anonymous said...

Niederstein's became a mess because no one patronized it and it didn't make enough money for upkeep. How would landmarking have changed that?

Anonymous said...

You must be implying that the grants for upkeep and maintenance that are handed out by preservation organizations and the tax credits the City gives out to owners of landmarked buildings should not have applied to Queens-based Niederstein's. I guess you too have been brainwashed by the citywide preservation crowd.

Anonymous said...

"Niederstein's became a mess because no one patronized it and it didn't make enough money for upkeep."

Is that what's going to happen at Atlas Park? It's not the building's fault it had bad owners and managers.

Anonymous said...

Niederstein's became a mess because no one patronized it and it didn't make enough money for upkeep.

Patently false. The owner died and it took years to settle his estate. In the meantime, the restaurant was neglected by the next of kin. Landmarking may not have prevented its degradation, but it would have prevented its demolition. And then a preservation-minded owner could have taken it over. But now it's a fast food joint that put a rock out front to commemorate that it used to be a historical site. A complete mockery of the history of an entire community.

georgetheatheist said...

There's some nice blow-up photos of Niederstein's inside the Arby's.

Anonymous said...

"The Niederstein's building was an old wreck that was structurally unsound."

Did DOB issue a full vacate and order demolition? No. So how can you assert this?

Anonymous said...

Amazing how you all love spending other people's money. So some hypothetical new owner should have bought the property and poured money into fixing a building for a restaurant that no one patronized?

Anonymous said...

Amazing how you all love spending other people's money. So some hypothetical new owner should have bought the property and poured money into fixing a building for a restaurant that no one patronized?


No, we want a new owner that looks at every piece of land as not part of a community, but a 3rd world ore deposit to be mined out, take the money, and leave the locals with an envirnmental disaster.

Anonymous said...

Remember when Reese Brothers took over Schrafts?

Dined in a Schrafts lately?

Anonymous said...

Don't be jealous of Crooklyn - Arby's will eff that up as well.

Anonymous said...

"Amazing how you all love spending other people's money. So some hypothetical new owner should have bought the property and poured money into fixing a building for a restaurant that no one patronized?"

Obviously you have no need for history or appreciate the value of having historical buildings in a neighborhood. You sir are a jackass!

Anonymous said...

I've been to both places. Toller's street is full of other crap. Also Neidersteins was poorly run and no one ever went. Times change.

Anonymous said...

"So some hypothetical new owner should have bought the property and poured money into fixing a building for a restaurant that no one patronized?"

Who the hell said this? LPC doesn't restrict what you do inside except if you are designated an interior landmark. Niederstein's would have only been landmarked on the exterior. You anti-landmarking losers are so ignorant it's unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

Had you ever been to Niederstein's? The exterior was renovated in the 1970s - there was nothing historical about it. If anything, the interior was the historical part.
A lot of people here like to talk without putting their money where their mouths are.

Anonymous said...

"The exterior was renovated in the 1970s - there was nothing historical about it."

Actually, most of the main part of the building was the same. The porches were removed. The landmarks law has been on the books since 1965, so that is no excuse anyway.

"A lot of people here like to talk without putting their money where their mouths are."

My money is paid in the form of taxes which pays for the landmarks commission. Unfortunately, the LPC does not return the favor and designate anything in my community. And since you yourself said the interior was more historic than the exterior, then that could have been landmarked too.

Anonymous said...

we lost niedersteins because the pink grandmother rapist dennis gallagher was too busy being a slime pervert and not looking out for the community. he tried to sell out st. saviors but the juniper valley group was able to derail the perv plan.

thank god we dumped his no neck buddy phony tony como and his mill basin big ass bastard in-laws.

liz crowley will work FOR the community.

Anonymous said...

Arby's is doing great! Phony Tony Como is eatting Arby's onto Forbes Fortune 500.

Anonymous said...

How can Phony Tony Como "serve" the public and live in that house.

He claims to be tough on crime. But, he is a criminal defense attorney.

He was on the Board of Elections stealing money from taxpayers. Appointed by his BFF Serf. But while he was stealing he was "serving" the community.

Thats Phony Tony Como for you....always Phony all the time.

Anonymous said...

Please have pity on me Mr. Como
and sit down slowly.

You're crushing me and I can't breathe!

Anonymous said...

I guess that pervert "Pinky" Gallagher can't find any grandmas to molest today
so he's gettin' his rocks off posting on QC !

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Good one James!

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