Monday, March 9, 2009

Sports stadiums suffer from really bad timing

From the Wall Street Journal:

In a case of monumentally bad timing, this year three of the biggest names in pro sports -- the Yankees, New York Mets and Dallas Cowboys -- are opening three of the most expensive stadiums ever built, filled with premium-priced seats and luxury amenities. At a combined cost of more than $3.5 billion, the stadiums were conceived and financed in a vastly different environment, a time when corporations and municipalities were flush with cash. Now they're opening just as corporate America is going through a massive belt-tightening -- and trying to avoid the appearance of extravagance at all costs.


Anonymous said...

Boo fucking hoo for them!

Anonymous said...

Want violins?

Anonymous said...

They suffer from bad morality. The riffraff with their asses in the cheap seats don't deserve to see a game. Get rid of them! Lets take our depositor's money to name a ballfield! Avarice, false pride, maybe one or two more of the deadlies?

Here's an idea, less money spent on monuments, more on productive work. Also some big cheeses can go soak their swollen heads.

Anonymous said...

Has anyone checked out ShittyField recently? It is starting to look like a temple for corporate America. Shea had advertising signs as well but the number and size of the displays were not as obnoxious. I'm just saying...

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