Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Return to the Hunters Point house hole

"I had the opportunity this weekend to revisit the Hunters Point house hole and here are the most recent pictures of what is being built.
As you can see there is nothing left of the original house. According to what I have heard around the neighborhood it will have a glass facade.
Supposedly the person who is building this is planning to live in it.
That will be one mighty expensive house since the original house was supposedly sold for around $750,000 and then a "2-story addition and 4-story addition in the back" was built." - Horrified in Hunters Point

Hey just think - in a few weeks we'll only be given 30 days to complain about this kind of thing!


Anonymous said...

Looks like an early Atlas rocket launch pad. Its mind boggling how some of this industrial looking gobbledygook and surplus building material meets architectural approval.
I wonder how much the “bag money” was paid.
Some people belong in jail as well as Creedmore

Anonymous said...

And it already looks so nice. Just think what a charming addition--Not.

Anonymous said...

"Hey just think - in a few weeks we'll only be given 30 days to complain about this kind of thing!"

And then what: neighbors can see the plans online and complain about them? And what will the DOB do? Nothing. As usual.

Anonymous said...

That 30 day thing passed ? Its criminal !

Anonymous said...

Hey nice job city planning! not bad in Dutch Kills either - you gave just want the neighorhood needed - 16 hotels!

What's next? Astoria?

Anonymous said...

Not a peep from Pratt or Hunter or any preservation groups as a community of American citizens, taxpayers, and veterans are cleared from the land for 'better use.'

What an expression of the American way of life - across the river from the UN!

Anonymous said...

Maybe they should apply for disaster relief from the Iranian or Russian UN officials.

THAT will certainly make American officals red faced if the world holds up mistreatment of their own citizens as a cautionary tale.

Afterall, if they treat their own citizens like shit, what will do they to others?

Anonymous said...

I think that city should make public any developer project months in advance.

Afterall, if the city cares so much for a person to sell their house and get everthing they can for it, even if it means they devalue their neighbor's home (paving the way for more development) then those that chose to stay here have rights to!

They should be able to block anything that hurts their property values.

Maybe we will see a Pratt study about this!

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for the neighbors on either side. Damn!

Anonymous said...

I feel sorry for all us from the inept preservation community to the snowed under man in the street who will never get straight answers from anyone who knows, or help from anyone who can.

Anonymous said...

"..the original house was supposedly sold for around $750,000..."

Well, there you have an answer. Those -same- houses were going for $30-37K in the early 1980s and had climbed to approx $170-220K ten years ago.

Sell for an over-the-top price and you get a developer.

Look at it this way,..that concrete/cinderblock structure is a nice firewall between those stick houses.

Anonymous said...

Look at it this way,..that concrete/cinderblock structure is a nice firewall between those stick houses.

Look at it this way - with the self certification, illegal workers, unqualified electrical work, and that concerte/cinderblock structure is an accident waiting to happen between those nice houses.

Anonymous said...

"..that concerte/cinderblock structure is an accident waiting to happen between those nice houses"

Doubt it. That new building is a simple structure. The biggest danger is in digging and pouring the foundation...that is done.

Those "nice houses" probably have "nice" DIY wiring in them, like the zip cord that my friend found in his walls.

Anonymous said...

I hope Lino is right. Construction next to an old building down the block from me demolished it and closed streets for blocks around. Construction on another building nearby caused the property owners adjacent to it to lose their tenants, have their side windows illegally blocked and their roofs destroyed.

I would not sleep well if this was going up near me.

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