Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Maspeth mystery crap

So I've had kind of a weird St. Patrick's Day so far. And since you're probably either already shit-faced or soon will be, I thought this was the perfect time to post this. I was on 60th Street approaching Flushing Avenue this morning when I happened upon this:

So I said to myself - That was not made by a dog or cat, and is too large to have come from a squirrel. Stumped, I contacted someone who spends a lot more time outdoors than me. And the response was:

"My initial reaction--sort of round, shiny pellets of roughly medium-blueberry size--is rabbit.

It doesn't look like carnivore--raccoons, et al produce something that looks like cat crap, which is something that you're all too familiar with.

It's not goose, which looks kind of like soggy, greenish Tater Tots.

And with that sidewalk and fence shadow suggesting an urban area, the color, and my impression of size, it's not deer.

So, rabbit leads for now."

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Looks like rabbit crap to me. I saw some rabbits on the loose all the water in Greenpoint one night. Encountered some large raccoons in LIC too lately. There's all manner of fuzzy bastards running around this town!

Anonymous said...

Racoons left this mess.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

looks like the pig crap from the other day

Anonymous said...

lmao, wow it's sad we have to look at crap.

Anonymous said...

There's all manner of fuzzy bastards running around this town!

Hey, Angry, are talking about the Tamenant Club under the bridge?

A real shady location - looks like a Sopranos hangout.

Anonymous said...

was it pink crap?

Anonymous said...

I think you need to get a life!

Anonymous said...

Thats Goat or pig crap !
Im going with Goat crap I have 2 Goats here in Mattitick (Spaceball and Q-Ball)
--good for securiety and bio safe weed eaters.

Looks like some tweed assH*le been Feeding them dog food !!
Need to call the ASPCA goats not sopposit to eat meat.
F_ Idiots ...Queens is getting worse !!


PS --what do I win atop the Hooters VIP passes?
(Holdin 2 for U crappy)
Somebody else.

"What do we win"


Anonymous said...

Maybe it was a 'grint, you xenophobes!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeh--and for good reason ...

Xena Warroor Princess was so carppy any normal person would rather watch Paris Hilton or the Jerry Lewis telethon.

Anonymous said...

Opossum, as I-girl said. One got into our basement midwinter--same crap. QueensOpossumCrap. Exactly the same bore.(The opossum was Ok--we like it; it lives on our property--outside now)

Anonymous said...

Phony Tony Como crap!

Anonymous said...

It was the empty meaningless void that is all of your lives, because somehow you've read this far. Go to hell.

Anonymous said...

Dont get upset phony tony como

Anonymous said...

Slow news day, eh Crappy?

Anonymous said...

Slow news day, eh Crappy?


Its QUEENS CRAP fireball!

Anonymous said...

Wasn't the Commissar in Queens to witness Eric Ulrich's swearing-in? This is probably the Commissar's gift to Queens for electing a Republican.

Remember that when he is on the ballot in November.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Skunk - Recently I have seen 3 in Maspeth and smelled them.

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