Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Illegal alien in illegal conversion turns out to be murderous kidnapping gang leader

From the Staten Island Advance:

A Mexican criminal mastermind who led a murderous kidnapping ring has been arrested on Staten Island and deported to Mexico, authorities say.

Liberio Andrew Gonzalez, the alleged leader of "The Liborio" -- a gang authorities say is responsible for about 20 murders and numerous kidnappings in three Mexican states -- was picked up by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers in Rosebank last week.

Gonzalez rented a small, $400 attic apartment on normally quiet Bell Street and worked along the borough's waterfront, cleaning boats.


Anonymous said...

"Illegal alien in illegal conversion turns out to be murderous kidnapping best friend of Commissar Death and Taxes".

This is what the Commissar invites, encourages, to come to NYC illegally, commit more crime, take jobs from citizens - most of whom are minorities.

Between the Commissar and this murderous kidnapping illegal alien and his fellow illegals, the pair is tossing this city and its citizens into the toilet.

Dump the thug Commissar!

Anonymous said...

Deported LOL !

...This scum will be shipped back next week courtesy of the Mexican government.
Bloomberg should have given him cab fair so he doesn’t car jack anybody

Anonymous said...

Mexican criminal "mastermind" who heads kidnapping gang = Doing jobs that Americans are no longer willing to do!

"This arrest serves as an example for foreign criminals to think twice before fleeing to the United States to avoid prosecution," Christopher Shanahan, field office director for the ICE Office of Detention and Removal Operations in New York, said in a prepared statement today.

This "prepared statement" is so obviously stupid and ridiculous, that I'm not going to even bother adding my own snarky comments!

"ICE is committed to working with its local, federal and international law enforcement partners to arrest and return wanted fugitives to their native countries to face justice."

So much comedy gold, so little time! of the free, home criminal fugitives!!!

Never forget......Diversity is OUR STRENGTH!!!!

Anonymous said...

And when did your family come over Wade?!?!

Anonymous said...

And when did your family come over Wade?!?!

And how many people have you kidnapped?

Anonymous said...

Wade, from your evasive answer I would guess you are FOB yourself.
(fresh off board)

Back to the point. It depends on what you mean by the word 'kidnapped.' We need not get snappy. With enough money you can kidnap anyone and wisk them off to a topical isle.


Anonymous said...




Yes, you are right about money and kidnapping. Look at the public's wish on term limits.

Anonymous said...

Wade, from your evasive answer I would guess you are FOB yourself.
(fresh off board [sic])

Back to the point. It depends on what you mean by the word 'kidnapped.' We need not get snappy. With enough money you can kidnap anyone and wisk [sic] them off to a topical [sic] isle.

Based upon your nonsensical, misspelling ridden reply, I'd wager that you either dropped out of high school, or attended a NYC public school and were "socially promoted" since you were the only 29 year old student in your high school.

Anonymous said...

never did get this #$$%^@& texting keyboard ... but u never answered question.

the ball is in you court.

Anonymous said...

but u never answered question.

What does me answering a question from some dumb prole jerk have to do with the illegal alien head of a Mexican kidnapping gang living in an illegally converted apartment in Staten Island?

Now, the ball is in your court, moron. Game, set, match.....Wade Nichols!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wade, the game aint ova till the fat lady sings.

Anonymous said...

Nice post to bait simple-minded, bigoted remarks.

Anonymous said...

Nice post to bait simple-minded, bigoted remarks.

When you save up some of your weekly allowance money from your parents, you can set up your own damn blog, and then wonder why no one reads it or cares much for your unoriginal thoughts......

Anonymous said...

God bless our Sanctuary City.

Anonymous said...

Based upon your nonsensical, misspelling ridden reply, I'd wager that you either dropped out of high school...

Hmmm. Sounds like it could have been -Joe.

Anonymous said...

Is this an immigrant from poorly maintained housing by greedy slumlord, unjustly been accused of an unproven police accusation, without a fair hearing and sent to his homeland?

Ho Ha Ha ha hola!

Anonymous said...

A very evil creature. Whose palm did he fail to grease?

Anonymous said...

Guilliani was a scumbag,but his zero- tolerance enforcement policy worked. Now you have Booberg and Kelly with their kindler gentler police deptthat hires morons and people who can barely speak english................or see over the steering wheel of a cop car!

Anonymous said...

That's what happens in sanctuary city where clubhouse officials hand wet-backs a fluffy towel to dry off with!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous (moronically) said:
"And when did your family come over Wade?!?!"

What an imbecilic and pointless question.

Everybody here now "came over".

The only question is, did they arrive legally. When they arrived legally, did they take jobs from already-arrived citizens? Did they commit crimes and expect to claim innocence because they are "from a foreign country"?

Did they learn the language? Did they believe in the absolute importance of education and send their kids to school to learn and improve? Did they eventually become citizens, and contribute to their adopted country? Did they serve in the military? Did they obey the law, and demand that all of us do so?

Drop the moronic claptrap, Anonymous. Get the clabber out of your empty head!

faster340 said...

Thank you taxpayer!!!!

Anonymous said...

Drop the moronic claptrap, Anonymous. Get the clabber out of your empty head!


You are on MY turf here, sonny. Its a tough neighborhood and if you want to carry that swagger in these parts we would be very happy to see what backs it up.

If you want to slam immigrants by throwing things at them, no one can stop you.

But as the old saying goes, 'those who throw potatoes at others are the ones closest to the potato patch'.

Anonymous said...

ok ok , lets all get along.

Wade, Taxpayer, Faster are all esteemed members of the Krappie Krew.

Anonymous said...

Wade, Taxpayer, Faster are all esteemed members of the Krappie Krew.

You're so kind!

I'll think of you when one of your relatives is kidnapped by the gang that this guy heads!

Welcome to Dystopia, U.S.A.!!!

Diversity is STRENGTH!!!!

Anonymous said...

Your Friend on the Block said...
"... If you want to slam immigrants by throwing things at them, no one can stop you."

EEEEK! A though talker. Oh, my! See me running away!

Oh, wait, he's just another moron. Slamming immigrants?

I slammed my own mom? Off the boat? My wife? Off the plane? Her parents? Also off the plane? All my various family members who married immigrants?

What an empty headed, boring moron (but, frighteningly tough - Eeeeeek!).

I did slam ILLEGAL ALIENS. They cannot be immigrants. They refused to ask permission to be here. They invaded this country. They are here to steal jobs and meals from citizens - many of these now-jobless citizens are minorities, and many of them are real immigrants who are here with permission.

As for the ILLEGAL ALIENS, if they were so valuable, so hard working, so law abiding, why did they flee like cowards from their own country, where they are CITIZENS, free to work hard and improve their own lives, the lives of their family, and the lives of their fellow CITIZENS? Why did they choose a lawless life of crime here? Why do they want to steal jobs away from minorities and actual immigrants?

Hey, tough guy, what will you say when an ILLEGAL ALIEN steals from you, or takes your job?

Eeeeeeeeek! Please don't fume like that.

Anonymous said...

why did they flee like cowards from their own country, where they are CITIZENS, free to work hard and improve their own lives, the lives of their family, and the lives of their fellow CITIZENS?

Wade may have a legitimate gripe with me, but Taxpayer, like the typical American, I wager you not only slept during civics in school, but world history.

I guess you can do that in a country that is 1000s of miles wide.

I had an opportunity to look and (make of copy of) a fabulous collection of more than a 1000 glass plate slides taken from around the world about a century ago.

Africa, Asia, South America, southern Europe, Russia, as expected, were vignettes of grinding poverty.

But the thing that really got my attention were the images from northern Europe.

Yes, palaces, cathedrals, city halls, and Victorian middle class, but for the vast majority of people, grinding poverty, ragged clothes, gaunt faces, an ox cart existence little changed in many ways since the Roman Empire.

America? The other shock.

Working class people in steel mills, on farms, on the prouduction line in factories. And you know what?

They looked good! Healthy! Wore plain but nice clothes! Had modest but good housing.

You can read a 1,000 books about immigrants, but those pictures painted an unforgettable portrait of what this country is in the eyes of the rest of the world.

And if your family came from Ireland, Italy, Germany, or anywhere else, I will always have a very deep sense of respect for them.

They tried to do something for themselves and their future.

Anonymous said...

People like that evil creature in this article usually prey on their own people first and most.

Look at Bernie Madoff who made a specialty out of preying on Jews, including charities to aid Holocaust survivors or the Russian Mafia turning Eastern European girls into sex slaves or Chinese snake heads terrorizing the people they sneak in.

Regardless of the problems caused by illegal immigration, few decent people can help but be moved to pity by what is done to them by these wolves and others. I hope that this man gets what he deserves.

Anonymous said...

The Crowley (and Stavisky) clubhouse machine will first milk
its newly imported immigrants for their votes.

Afterwards they will sell out their neighborhoods to developers who will replace their shacks with luxury housing that appeals to the yuppie class.

Look at the development that's going on in Corona or the plans for up-zoning Jamaica.

The immigrant class will be gentrified out of their homes!

Anonymous said...

The immigrant class will be gentrified out of their homes!



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