Thursday, March 19, 2009

Come to the park and greet the Mets...


The Mets opened box-office sales yesterday to nine fans at Citi Field.

Despite the sparse turnout, team officials said they're pleased with overall sales, with more than 2 million ducats purchased online.

Meet the Mets, Meet the Mets
Come to the park and beat the Mets
Hot dogs, green grass at Taxpayer Field
Think about the lame bats they will wield

We know the Mets will die in September again
They may win someday but we can't say when

East side, west side
Apparently no one's coming down
To stand in line to see the choke artists
Of New York town.


Anonymous said...

No one can afford the tickets. The bankers and high-powered people are all in hock to their eye-teeth and afraid of showing up on the radar and the rest of us have no jobs.

Anonymous said...

I'm tellin' ya for da last time.

Turn this ball park into a coliseum venue like they had in in ancient Rome.

I'd pay hundreds to see Toby and Claire duke it out with Grunion nets and spears wouldn't you?

Imagine Evan and C.M. Liu being fed to the lions?

Kevin Walsh said...

The Crapper is still feeling a little antsy about all the Yankee chokes the pas ten years vs the Angels..the Red Sox...the Tigers...

Anonymous said...

Shitty Field is not very inviting to the eye...unless one wants to view a temple to the corporate world. Let's not forget that the stadium was built with 12,000 less seats than Shea. Perhaps "they" knew about the recession and ticket affordability? Just thinking out loud...

Anonymous said...

Nine people/

That is 50% more than the SIX that showed up at LaGuardia College to protest the Worker training program.

And 114 showed up to the first training orientation. Which is almost 20 TIMES the number who showed up tot he protest. But you wont see any mention of that on this site.

Anonymous said...

Lifelong Met fan here who is disgusted with the way the franchise has treated its fans over the past few years. I didn't waste any money on a game last year, and I will not step foot inside Shitty Field this year , if ever.

Queens Crapper said...

Nine people is also nine more than came to McShane's pro-Willets Point development rally.

Anonymous said...

met's suck no way will they make the play offs these tickets should be for free

Anonymous said...

And 114 showed up to the first training orientation. Which is almost 20 TIMES the number who showed up tot he protest. But you wont see any mention of that on this site.

only 10 showed up i was there 114 my ass

Anonymous said...

Queens Crapper said...
Nine people is also nine more than came to McShane's pro-Willets Point development rally.

ha ha ha i love when you put that ass hole in he's place

nice crapper

Anonymous said...

It's called the Internet-- and Nuff said. Nobody goes to the stadium to buy tickets anymore, as the article suggested.

Anonymous said...

Those look like coffins in the parking lot on the right.

Anonymous said...

Of course people dont go to the stadium ticket office to buy tickets anymore.

A fact over looked by the blog host looking for a sensational story to add his negative spin to.

The blog host should seek help for his affinity for negativism and constant complaining. He likely lives a very sad life.

Queens Crapper said...

And your life must be even sadder if you feel the need to not only come here but to comment on such a sad blog.

The revised song lyrics are called "humor". And FYI: I copied and pasted the article from the NY Post so your beef is with them.

Anonymous said...

Jeez, anonymous, lighten up. The Crapper posted the line about the internet sales too.

Anonymous said...

go back to south salem loser

Anonymous said...

im in germany today clown

Queens Crapper said...

Nope, you're in South Salem, it comes up in the stats. And you are using "Hide My Ass" for anonymous web surfing.

Anonymous said...

Hey, hey, hey...
don't try and f--k around with the "Crapper" you wimp.

You won't come out of it smelling like a rose!

Go "Crappie"....go!

His ass is bleeding already and here come the jackals after blood!

He ain't hiding it so well.

Anonymous said...

Mc Lame ought to start his own
Willets Point ball team

I think that Parkside is falling down on the job too!

Evan is eating too much lately.
He can hardly move as "fast" as he used to.

Good morning to you too Toby!

Anonymous said...

Dumb ol' Mc Shane never watched
the "Seven Samurai" or it's American counterpart "The Magnificent Seven".

Nine's more than enough.

As actor Yul B. said in the later film
"I think the price of corn just went up"....after they thinned out a heap of Calvara's bandits!

Anonymous said...

maybe someone can save fred wilpon's behind from the bernie madoff scandal? with wilpn hiring barry slotnick (criminal defense lawyer) to protect him, fred has something he is worried about. wilpon keeps saying the money he lost (500+ million) wont urt sterling equities, but that's a hell of a lot of money to lose. Put wilpon on the pitcher's mound and let him pitch his way out of this one.

Anonymous said...

I think we all understand that the internet has changed the way we buy tickets significantly over the last few years. But don't give me any crap that people don't stand on lines anymore for tickets. At the beginning of every season, INCLUDING the 2008 season, the tv news were ALWAYS out at Shea and Yankee Stadiums, shooting videos of HUNDREDS insanely loyal fans waiting in cold weather, many sleeping over, for tickets to the new season. Even at the mention of possible post season play last year, the faithful were waiting for potential tickets. The internet didn't change the ticket selling business THAT drastically over the past few months. This article is VERY significant, and may be an indication of things to come for the Major League Losers in Queens and Da Bronx.

Anonymous said...

$49 to park your car at Citifield = More congestion.

Anonymous said...

Seats for a regular game start at $75 plus a service charge plus a convenience charge.
$6 hotdogs
Who are these crooks kidding, they an shove it !!
What is a $7.50 per ticket convenience charge?

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