Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Carrión full of crap

From the Daily News:

Carrión also had taxpayers fund his $140-a-year satellite radio subscription because he spends "a great deal of time traveling throughout the Bronx and the city. It was important for him to have a 'mobile' source for news and information," Fenton said.

The former borough president also charged taxpayers more than $13,000 a year for his membership in the County Executives of America organization. No other borough president did so.

When asked, Fenton did not provide a specific example of how the membership benefited residents of the Bronx.

The Bronx borough president office spent $24,000 on overnight travel for conferences and other meetings in fiscal years 2007 and 2008. The other four borough president offices spent a combined total of $2,750.


Anonymous said...

Another toilet suckin Obamanee.

This administration took 4 weeks to prove it is incompetent. It has taken 6 weeks to rival the keystone cops. In a couple of weeks, it will resemble the team that plays the Harlem Globetrotters.

I was originally offended when I heard quotes from people talking about the administration 'failing'. But now, I really hope they fail. Everything they they do is so stupid, yet so costly, it needs to fail.

I am not defending the prior administration. But the spending which was so disgusting under W has been doubled and/or tripled under BO. This is going to solidify the economy?

Put your coat on... the Shitstorm is comin......

Anonymous said...

"spends "a great deal of time traveling throughout the Bronx and the city. It was important for him to have a 'mobile' source for news and information," Fenton said.""

What a crock of lawyerspeak.

But as a concerned citizen I did an FCC database check and found that, yes, both WCBS-am and WINS both -do- actually cover their col... they are free too.

As for "hoping this administration fails" -You better have either a mattress full of cash or, a stock of pencils and tin cup to sell if that happens. Stop listening to the scum on WABC try listening to some experts and major world media, This is an international monetary crisis unlike anything since (atleast)the 1930s and most -reputable experts- (that excludes rush, shawn etc) agree that a massive stimulus plan is required to avert a depression.

Anonymous said...

Lino, I am sure there is something smart in what you have said, but you coated it so well in stupidity.

Anonymous said...

1. dead and putrefying flesh.
2. rottenness; anything vile.

Obama's gourmet specialty

Anonymous said...

"Lino, I am sure there is something smart in what you have said, but you coated it so well in stupidity."

Cop-out response.

Anonymous said...

1. dead and putrefying flesh.
2. rottenness; anything vile.

Obama's gourmet specialty


Another entry for Democratic Dictionary.

Nice work Taxpayer!

Anonymous said...

1. Machine hack with no real opposition and owes position to the clubhouse - check.

2. Lapdog press that only mentions politicans in press releases from the politican's media flack - check.

3. The tradition of a spirited public demanding accountability from the politians dormant - check

Anonymous said...

The caliber of officials decline with each decade the passes.

Anonymous said...


As usual, you're the prizewinner for aggressive stupidity and unparalleled ignorance. You're heaping blame on a president who's been in office for all of two months for an economic meltdown that's been brewing for several decades of bad policy. Oh, and we didn't miss the racist jibe about the Globetrotters. very funny.

The rest of the world awaits, brilliant Maspethian. You tell us how this mess should be handled: objectively, supported by facts, and without the characteristic sarcasm and hyper defensive remarks towards those of us who think you're a jerk. How would you pull off an economic stimulus without SPENDING????

Stop being such an insufferable blowhard who always manages to get it wrong on the facts. The Shitstorm is already in evidence from the bleating of naysayers like yourself who enjoy blaming and ridiculing others, but not offering anything in the way of constructive remarks.

You'd better go now--your leader Rush Limbaugh just started his daily hatemongering.

Anonymous said...

Wow, last anon, you managed to do every single thing in your post that you accused me of. I congratulate you on your thoroughness.

As for Obama, where to begin about his blithering inability to lead. He sounds like a stuttering 9 year old w/o his teleprompter. He stresses the need for earmark reform while signing a bill packed with earmarks. Hires a tax cheat to head the IRS/Treasury. Talks about transparencyyet pressures Congress to sign a bill b4 it has been read, then takes a vacation and signs it 4 days later. Makes up boogeymen like Rush Limbaugh so they can demonize someone of only marginal importance. Sounds like you anon. I could list another 100 missteps of this administration and your only response would be - Rush is fat and took oxycontin and Cheney is the debull. Loser.

"How would you pull off an economic stimulus without SPENDING????" Spending on WHAT? Salt marsh mice? Studies of grapes and blueberries? Billions for 'community outreach' groups? A lousy $13 fucking dollars a paycheck? Michelle O scoffed at such a stimulus plan during the campaign. $$$ for weatherstripping federal buildings? And tell me, when your energy bill goes up due to Obummer's carbon tax, how stimulated will you be?

Queens Crapper said...

My two issues with Obama thus far are:

1) Can't seem to find anyone that actually paid their taxes to appoint to high level positions

2) Accused McCain of being "out of touch" when he said that the fundamentals of our economy are strong, but just this past week said the same thing and doesn't seem to think there's a problem with that.

Um, hello?

Anonymous said...

Pobrecito Maspethian. You just couldn't get through a single post without lashing out with your anti-Obama venom and your general contempt for anyone who calls you on your rubbish. Hell, the original post wasn't even about the prez.

You don't like Obama. Fine. However, you serve up your bilge pretending he's the antichrist. You've taken a few personal swings,but you still haven't answered the question: what is it that Obama is not doing that, in your opinion, he should be doing? Can you manage that without the righteous anger? You are quick to list people as incompetent, stupid, etc., ad nauseaum. How about a constructive post, for once?

Anonymous said...

Its fun to watch liberals and Dems squirm at all of the missteps of their anointed one. Not ready for prime time, baby. Things were real easy when they were sittin in the cheap seats.

What would i do? Well for one, undo, to whatever extent is possible, these ridiculous bailouts. Two, slash payroll taxes. Three, means test federal benefits. Four redirect the crap in the stimulus to meaningful infrastructure projects.

Anonymous said...

So, now, last anon, you want substantive posts directly related to the post, why dont u defend this pathetic nominee's expenditures.

Anonymous said...

Wrong again Maspethian. You assume this anon is an Obamaite liberal Democrat. As an independent who's not affiliated with any political party, I'm sick to death of both parties'carping and failed policies. Some of us would like to see a third party rise and clean up this unholy mess.

Have you forgotten that your beloved Bush was the original bestower of our national treasury's resources upon his corporate minions? Obama has at least tried to put the brakes on AIG's corporate piggishness and attempted to find some way to forestall the foreclosures that are going to put fellow citizens on the street. Are his policies perfect? No. At least, unlike his predecessor, he's not solely focused on keeping the l% of the population comprised of the superwealthy happy.

Painting with a broad brush along party lines and braying about reversing the irreversible are not going to improve things. With two wars, a global economic meltdown, skyrocketing medical expenses, foreclosures, and everything else that's going on, how would a slash in payroll taxes work? Don't you think trickle down economics has proven to be a miserable failure? Patriotic one, don't you feel the need to support your government's programs and infrastructure?

Means testing? How do you measure the needs of the phantom illegals who suck up taxpayer dollars, including education and Medicaid? Think they'll be part of the 2010 Census so you can send them all surveys to see if they should receive government benefits?

What "meaningful" infrastructure programs do you mean--big corporations stabbing the taxpayer in the neck again to bleed us for another sports stadium?

Maspethian, your Adam Smith politics are sunsetting. We're witnessing the implosion of Reaganomics. Those days are gone forever and all your bitching and put downs won't revive it.

This president has the task of cleaning a mess bigger than Hercules had when he was ordered to clean the Aegean stables. The mess we're in was created by decades of bad policy. This is a bipartisan issue and you seem to be allowing a huge pass for your Republican senators who went along with this bailout.

When ignorant people take glee in expressing their wish that their president's policies fail, we've reached a sorry point in our country's history.

Queens Crapper said...

Once again, you can always count on Queens folk to bitch about the president when the ones screwing them the hardest live right here in NYC. Open any local paper and that's all you'll read in the letters to the editor section. Not local issues - but Washington. Note to Queens: No one in Washington is reading your diatribes in the Queens Courier.

Anonymous said...

Letting people keep a little more of the money they earn is 'trickle down economics'?

You talk about phantom illegals but support a Prez that is going to spring open the borders.

I say we need to spend $$$ on infrastructure, and you for some strange reason, ask, "Patriotic one, don't you feel the need to support your government's programs and infrastructure?". Huh? Then you come back with, "What "meaningful" infrastructure programs do you mean--big corporations stabbing the taxpayer in the neck again to bleed us for another sports stadium?". Nice straw argumment you have created. You are all over the map.

And since I believe, that BO's policies will rob Americans of freedom, political and economic, yes I have no qualms about saying that I hope they fail. I am heartened though, by the fact that he has proven himself so inept, that he has little chance of succeeding.

Anonymous said...

He should have used the money to fix his teeth. Phonys, liars, and thieves---get rid of them all---NOW!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Best of all, there is absolutely nothing you can do about this! HAHAHAHAHA

Anonymous said...

Crapper said it all: who the hell in Washington is reading this or cares? It's the local scum politicians that are immediately to blame for the sorry state of affairs in this borough. It's a shame to see folks like Mas who buy into the Limbaugh-Hannity garbage lauding Adam Smith economics that have caused our middle class to atrophy and suffer. It's a race to the bottom with your world view, Mas. As long as middle class denizens align their view of what's best with the interests of big business and the whore politicians who provide them with everything they want, we are doomed.

Anonymous said...

"It's a shame to see folks like Mas who buy into the Limbaugh-Hannity garbage lauding Adam Smith economics that have caused our middle class to atrophy and suffer."

I call bs. Suffer how? I am as virulent as anyone here objecting Bloomturds bs. I find it curious though how, in a thread about an Obama nominee, I am dressed down for not talking about local issues.

I have posted here about saving local hospitals, Willets Point, local crime, and traffic conditions, I think with the general approval of the readers of this blog.

But of course, I have been conveniently linked to Limbaugh and Hannity. That is an easy tactic. Don't make an argument, pick a demon and link your opponent to that demon. What a copout.

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