Tuesday, December 2, 2008

His own kingmaker

There was so much good stuff in this one that I couldn't choose an excerpt. Just read the whole thing!


And if you like Bloomberg portrayed as a king, you'll love him as an emporer.

As far as contemporaries go, he has something in common with Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez. But at least they're having a referendum on term limits down south...


Anonymous said...

From the Post article:New York, which became ever more dependent on Wall Street's high rollers to create each new job a thousand-dollar meal at a time, is going to have to rethink its economic future. Wall Street as we knew it is never coming back. The high taxes and over-regulation Bloomberg prefers pushes out the small- to medium-size businesses that will have to drive much of our economic growth in the future.

Over regulation there was not and that is the one of many problems of this ultra hyper capitalist.Regulation on Wall Street?No. But then again there hasnt been any of that on the Federal level either.The media mogul who ignores the law he resembles is Berlusconi.Silvio also owns every media outlet he can and runs for a 3rd or 4th time whenever it suits him.His opposition is mocked and marginalized with trumped up lawsuits quietly getting rid of opponents.

Anonymous said...

Commissar Death and Taxes is absolutely not a capitalist of any sort. A capitalist takes his own risks without ever demanding that there be any unwilling risk takers.

Being rich is not evidence of a capitalist. Chavez is rich. Capitalists risk their own money and then reap their own rewards.

Rewards without risk is the sign of a thief.

Here is a short list of his political models:
Hugo Chavez
Joe Stalin
Fidel Castro
Robert Mugabe
Adolph Himself
Benito Mussolini
Napoleon Bonaparte
Louis XIV
Willie Sutton
Eliot Spitzer
Rosie O'Donnell
Martha Stewart
Victoria Secret

Anonymous said...

This IS a good article, and true on many counts. I think it confirms what I believe;that Bloomberg is NOT a good leader, NOT a good manager--we have suffered through many of Bloomberg's Follies (West Side stadium, 2012 Olympics, school reorg, congestion pricing) and he has FAILED on most of them. He is just not that great. In business, he would have been let go after any one of those failures.

I will note that Fred Siegel authored Prince of the City, a very laudatory book on Rudy Giuliani, so there may be something else here. Nevertheless, it is really on point, and I enjoyed it with my coffee and bagel. Thx.

Anonymous said...

It just goes to show you that people that have lots of money and are successful are beneficiaries, to a large extent, from luck, pure and simple.

Sure you might have a good home as a kid, parents with the resources to send you to a very good college, and contacts to get you a good job.

But from there its simply luck.

Be interested to hear what Wade has to say.

Anonymous said...

It just goes to show you that people that have lots of money and are successful are beneficiaries, to a large extent, from luck, pure and simple.

Couldn't agree more on that statement. Read "Fooled By Randomness" by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, he basically says the same thing.

As for the Fred Siegel article, very well written. Siegel used to write some good articles for the NY Sun (RIP), and also for City Journal.

Unfortunately, the alternatives to Bloomie aren't much promising. Anthony "Oscar Meyer" Weiner? Marty Markowitz? Yuck. I'd take Charles Barron over these 2 knuckleheads, at least there'd be some interesting riots under Barron.

Anonymous said...

El correcto there, Wade.

The crop of politicos leaves a lot to be desired. Like selling cars, it seems to attact a certain type.

All we can do at this time is protest! protest! protest! ... and watch 'em squirm.

Blog away lads!

Anonymous said...

Commissar Death and Taxes is absolutely not a capitalist of any sort. A capitalist takes his own risks without ever demanding that there be any unwilling risk takers.
You do know who Silvio Berlusconi is dont you?Bloomberg hated Spitzer by the way so you really need to do your homework again.The world is not good right wing and evil left.Spitzer was hated by bloomberg because he allow him to have corporate welfare breaks and funds, besides the fact that he knew spitzer was going to investigate Wall Street.
Murdoch is very similiar to bloomberg to with the media control of the NY Post, Wall St Journal, and Fox News Empire of bile.
Tell me Wade of the Dictators installed by the CIA the last 50 years in South America like Batista in Cuba where the mob and U.S. politicians used it for off shore accounts,gambling and prostitution.You remember that dont you?
*Being rich is not evidence of a capitalist. Chavez is rich. Capitalists risk their own money and then reap their own rewards.

Yes true but theres not many honest capitalists in this fine city is there.Capitalists risk there own money Hahahahaha.You are naive.Ever heard of corporate welfare,tax breaks totally more than they put into a company without breaking there back.Such as
Wall Mart,Cost Co, Home Despot,Enron,Citigroup,the Reagan Savings and loan scandal rip off of the 80's,and obviously the lot on Wall Street that can play games with others money and get more bailouts from tax money.Oh, and where are all the slave labor American shoes made as well as GM and most of the U.S. car companies: south of Texas with no benefits or fair wage and American jobs vanish.Do your unbiased research there Wade or watch R. Murdoch and Rove.

Anonymous said...

Yuck. I'd take Charles Barron over these 2 knuckleheads, at least there'd be some interesting riots under Barron.
Sounds like Wade.He doesnt think black people should do anything unless they act real upper crust like Condi Rice.She had fun working for Chevron propping up a right wing dictator in Nigeria that stole all the oil out of the country while 90 % of the population is poor beyond belief.

Anonymous said...

Excuse my typo:Spitzer wouldnt allow bloomberg the corporate welfare breaks and free money tax money when just like other major fortune 500 companies they have there own money.Spitzer was going to investigate Wall Street and bloomberg knew that.
If you look a little further in the past you remember good capitalists like World Co .Do you Wade?
On July 21, 2002, WorldCom filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in the largest such filing in United States history at the time (since overtaken by the collapse of Lehman Brothers in September 2008). The WorldCom bankruptcy proceedings were held before U.S. Federal Bankruptcy Judge Arthur J. Gonzalez who simultaneously heard the Enron bankruptcy proceedings which were the second largest bankruptcy case resulting from one of the largest corporate fraud scandals. None of the criminal proceedings against WorldCom and its officers and agents were originated by referral from Gonzalez or Department of Justice lawyers.

WorldCom changed its name to MCI, and moved the corporate headquarters from Clinton, Mississippi to Dulles, Virginia, on April 14, 2003.

Under the bankruptcy reorganization agreement, the company paid $750 million to the SEC in cash and stock in the new MCI, which was intended to be paid to wronged investors.

In May 2003, the company was given a no-bid contract by the United States Department of Defense to build a cellular telephone network in Iraq. The deal has been criticized by competitors and others who cite the company's lack of experience in the area.

Fun contracts for bush and company buddies even though the company doesnt actually do the job.Halliburton also let soilders drink and shower in dangerous un sanitized water while Halliburton private contractors stayed in luxury hotels in Kuwait.
Outrage overflowed on Capitol Hill this summer when members of Congress learned that Halliburton's dining halls in Iraq had repeatedly served spoiled food to unsuspecting troops. "This happened quite a bit," testified Rory Mayberry, a former food manager with Halliburton's KBR subsidiary.

But the outrage apparently doesn't end with spoiled food. Former KBR employees and water quality specialists, Ben Carter and Ken May, told HalliburtonWatch that KBR knowingly exposes troops and civilians to contaminated water from Iraq's Euphrates River. One internal KBR email provided to HalliburtonWatch says that, for "possibly a year," the level of contamination at one camp was two times the normal level for untreated water.

"I discovered the water being delivered from the Euphrates for the military was not being treated properly and thousands were being exposed daily to numerous pathogenic organisms,"
Those are capitalists.

Anonymous said...

***Being rich is not evidence of a capitalist. Chavez is rich. Capitalists risk their own money and then reap their own rewards.

Some billionaires follow laws, but some laws let them not pay a dime in taxes so its perfect.Plus they get federal subsidies even though there PRIVATE companies.Being rich isnt bad.Most billionaires though play with others money not their own assets.
Chavez puts all the wealth from oil money back to the poor Venezuelen's who had been used for 70 years by Spains Royalty.Now working poor citizens can own their homes and get health care.The money goes to the working poor not Chavez.But hes no Shah of Iran either i guess.How did that dictator get into power?
Remember what happened to Chile after Allende tried to Nationalize the natural resources and keep profits for his own country and population.They got Pinochet via Nixon, Kissinger and CIA which led to 10,000 plus Chilean citizens being tortured and murdered in soccer stadiums and the DINA secret police taking people away for 25 years.Pinochet was quite an embarrassment to the U.S. Britian and the rational side of Spain tried to get him into court.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like Wade.He doesnt think black people should do anything unless they act real upper crust like Condi Rice.

If you can convince Thomas Sowell to run for ANY elected office, I will gladly contribute money and time to his campaign.

As for you, I can't quite figure out what your beliefs are, other than cutting and pasting huge blocks of text from other web sites. You obviously don't care too much for capitalism, although I must admit the current crop of Wall Street types and others are not exactly poster boys for free enterprise.

But what exactly describes your political beliefs? Are you WELL RED?

Anonymous said...

Wade says: although I must admit the current crop of Wall Street types and others are not exactly poster boys for free enterprise.

Wow wow woobsie. There might be hope for you afterall.

So why dont you put your money where your mouth is, put an ax on your shoulder, stride into the woods and build an empire?

You cant be successful in the long term by running all over the landscape and expecting success to happen overnite.

The problem is everyone is a product of ths culture of the past decade or two. Thats why all you kids are going apeshit over what is happening to the economy.

Us old hands have kept our heads down and our powder dry. Our memory goes back over generations.

We will get through this and Bermuda Bloomberg will be a bump on the road.

Now the time is right for our move. The ball is in your court.

Anonymous said...

Wadda ya expect a tantrum throwing, egocentric, wealthy, sociopath with his head stuck up his caboose like Commissar Bloom-turd....humility?

This guy
thinks his shit is ice cream!

Anonymous said...

Wade.As for you, I can't quite figure out what your beliefs are, other than cutting and pasting huge blocks of text from other web sites. You obviously don't care too much for capitalism, although I must admit the current crop of Wall Street types and others are not exactly poster boys for free enterprise.

I care for regulated capitalism with laws used.It needs to be transparent just maybe for less corruption. As for the block of info from other pages that was two paragraphs from federal records of court hearings.One was pasted and one was my words.Its looking at the court results for research reminding people that these major companies have been doing this steadily since 2001.

Anonymous said...

Hells Gate kid:The problem is everyone is a product of ths culture of the past decade or two. Thats why all you kids are going apeshit over what is happening to the economy.

Us old hands have kept our heads down and our powder dry. Our memory goes back over generations.

Are you on of the owners of the Hells Gate Club?Because that wouldnt really make you an old hand at these huge downturns in the economy.Anybody who cares about the country should really be worried with the economy.

Anonymous said...

Wade.You asked what my political beliefs were?Well if Ron Paul could be mayor of this town that might be a nice change with his sensible honest views on economics.Too bad the mainstream media didnt listen to him and marginalized him.

Anonymous said...

Anybody who cares about the country should really be worried with the economy.

Count your blessings.

If this happens in another decade or so, China would make a move to become the reserve currency of the world. Then we would be in deep shit because we would lose control over out economic future.

As long as the dollar has that position, this country is secure.

The euro, pound, and yen are in worse shape than the dollar.

The cause of this is a media asleep and the Republicans on purposely pushing the country over the edge to make the welfare state an impossiblity.

The other party is no prize either. A pity the Democracts are still living in the 1930s and 1960s with their tiresome ideas that turned people off as shopworn decades ago.

Anyone with any hint of understanding saw this coming for a long time - look at the debt growth over the past decade.

Anonymous said...

*As long as the dollar has that position, this country is secure.

The euro, pound, and yen are in worse shape than the dollar.

The U.S. ows China for the money thats bailing out these companies from the last months and were on the gold standard right now.Its inevitible that China could gain world monetary control.They produce endless products that the U.S. use to.OPEC may trade in Euros now, not in dollars.Pretty scary.

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