Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Weiner parks his SUV wherever he wants

A traffic agent eyed the Ford hybrid SUV parked on 63rd Drive in Rego Park in front of the Key Food in a no-standing zone.

He didn't seem to notice, or care, about the removable sign on the door that showed the car was the mobile office of Rep. Anthony Weiner.

"I have a parking shield," Weiner told the agent, standing a few feet from the store's fruit stands.

"And a discount on melons," he joked, trying to lighten the situation with one of his trademark off-the-cuff quips.

He took his office on the road this week for a series of "Weinermobile" stops in his SUV.

Rep. Anthony Weiner going all out for 2009 mayoral bid

Why does Weiner get special parking privileges when everyone else is getting theirs taken away?


Anonymous said...

A hybrid is NOT a gas-guzzler genius.

Anonymous said...

Actually, it is compared to fuel efficient cars like the Prius that get 46 miles/gallon.

Anonymous said...

The focus should be on the abuse of the parking privileges. Mobile office, my ass.

Anonymous said...

What the hell does Weiner need an SUV for anyway? Is he a soccer mom?

Anonymous said...

Why couldn't Weiner take the subway to 63rd Drive?

Anonymous said...

Better question: Why is he getting special parking privileges to CAMPAIGN? That's what the article says he is doing this for.

Anonymous said...

Weiner gets a parking placard because he's special. The placard is a preview of his plans to be treated as special when he is mayor.

Like Commissar Death and Taxes, he's so special and you're not. It really is that simple.

To be so special you must start early. Never treat the law as though it applies to you. Take, take, take. Demand and demand more. Like a rotten 4-year old throwing a tantrum

Make everybody bow and scrape and stay out of your way.

After all, the title Commissar is never to be taken lightly, even if all your thoughts and actions are empty.

Hail Weiner!

Anonymous said...

Special parking privileges to CAMPAIGN AND Weiner gets a parking placard because he's special.

What am I doing wrong to not have this? This practice must end for all POLS. Also POLS running for office must give up current office while running for another office. They are obviously not working in their current job and want another??

Anonymous said...

He's another phoney, do-nothing.
What has he done for our city over the last 15 years????

Anonymous said...

He's another phoney, do-nothing.
What has he done for our city over the last 15 years????

Anonymous said...

All about Weiner and his "girlfriend":

Anonymous said...

If they got married, her name would be HumA Wiener

Anonymous said...

A match made in heaven! Saudis (and their families) LOVE to date Jewish guys from NYC...LOL

I don’t understand. I guess I have no sense of Huma.

Anonymous said...

The term to describe the Weiner's role - - BEARD!

Anonymous said...

Weiner's district is spread out too wide as a result of gerrymandering, and he cannot have a district office in every neighborhood. This is why he must travel around in a mobile office.

If I were Weiner, I'd simply set up a desk and a chair on the sidewalk as a "mobile" office, instead of smugly flouting the no-parking rules.

Besides, if you want to see a really expensive mobile office, see Charlie Rangel.

Anonymous said...

Here's why Weiner gets a special parking pass...and I've said it a million time before.

Politicians sincerely believe that they are above the law.

Laws that apply to common citizens like you and me, don't apply to them.

Politicians are like parasites that feed off our blood, sweat and taxes.

They contribute nothing to our neighborhoods and simply take, take, take, take as much for themselves as possible.

Anonymous said...

Hi! My name's Anthony Weiner, I'm from the NYC government, and I'm here to help!

I just shuttled over here in my SUV, appropriately nicknamed "The Weinermobile"! You think I'm going to ride the subway with all those smelly Tweeded rubes that vote for me? Not on your life!! Huma and I would never mix with the proles!

I've heard reports that a large business in this area is running their air conditioner full blast, and is keeping their front door open! The horror!!!!

Since I'm Al Gore's illegitimate love child, and heir to his throne as environmental czar/hypocrite, I got into my Weinermobile right away, and drove over here to make sure that NO ONE is WASTING ANY ENERGY!!!! I wanted to make sure that Al Gore doesn't fly to LaGuardia in his Gulf Stream jet and beat me here, thus stealing all my political thunder!!!

Anonymous said...

OOOOOO... who is that 'girl' with that 'boy?'

Anonymous said...

Hillary would give Weiner a cabinet position.

It would be a step up from the position in the closet.

Anonymous said...

if hehad any class he'd rent this...

Anonymous said...

Why are we so worried about Pol's and Cops getting free parking, I can't believe so much time and news stories are spent on it when there are real problems. So what he parked for free in a neighbor hood while he met with people who live there. OH MY he has a girlfreind and he would like to have a bigger office. These are not problems.

Anonymous said...

Why? Because it's abuse of power.

Anonymous said...

Here's what Anthony's allegedly hot for: Huma.

Yeah, okay. If he were really straight he'd realize she's a dog.

Anonymous said...

Where is the problem here? Most straight women sleep their way to power.

And when rarely mentioned, its always with a shrug. It must be the final reprehesible behavior between the sexes that is still considered 'normal.'

When money is involved, you would be suprised who climbs into bed with you.

Anonymous said...

"Where is the problem here? Most straight women sleep their way to power."

Typical comment from a man who probably lost a promotion to a woman. So she MUST be sleeping her way to the top!


Anonymous said...

She was.

Get real.

Anonymous said...

"Typical comment from a man who probably lost a promotion to a woman. So she MUST be sleeping her way to the top!

Typical comment from a woman who just slept her way for a promotion who suddenly felt like a sl*t because a Queenscrap commenter called her on it!

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