Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Queens BP's office calls Crappy by mistake

Well, that was interesting. I'm certainly not Nora Peña. There is one that serves as events coordinator for Transportation Alternatives, which may be the recipient of this discretionary money. Which would then beg the question: Why is Helen Marshall funneling money to TA when there are so many charitable Queens groups that could use a boost? Is she anti-parking space? She certainly doesn't seem to mind having her own reserved for her in front of Borough Hall...


Anonymous said...

HA HA HA HA that's classic incompetence.

Anonymous said...

are you getting discretionary dollars, Craps? maybe you were next on the call list and some intern got names and numbers confused?

Could it be that the Crapster is on the take too? What that make you a hypocrap?

Queens Crapper said...

Yes, the Queens Borough President funds Queens Crap. The secret is out!

Anonymous said...

Hey all you non-profits, Terri at Boro Hall gave TA tens of thousands for the one day tour de queens.

Anonymous said...

Its a big joke how they hand out the money - no criteria - no rules - no nothin.

Should be investigated.

If they do, they just might be surprised (I am saying nothing more)

Anonymous said...

ya mean like $15k for a one day exhibit, stuff like that?

Anonymous said...

H-m-m-m....discretionary funds to cover up the indiscretions of many a favorite Queens not-for-profit group!

Just what exactly is your job
Ms. Terri Osborne ?

We don't care to know how you got your position or what position you took to earn it!

Anonymous said...

Again, maybe if you guys thought before you open your mouths, you could do some research:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for proving to us that commenter #4 was right.

Anonymous said...

Uh, no, that doesn't prove anything except that the Queens BP office helped to fund the Tour de Queens.

You guys seem to almost delight in your utter ignorance, don't you?

Anonymous said...

Yes, she helped fund the Tour de Queens. That's what #4 said. maybe it wasn't 10s of 1000s of dollars, but she funded it. Meanwhile, there are thousands of other worthwhile causes this money could have gone to. OUR money. I'd rather give it to an educational afterschool program, AIDS services, homeless services. Instead it went to a fucking bike ride. Congratulations, TA!

Anonymous said...

yes, a bike ride that takes pride in and promotes queens. god forbid.

you guys are really amusing, acting like you've discovered some big secret.

i am partially sympathetic to some of the concerns raised by this blog, but you folks do yourself a big disservice with the snarky tone, baseless attacks and utter lack of research.

Anonymous said...

How did this bike ride take pride in Queens? Did you offer historical pamphlets about the sites passed along the way? Or perhaps pause at each site and give a little lecture about the area?

Anonymous said...

And we all know Streetsblog is not snarky at all.

Anonymous said...

No, actually, it's not snarky.

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