Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Bloomberg counting down his days (and so are we)

As of Monday, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg has 500 days left in office, a political milestone that, perhaps understandably, will fly under most New Yorkers’ radar.

His staff, however, will need no reminder.

Bloomberg Encourages Staff to Watch the Clock

Mr. Bloomberg, who is obsessed with receiving up-to-the-minute data — and made his fortune selling it to Wall Street brokers — has become fixated on the Countdown, as it is known in City Hall, wielding it as a motivator and a warning.

Every day, aides print the number of his remaining days as mayor at the top of his speech cards, and Mr. Bloomberg recites it whenever, and wherever, possible.

For city employees who somehow miss the mayor’s ritual time readings, Mr. Bloomberg’s staff has helpfully installed large digital countdown clocks in at least 14 government offices. “Make every day count,” reads the label above most of the clocks.

And just how much did this micromanaging, useless nonsense cost us taxpayers?


Anonymous said...

I can say it now: "Good riddance!" You ridiculed and sucked the energy out of a great city. Greed gets you nowhere.

Anonymous said...

THis from the mayor who fired one of his jabronies for having solitaire on his desktop -- not even playing it -- at work.


Anonymous said...

Bloomberg doesn't accept a salary
Bloomberg doesn't use gracie mansion
Bloomberg outlawed smoking indoors
Bloomberg is one of the largest patrons of the arts in nyc
Bloomberg doesn't have to bend to special interest groups because of his personal wealth

Oh yeah, real terrible guy. I think you have a great blog, but you're wrong on this guy.

Anonymous said...

"Bloomberg doesn't have to bend to special interest groups because of his personal wealth"

He doesn't have to. But he does. Why is that?

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg outlawed smoking indoors

yes, just before the state was going to do it anyway. what a guy!

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg is one of this city's great mayors, has continued improving the city, has kept it fiscally responsible, and is enormously popular. Queens Crap is a joke blog that everyone considers to be a haven for bigots and meatheads.

Enough said.

Anonymous said...

Mayor Bloomberg is a joke of a mayor who is leaving the next mayor with ENORMOUS debt and a crappified city. What a selfish prick.

Queens Crapper said...

Fiscally responsible?!?!?!

"City debt and other commitments are poised to shoot up from $54 billion as of last July to an all-time high of $73 billion in mid-2011, according to city numbers."

Bloomberg's Hidden Debt

Anonymous said...

HA HA HA HA HA, I guess wasting money on these clocks and giving gigantic tax breaks to developers while raising taxes on homeowners are good examples of fiscal responsibility.

Anonymous said...

That clock actually reads 50 days left. I wish, OH DEAR GOD I WISH!!!!

Queens Crapper said...

The caption reads: "Flickering lighting obscured some numbers."

Anonymous said...

"Queens Crap is a joke blog that everyone considers to be a haven for bigots and meatheads."

Pardon me? Queens Crap is where I find out what is really happening. What's the matter, Evan? The truth hurts?

Anonymous said...

Sounds more like Manley.

Anonymous said...

Dear Bloomie:

I hope you read this.


Anonymous said...

The caption reads: "Flickering lighting obscured some numbers."

--Come on Crappy, don't ruin my day. Can't I just PRETEND it is really 50 days left for Bloomturd for a little while longer?????

Anonymous said...

this is the mayor who blows developers, steals land and caters to the billionaires , i wish it was 500 hours he had left .he he's great he looks down on average people like the scum that evan stavinsky is. he hangs with neglecter shulman + hellen i shall be your yes doll. people in his own adminastration are afraid of him he's an arrogant little cocksucker!!

Anonymous said...

is that clock green

Anonymous said...

Bloomberg thinks he's G-d.

And according to his thinking
G-d doesn't have a navel so he
decided to have his own surgically
removed in order to convince us
he's divine.

He should have sealed off
his ass hole instead!

But which one?

Crap pumps from both ends
of his alimentary canal
and for a pint sized prick he sure drops a big load!

Anonymous said...

if a lot of people agree with our "jokes" on QC they must also agree with our positions.

If you had any idea of the number of hits we get each day,
you'd be envious.

Is it Natzli, Evan, Pinky (still logged onto us eh?) or whoever? !!!

Our readers comprise
the new "silent majority".

Anonymous said...

And how much more damage can he do
to us New Yorkers in the mean time
(and we do mean MEAN... as in
the queen-of-mean) ?

Maybe we should offer him an early retirement buy out!

It'll be cheaper for us in the long run what with that shit load of debt he's already left us with!

Anonymous said...

He may have outlawed indoor smoking but he's been blowing smoke up our asses for two very long terms!

Good riddance turtle face
(and you too Ms. Natzli Parvisi)!

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