Friday, February 15, 2008

Windows on the world of crap

This is considered news in the 'new' LIC:

Hunters View getting ready for windows. Alert the presses.

Photo from LIQCITY


Anonymous said...

Views - what views? The views of the BQE, industrial roof tops and a peek-a-boo I see you Manhattan or 59st bridge if I contort myself off the edge of the balcony?

Don't ever buy on renderings and factor in that the Manhattan views are to disappear along with the value of your unit over time, when future crap projects built will block it.

Join the multiple suckers losing money by the hour for virtually vapid crap design,amenities and construction.

Anonymous said...

Looks like something in East Germany.

After LICNYC and QueensWest, does the neighborhood need yet another real estate junkie?

Enough already. Lets hear from those people who have this shit in their back yard.

Anonymous said...

Looks like something in the former Soviet Union.

Anonymous said...

Throw a post about LIC on this blog and see all the people who are bitter that they can't afford to buy in one of the beautiful new luxury buildings scurry to make up things to criticize in their comments. One of the sites has actual video from the building (not a rendering) showing the views and you pretty much see the whole midtown skyline.

Anonymous said...

yes, i saw that video too.
It will have nice views, and everythign west of Jackson has minimum height requirements until you get to the Waterfront - I don't think that they need to worry about their views.

Plus, it was built in what used to be one of the ugliest corders in the Vernon Jackson area - now they have 5 new building goign up right next to it with plenty of new retial...give it a chance, huh

Anonymous said...

I had a beautiful view of the skyline until the crap started piling up. And you are sorely mistaking jealously for outrage. If these glass and drywall turds at elast tried to fit into the communtiy, I don't think people would be half as annoyed. But they're big, and ugly and and cheaply made. I live in a gorgeous 2 family brick house that will be standing long after these "luxury" condos. Just take a look at the scaffolding on the cracking Avalon building. Who want's luxury like that?

Anonymous said...

"it was built in what used to be one of the ugliest corders in the Vernon Jackson area - now they have 5 new building goign up right next to it with plenty of new retial."

Condos and retail, condos and retail...this sounds like a pretty lame way to redesign a neighborhood. Notice that the LIC real estate vultures are hyping up their project on, of all places, Queens Crap. Real smart. I thought you wanted us to believe that no one reads this blog!

Anonymous said...

When the R.E. crash hits bottom, LIC will be the first to go.

Anonymous said...

How to make a phony neighborhood: Destroy the remaining charm and dump lots of concrete and glass as high as you can. Scream about how great it's going to be. Sit back and wait. When it doesn't get great as planned, cut your losses and run to another "up and coming" location.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, being a LIC real estate fan is like being a Tampa Bay Devil Ray fan. It's a complete joke.

Anonymous said...

True dat. Die hard Tampa Bay fans convince themselves that the team can only get better. Just like LIC RE fans. Wait til next year!

Anonymous said...

That recipe is also known as "How to Destroy a Fully Functioning Neighborhood."

Anonymous said...

"How to make a phony neighborhood: Destroy the remaining charm and dump lots of concrete and glass as high as you can."

Dumpy unused factories and warehouses and open lots - so charming. If you think that luxury condos near waterfront with Manhattan skyline views are bad investments, I don't want you as my financial or real estate advisor.

Anonymous said...

Commerce is expected to be bustling this upcoming decade. Too bad we took all the "Dumpy unused factories and warehouses and open lots" and occupied them with condos.

Anonymous said...

Why bring jobs that Queens residents might actually take? We want them out. Queens will become Manhattan's playground. Wait and see.

Anonymous said...

I would rather give mega tax breaks to manufacturers who provide jobs than to developers who provide misery.

Anonymous said...

Throw a post about LIC on this blog and see all the people who are bitter that they can't afford to buy in one of the beautiful new luxury buildings scurry to make up things to criticize in their comments.


(yawn) oh, yeah, sure ...

Anonymous said...

To anonymous #2: how come being a real estate junkie automatically negates the opinion of someone who has been 'living with this shit in my backyard'? I've been living through jackhammering, pile-driving, teardowns, etc for over 4 years now... I got kicked out of an industrial artist loft in LIC for a condo conversion and went through the nightmare of finding an affordable place to rent in the hood.

So whatever. A major topic about LIC is the development. I agree that most of it is crap, but it's also the reality and despite my misgivings and sadness about it, I've come to embrace it. There's beauty in the new construction - even if it's ugly. I cried when the Hackett building got knocked down. I'm mourning the Star Building's future demise and transformation into a piece of shit. There's an industrial beauty at vernon & 45th coming down bc it was a paint factory and it's too toxic to convert. it's gorgeous. it's sad.

Do I particulary love this new building? not really. Am I fascinated by it sometimes, yeah. I've never witnessed anything like this before, even though I don't love it. Do I want yuppies in my hood? Not really. Can I stop any of it? no. Am I an idealist who wishes we could landmark the whole city before we bury it in glass and steel. yes. Does that matter or change anything? no.

To be honest with you, if it seems that I'm a broker's pawn etc, which I keep getting accused of - it's because of my fascination with the development. It's all I live and breathe right now. literally. But I guess the message to me is that readers are wondering where the soul is in liQcity (and LIC), and that's a good reminder to me to make sure it gets in there. so thanks. duly noted.


Anonymous said...

Then mister, this shit (and how it treats the community and its citizens) should make you disgusted.

It should make you want to go out and fight like hell, try to save what is left, and educate the public to help you save even more.

If you are interested, and serious, instead of going gagga over ruins, do something useful. Join and fight with the those trying to stop this and save our city and the communities within it.

Every day in out city brings a new outrage from development, and with each insult to a block, a community, or a building we gain a batch of new converts.

Community preservation will be the hot button topic in the next decade.

In politics (and that is what all this really is) nothing, brother, nothing, is set in stone.

Nothing is a done deal.

Anonymous said...

How to make a phony neighborhood: Destroy the remaining charm and dump lots of concrete and glass as high as you can.

Look folks - those who post on Crappy's site are not against various neighborhoods or people for example Astoria or LIC or Elmhurst or Maspeth or Jamaica.

It is about developers, investors, architects, politicians, incompemtent oversight and corruption that has ruined the unique character and charm of our neighborhoods. Zoning and greed has thrown up the glass towers on our shorelines, torn down double width plots with single homes, remove any chance of parking anywhere, greedly landlords packing illegals into single family SRO - you get the picture. Landmark quality historic property is ignored and torn down.... no parks are being planned for your children, schools are too packed to teach properly, local stores have disappeared, transportation is pooly run and increasingly expensive you get the picture. Queens welcomes all legal folks but we are so crowded together these days that our living standards are fast becoming 3rd world.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I like the "I'm going to be neutral" vibe emanating from LiQCity, just like that of OuterB. Just what we need.

Anonymous said...

Well at least these upscale residents
won't be hanging granny's bloomers on
the balcony rail to dry.....
only their rare Sarouk area rugs!

Anonymous said...

now it sounds like some pretty desperate
real estate agents and sales reps
seem to be using "Queens crap"
to pimp their shoddily built condos.

Hey "Crappie",
shouldn't you be charging them for ad space ?

Anonymous said...

This blog is a joke. All disenting views are blocked by the moderator. There are about 5 cranky old men who are against everything who are alowed to post without censure.

People need places to live, and two story houses and double wide lots are not going to handle it. I don't get it. This in NY, not Kansas.

Doesn't it tell you something when develepoment after development going up, sells out and a new one pops up.

Get over yourself. You do not own Queens, and no one should suffer having to live with your vision of it. People will vote with their dollars. If this stuff is as crappy as you portray it no one will buy it and the development wil stop. Until then sit back get some popcorn and enjoy the show.

Anonymous said...

Now this sales agent stooge is insulting women
by claiming that only "old men" are posting.

Tsk, tsk, tsk.....
age and sex discrimination in one shot.

Go back to your desk
and count all the sales you haven't been making!

Anonymous said...

That sales agent appears to also be clairvoyant.
He knows the age and sex of everyone posting.

Anonymous said...

People need places to live, and two story houses and double wide lots are not going to handle it. I don't get it. This in NY, not Kansas.

---Nooo, but from that statement and your enchanted "TV" view of NYC, you obviously are form Kansas or some other state with no "pulse."

Get over yourself. You do not own Queens, and no one should suffer having to live with your vision of it. People will vote with their dollars. If this stuff is as crappy as you portray it no one will buy it and the development wil stop. Until then sit back get some popcorn and enjoy the show.

---Actually, I do think I own Queens, being a 35 year old WOMAN of 3 who's lived here her entire life and OWNS her home. And as for people voting with their dollars, have you had your head up your ass for the past year? The real estate bust? The big reason? People being DUPED by realtor and developer jackals into mortgages they couldn't afford. When your friends come over from Kansas (because I'm sure people who were born and raised here ain't buying them!) and get duped into buying one of these hunks of junk and then can't sell it because they won't make a profit because the market is FLOODED, who suffers? The neighborhood, the homeowners–not the Toll Brothers, Rockrose, or whatever other piece of shit developer picking at our bones.

And then your friends, after they get the "NYC" address on their little resumes, will click their heels and go back to the midwest. And I hope to GOD they all become methheads.

Queens Crapper said...

Also, are the urban planning schools in Topeka teaching that dumping tens of thousands of units on a neighborhood without first upgrading the sewers, schools, electrical grid, etc, is a good thing?

Anonymous said...

Get over yourself. You do not own Queens, and no one should suffer having to live with your vision of it.

Yea, you are right, I don't own Queens, but I intend to take it back real soon.

I vote. I pay taxes. And your 'vision' of 100,000s new people does jack shit for me.

I want my hard earned money (read taxes) to be used for my family - my kids. When services are adequate, lets talk about new people.

And Mister, as far as the people that really really live in Queens are concerned, you will have a long long wait.

Anonymous said...

interesting conversation. i'm not neutral, but i don't think there's anything I can do to stop what's going on in LIC. the development has been invited by the city, and to a large part, the community living there needs some amenities so the development is kind of our double edged sword.

I would live in LIC if it continued to be an industrial wasteland, and although I cringed everyday for 4 years upon witnessing the callous destruction of history in my neighborhood... i remember that others once mourned the loss of farmland in the name of the historic buildings we now rue the loss of. so nyc goes on in its cycle of transformation.

where i intend(ed) to have impact was inside the current community. and it's not even about who's been here since the end of time or before last year - but those who love the hood and don't want to see starbucks here. but they're coming in two different spots and you tell me what kind of fight i could really put up against them. nothing that would win. but what I can do is make sure people know about the other places they can go to besides the evil conglomerates, and the fact that starbucks is on its way. slice it anyway you like but we give a shit about that shit.

the developers don't care about us as people. they just care about the bottom line. if there is anything someone should tell me to do with a blog about LIC is to make sure the people who live here get heard when they need to, and those who want to keep our artists and 'fringe' communities in the face of yuppie whitewashing should have an avenue of expression and organization should they choose.

And just to let you know...many people in Long Island City (businesses and individuals) want to band together to save the soul of the neighborhood. blogs (even one chronicling the real estate development) can create and support that process.

but blogging about the development does not negate that effort. fighting the development is aligned with banging one's head repeatedly against a brick wall. bloody and senseless.


Anonymous said...

fighting the development is aligned with banging one's head repeatedly against a brick wall. bloody and senseless.


My friend, if you want to talk on behalf of Long Island City, the real Long Island City, you have a lot to learn.

Never ever write of the little guy. Let me introduce you to one, my friend, Johnny Moskito.

If you ever want to slight the little guy, just try falling asleep with my little buddy in the same room.

(Oh yes, as to development, we can do just about anything we want. And if you want to really stop it (instead of, as we suspect, just posturizing), all you need to do is decide to stop it.

And take a clear stand.

It will not happen tomorrow, next year, or perhaps even the next decade, BUT IT WILL HAPPEN.

If you don't understand that, well, all we can say is, like your friends on OuterB and LICNYC, you really don't understand Long Island City.

The real Long Island City.)

Anonymous said...

Throw a post about LIC on this blog and see all the people who are bitter that they can't afford to buy in one of the beautiful new luxury buildings

Just bitter that deveolpers are getting a free ride and will never live here - how about Armonk or Greenwich where zoning is so strictly enforced that the value of properties and quality of life is sky-high? That's where the profits have gone to.

We are left with dense housing in an area of few schools, no parking and over crowded subways. This is after all Queens, no cachet in living here, except for the Marketing materials for these places selling a field of dreams. Hook, line and sinker, people chomp at the bait. The rich are not flocking here, only investing in the bait to catch the fish.

Anonymous said...

Ok maybe there is a few grumpy women here as well...

Hate to dissapoint you, but I've lived in LIC for over 10 years. Born and raised in NYC. And no I'm not a developer or a broker. You overestimate your importance by thinking that anyone would pay that much attention to or lend that much importance to the anonymous posts here. After 10 years in my current place I bought in one of the new condos. I'm very excited about the changes to the neighborhood. I've seen LIC transform from a rat infested garbage strewn lots to parks wher people play and relax. Desolate warehouses where activity ceased a long time ago become reinvented as housing. If you think manufacturing jobs are coming back to NY and revitalizing LIC you are living in a fantasy land. These changes are decades in the making and have nothing to do with the apartments going up.

Being here for a decade or two doesn't give me any more right to try to control the development of this area than a guy who moved here yesterday. Again as I said the changes that are happening are reflective of societies wishes as a whole which puts the NIMBYs on the blog in a vocal but small minority. Again if these condos are as crappy as you think no one would buy them, developers would not build them, etc. etc. People are dropping $1M $2M and $3M in this neighborhood.

Join the fight? What fight? The fight against decent housing for Nyers? The fight against urban renewal? The fight against increasing tax revenues for the city? The fight against construction jobs and new retail jobs?

You want to stop development? Put you money where your mouth is and buy up as much properties as you can and hold it as the monument to the memories that you have. Until quit trying to tell people what to do with their property. You worry about your piece of Queens and I'll worry about mine. If this all proves to difficult for you and the changes too much I suggest you move to Kansas, or whatever other enclave that you can go to live in a time capsule where you can shape your suroundings to this idealized vision of yours.

And thanks for your concern about flooding the market. Most new developments in the area are 70-80% sold out with a handful of remaining units to be sold. It is truly desparate to hope for an economic collapse to further your cause. Really says something about what kind of person you are.

Anonymous said...

You've lived in LIC for 10 years? Whoop dee doo. Most of the people who are outraged by what they see were born and raised here, or have been around for decades. Yes, before the arrival of the "new set" (i.e. you). I have a friend who has lived in LIC for about 8 years and is terrified at the thought of 100,000 new units of housing rushed into a neighborhood that can't handle what's there now. THAT's what it's about, not whether or not you get excited by tall buildings, think it's great that they replaced warehouses or how much money people are willing to sink into them. You better hope that when the Titanic is about to sink that you have a life raft to hop on.

Anonymous said...

Nice try Julie. Every post up until this point has been about how ugly the buildings are, how they are out of character or about the loss of manufacturing jobs, or the loss of historic buildings. Now you swoop in and say that this is all about infrastructure. Thanks for clearing that up. Well here is a surprise for you. I can get behind the need for additional infrastructure, but not when it is masked as an attempt to stifle developement. Why do the crys for more parks, subways, etc. always come in opposition to the development du jour. Where are you guys before the developemnt plans get filed?

And thanks for confirming what I thought already - apparently you have to log a certain amount of years in a neighborhood before your are deemed an expert and can comment on it. Do tell us what the magic number is? 20 years? 30? 50? Please let me know so that I can log back in at that date and share along with the rest of you.

Queens Crapper said...

"Now you swoop in and say that this is all about infrastructure."

There's a lot to discuss about new development, and we have been doing just that. However, you must not have been reading this blog for very long, because infrastructure concerns have been raised since day 1, before most of the developments in LIC started being built in a frenzy last year. This blog was started after the blackout, and covered the flooding problem last summer extensively. It is not the people who live in a community that are responsible for seeing that infrastructure is updated before the plans are submitted, that's the job of the people we elect. Since they are bought off by developers, it doesn't happen. Most of the time, the average joe homeowner doesn't know there are plans to build in his neighborhood until the plywood fences have been erected. Obviously if you moved here planning to live in an "up-and-coming" neighborhood, then your view of that area will be vastly different than someone who has lived a lifetime in it and plans to raise their own family there.

Anonymous said...

Great, Mr. Anonymous. Now explain why the people who build these things and those who buy them should get huge tax breaks while the rest of us should not.

Anonymous said...

I counted 4 commenters who posted about infrastructure on this thread BEFORE Julie. We all know about selective retention of information, though, don't we? (Translation - we remember only what we want to read and nothing else.)

Anonymous said...

So Crapper, my opinion is inherently less valuable since I only moved in 10 years ago?

Infrastructure does come up a lot here, however I've rarely if ever seen a post about it exclusively. It's always "such and such building is ugly and crap" and oh by the way we should stop this because of the strain on the resources.

Go back and read your website. This blog is not about infrausture needs its a place to "examine architecture that is just what the title says - crap in the borough of Queens."

It is not the jobs of developers to build infrastructure. That job belongs to the government. Instead of taking developers or the people who buy those developments to task for that why not focus that attention on elected officials. And by the way its not the job of elected officals to stifle growth. They should encourage gowth by ensuring that the necessary resouses and support are in place.

Anonymous said...

I've seen LIC transform from a rat infested garbage strewn lots to parks wher people play and relax.


You lived here 10 years? I was born here and my parents moved here in the 4os. Rat infested, eh?

Go f*ck yourself.

Queens Crapper said...

The subtitle at the top of this page says "A website focused on the overdevelopment and "tweeding" of the borough of Queens in the City of New York"

Doesn't say the word "architecture", although I feel free to point out what is cheap and shoddy and ruining the character of our communities.

"Instead of taking developers or the people who buy those developments to task for that why not focus that attention on elected officials."

Oh, and of course, we haven't focused on the role that politicians play in furthering this problem. Why not write this complaint to our newspapers who conveniently choose not to cover important issues around increased density most of the time but can't wait to publish photos of politician fundraisers?

"Infrastructure does come up a lot here, however I've rarely if ever seen a post about it exclusively."

Scroll down 9 posts to the Jim Gennaro article. Or stop along the way and read the St. John's post.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget the post about home heating with veg oil. That was great!

Anonymous said...

Yes, that's right I siad it. Rat infested garbage strewn lots. I have the pictures to prove it. If you lived here as long as you claim you know it to be true. Before the waterfront was developed it was a great place to dump trash, old tires, dead bodies, whatever in the thicket of tall weeds that covered the area where the new developments are. This takes nothing away from the people who lived here at the time, but its true.

Anonymous said...

Great, Mr. Anonymous. Now explain why the people who build these things and those who buy them should get huge tax breaks while the rest of us should not.

The developers aren't getting tax breaks, the people that live there and have to pay the RE taxes are the primary beneficiary.

Anonymous said...

Crapper go back and read the first post on this blog introducing itself to the world. That was a direct quote.

Scroll down 9 posts to the Jim Gennaro article. Or stop along the way and read the St. John's post.

Read St. johns - it only proves my point - infrastructure only comes up as a easy argument against developement. Jim Gennaro is cool, but I had to scroll past like 30 articles saying that this development is crap and that development is crap to find it.

Anonymous said...

This blog has chronicled the fact that 3-6 family homes are replacing yards, one-family homes and industrial space and the infrastructure can't handle it. In fact, this is the only place I ever read these points. Oh, and yes, the architecture is hideous, too.

"Read St. johns - it only proves my point - infrastructure only comes up as a easy argument against developement."

HELLOOOOOO!!!! The argument against St. John's has always been infrastructure - sewers, parking, etc. Go back and read the SJU posts. Padavan found that the sewer system was inadequate to handle the dorm. Do you think putting 185 units where there were 3 one-family houses is a smart plan when the sewers were installed around 1920? Did you not hear about the flooding this past summer borowide?

Anonymous said...

Before the waterfront was developed it was a great place to dump trash, old tires, dead bodies, whatever in the thicket of tall weeds that covered the area where the new developments are.

This stuff is recent. When my parents moved here that was not the case. Neglect by the politicans caused it. Call after call to clean stuff up went ignored. Meeting after meeting did little but get them headlines telling us the Plaza and the waterfront was 'just about to get cleaned up.'

Then nothing.

Now they want to get rid of us after we suffer through the decades of neglect.

You dont get as angy as me overnight. And mister, I will be angy and fighting those bums long after your LIC 'experience' is a memory you tell your kids.

Go ahead, tell them how you had a hand in getting rid of the 'riffraff' in my community.

I repeat, go f*ck yourself.

Anonymous said...

I can get behind an infrastructure movement. Let's improve the sewers, subway, electricity, etc. However, I can not get behind this stop all development movement. That is not the answer. There is no reason why we can not have economic growth AND working infrastructure.

Anonymous said...

If you allow rampant development before upgrading, infrastructure will never catch up.

Anonymous said...

That is defeatist. There is no reason why you can't have both. I'm just not convinced that you want the development.

Anonymous said...

Yes, we are getting an updated sewer system. It will be completed in 8 years, if I remember correctly. In the meantime, let's force the existing system to collapse by building more and more without consideration that our sewers were installed when the area was farmland.

Anonymous said...

Only 8 years for a capital project? That's delusional. Try 15 when all is said and done.

Anonymous said...

"The developers aren't getting tax breaks, the people that live there and have to pay the RE taxes are the primary beneficiary."

Oh my God, whoever posted this obviously never heard of 421-a.

Anonymous said...

The 421a tax abatement is offered by the city to spur development and keep housing costs reasonable by offering 'temporary relief' in property taxes owed by individual condominium owners or coop shareholders.

The tax abatements are applied for by the developer and granted by the city to offer incentives to developers for building and marketing a new property. Usually, a 10-Year Tax Abatement is granted meaning that the actual property taxes that were assessed to the building and its individual units will get relief for the first 10 years of occupancy.

Since the developers have sold the units they are not around to take advantage of the tax abatement. The benefit accrues to the residents.

Anonymous said...

It's down to brass tacks time!

These pro over development (sales agent) posters
are sure as shit scared of the impact
that "Queens Crap" must be having on their
would be "luxury" condo buyers.

Otherwise why would they be spending
so much time trolling it
and posting their "lucid" sales pitches!

You've been unmasked fellas
courtesy of "Johnny Mosquito".....the little guy.

and our friends seem to be buzzing right over.

Sleep tight!

Anonymous said...

I think that Valloney Baloney is posting incognito!

Anonymous said...

Call me Vallone, a broker, or whatever you like. I'm done. I think I've exposed you all as the agenda driven hacks that you are. It's sad that anyone who disagrees with the lemmings here is autmatically labled a broker. There are some of us who live here who look forward to the advancement and development of our neighborhoods. If you want to continue to live in a time capsule, good luck. You are bound to be dissapointed.

Oh, and anyone that makes a buy no-buy decision based off of anything on this website is a fool. Please don't overstate your importance.

Anonymous said...

To the pro-LIC development poster - you can't talk intelligently and reasonably to the supporters of this blog. They look at any change to their simple view of things as terrible. They see anything bigger or better than what they have and rail against it. Their discourse is roughly grade-school level: Overdevelopment! Overcrowding! Infrastructure! Immigration (especially of races different from us) is wrong! You must be a developer/politician! All developers and politicians are corrupt and evil! Blah, blah, blah! It is almost amusing actually.
I just cannot understand why these people insist on living in the most dynamic, ever-changing, ever-developing urban city in the country, when what they really want is to live in a small rural town.

Anonymous said...

"There is no reason why we can not have economic growth AND working infrastructure."

Huh? what?

How is building ugly buildings and shoehorning more people into an area, particularly by those who live in communities with regulations to discourage this, equated with 'economic growth.'

No one in this city, except those in western Queens are are taken advantage of by their leadership, WANTS more growth.

The point is no one has been able to tell a voter and taxpayer why their life is better when there is more people in their community

From lack of infrastructure, to chronic lack of services, to increased pollution, its evils are clearly abundant.

Anonymous said...

There is no reason why we can not have economic growth AND working infrastructure.

Because, dear boy, Queens has had a chronic flooding problem, lack of school desks, etc etc going back for decades.

Just as we get caught up, they throw another 100,000 on the fire.

Back in the 1930s someone suggested the Board of Ed approve buildings only if they had enough school desks. Sounds good then. Sounds good now.

Anonymous said...

"There are some of us who live here who look forward to the advancement and development of our neighborhoods. If you want to continue to live in a time capsule, good luck. You are bound to be dissapointed."

If you think you have the advancement and development of your neighborhood to look forward to, then you are the one bound to be disappointed. The entire thing is going to collapse under the weight of itself. It's top heavy, man.

Anonymous said...

"Because, dear boy, Queens has had a chronic flooding problem, lack of school desks, etc etc going back for decades.

Just as we get caught up, they throw another 100,000 on the fire.

Back in the 1930s someone suggested the Board of Ed approve buildings only if they had enough school desks. Sounds good then. Sounds good now."

YES YES YES, someone GETS it!

Anonymous said...

I like the "let's learn to cope with it" mentality of the LIQ blogger. He should headline HDC's 2030 conference. "I am writing about development in LIC not because I love it, not because I hate it, but because I am not sure how to feel about it even though I have already coined the phrase 'There's beauty in the new construction - even if it's ugly.' because that makes a lot of sense."

Queens Crapper said...

"To the pro-LIC development poster - you can't talk intelligently and reasonably to the supporters of this blog."

There are no 'supporters' of this blog. Politicians have supporters, causes have supporters. QC has readers. If reading what's written here bothers you so, don't read it. Kind of like the "turn the radio off" idea.

Anonymous said...

421-a was supposed to be incentive to build affordable housing. Now define affordable...wait, never mind, it's kind of optional now.

Anonymous said...

421-A was supposed to be for affordable rental units, not condos.

Anonymous said...

I just cannot understand why these people insist on living in the most dynamic, ever-changing, ever-developing urban city in the country, when what they really want is to live in a small rural town.

Maybe some of us want to live in the places that the developers come from, you know, places with some regulations (with teeth in them) on developement.

Hey this is a big country, why don't you go out to those communities that the developers live in tell them the same BS you tell us.

How many of us have faced a smirking developer who tells us the stuff he does to us would never be allowed in his community.

Anonymous said...

We don't "overstate our importance" ......
we just tally up our daily hits !

Wall Street should be doing so well

And yes, you appear to be done.....TO A TURN.....
in your own juices.... at that !

I love self basting oven roasters....don't you.

Anonymous said...

Hey ,
"Valloney Baloney/broker"denying poster....
you took the bait and there's no use struggling
unless you want the hook to be buried deeper.

We sure must have hit a sensitive nerve
in your 3rd molar or something,
for you to abruptly lose your cool
in such an unprofessional manner
and upchuck some choice verbal vomit.

Ta, ta.
It's been such fun exposing
such an overreacting charlatan as yourself.

Looking forward to fencing with you
sometime in the future, perhaps?

Take some brush up lessons first.
I hate crossing words with hot headed amateurs.

There's little sport in it!

Anonymous said...

Ha and bah!

These waterfront "luxury" condo promoters
are swimming for their lives in the whirlpool
created by the sub prime collapse.

Now they're just whistling to control their fears
as they walk past the graveyard!

Anonymous said...

Oh yes, I'm swimming for my life. just bought my second condo in LIC. Look forward to closing later this year. What did Leona say? Sub prime is something the little people worry about.

no nerve wsa stuck... There's no point in continuing to post when lie after lie is pointed out and there and there is. No response to the facts. Please don't take it as a sign that you won. I've got better things to do. As the say you can't teach an old dog new tricks.

Well, I'm off to have a latte at any of the number of new resturants in the neighborhod. Can't wait until Starbucks, Amish Markets and Duane Reade open in a few months. You guys must be stewing in your juices. That trifecta must be a sign of the apocalypse to you. If it makes you feel better you won. I will think about you as I'm sipping overlooking over the manhattan view.

Anonymous said...

post some copies of your deeds
and we might believe you own
something more substantial
than the empty words you're spouting.

Anyway, I thought you signing off.

I guess you just can't resist us!

As for Leonia.....
she doesn't have much to say these days.

Anonymous said...

So, maybe you're a speculator that's stuck
with 2 condos.

Good luck trying to get rid of them
in this down turned market.

if I sold my home in Douglas Manor
I could afford to buy 3 or 4 of your cheaply built tasteless units!

Anonymous said...

You can very easily go onto or any number of other sites and see how the LIC condo prices generally have been going up and up over the last year, and that they continue to rise. The luxury condo market in LIC and most of New York City has been largely unaffected by subprime issues that are affecting other neighborhoods and regions. Although you all love to fantasize that the "subprime crisis" is causing the LIC market to crash, actual facts can be stubborn things.

Queens Crapper said...

Subprime won't push down thge prices, this will: Initial Tremors. But, we thought you were leaving?

Anonymous said...

Why would I try to get rid of them? I just purchased one of them! You guys are too funny!

I've posted fact after fact here that you chose to ignore, sidestep, censure (yes its funny how some of my posts have gone missing - in particular the ones that factually point out how silly your arguments are) etc. So why should continue with this farce by post my deeds? You can believe what you want.

No one chased me away, I chose to leave, but now I'm really done. I just had to respond to the gleeful trash talking, but I'll let you guys get the last word. Congratulations on your big win! Its the only one that you will have so I won't try to take that away from you.

Good luck with you attemps to take over Queens. Johnny Mosquito in particular I look forward to big things from you in 2008. Care to make any predictions about the number of developments you will stop this year? LOL!

Anonymous said...

It's not me posting crapper.

As much as it may suprise you there is more than one person in LIC who welcomes these new neighbors and what they have to offer to our ever growing community.

Best Regards,
Pro-development poster #1

Queens Crapper said...

"It's not me posting crapper.

As much as it may suprise you there is more than one person in LIC who welcomes these new neighbors and what they have to offer to our ever growing community."

Your IP address says otherwise. Funny, they always come back for more.

Anonymous said...

"Why would I try to get rid of them? I just purchased one of them!"

Well you aren't going to own 2 condos to live in. At least one was bought to flip at one point. You may have to hold onto them for longer than you planned to.

Anonymous said...

Queens isn't looking too hot:

Combined spread charts

Anonymous said...

Methinks this pro over development
double condo owner doth protest too much.

If the "facts" he (or she or "the group")
keep on spouting are indeed true....
then why continue to try to reach the readers
of what he considers to be a lowly
unimportant blog site and perpetually ram
his opinions in our faces as being
the Gospel word of the day?


Something is rotten in the world of NYC's
east bank real estate.

Owning 2 units in an "Almost Manhattan Tower"
makes you just a Park Ave. wannabee!

It ain't the real thing bub!

Anonymous said...

I think that "Q Crapper" nailed this phony Valloney/sales agent who has been pimping
for the "luxury" LIC condo market by providing a link
to that very revealing New York Mag. article.

All of you should read it.

If wealthy potential buyers are bailing out
of prime Manhattan gold real estate....
then the LIC condo scene
is beginning to resemble the junk bond offerings
from bygone Michael Miliken days!

Anonymous said...

I think the poster is very sad. He/she/they have no sense of history or what it means to grow up and prosper in a neighborhood. That's how I know these bloggers are always from some dirtwater town that they have been striving to get out of since they turned 15. Ten years means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to me. You'll be gone in another 5. My family and I will still be here. And so will our building.

By the way, I know these condos are pieces of shit because I have lots of friends in the construction business who have worked in them as well as many work friends who have bought them. The walls are cracked, the central air leaks, and the granite's for shit. But you go right ahead and enjoy! Hope you buy 2 more!

As my mom likes to say "It's gonna be pretty funny when those buildings slide in the river. That's all swampland when I was growiin' up."

Anonymous said...

Is it to be silence at last?

Maybe the pro posters are taking a breather
to consult with the "Parkside " group.

Still 82 posts so far, seems to have set
quite a recent record.

What a hot topic!

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