Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sex and the City (Council)

I love it when they do the photoshops for me...

For Council Member James Oddo (R-Staten Island) and his girlfriend, Kim Petersen, an assistant district attorney in Queens, things have played out a little differently since they reconnected at a Queens County GOP event in 2004. Oddo asked his friend and colleague Dennis Gallagher to put in a good word for him. Not long after, a inter-borough romance was born, and has survived for four years.

The Single Life

Whoa, so the Queens DA's office has an attorney on staff that is engaged to Pinky's best friend on the council? This explains the intentional misconduct during the grand jury...

Let's continue.

Even mentioning being in Congress, said Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-Brooklyn/Queens), does not make the best pick-up line.

“Doesn’t work,” he said, shaking his head.

Weiner, whom rumors have linked to more than one woman over the years, insisted that contrary to the speculation, he finds dating difficult, especially with the commute back and forth to Washington. Though that is not the only reason he has stayed single, he said.

“It’s like the line that Woody Allen uses,” he joked. “‘He uses oral contraception—women say no.’ It’s kind of that way with me.”

With all the events on [Peter Vallone's] schedule and the responsibility he feels to his two daughters, available slots to see women are few and far between. And he knows that he is not at his most enticing when he tells prospective dates, “‘I’m free between 7:36 and 8:12 if you want to grab a quick drink,’” he said. “But that’s what ends up happening.”

Perhaps, he admitted, he was just using that as an excuse.

“I’m sure I’ve been dumped for just about every reason in the book. But I’ve rationalized to myself that it’s all because of my schedule,” he laughed.

Hey guys, the problem is that your schtick only works on older women, like ones in their 70s. The younger crowd can smell the B.S. a mile away.


Anonymous said...

I for one would love to run my fingers through Peter's...scalp.

Anonymous said...

I think he may have to resort to the ads in the Trib.

dave in milwaukee said...

Hello again, it's Pete and the Gang here, wishing a bright "Good Morning, Good Morning" to all our beloved constituents out there. We're sorry to report that it looks like it's going to be another sad and lonesome "Day in the Life" for your dedicated elected officials. Yep, we are so busy serving our public and earning our salaries, that we've got no hope of our love lives ever "Getting Better."

Hey, at least we can always count on Pinky for "A Little Help From My Friends." But poor Pinky's been having some romantic troubles of his own lately. Why, just the other day, he was hitting on "Lovely Rita," moving in for the score. But then she shot him down by telling him that she was underage--only 60. But wait! There's still hope! She told him to come back and try again "When I'm Sixty-Four."

But if Mrs. Pink ever comes to her senses, it's a sure bet that "She's Leaving Home."

Anonymous said...

they have "very busy schedules." If that's really so you'd never know it judging by how little they accomplish for us.

Anonymous said...

You're joking about the Oddo-Gallagher-Queens DA theory, I hope?

Anonymous said...

Busy, running to this developer and that developer and this developer and that developer...

Whew! Gathering campaign donations is a full time job!

verdi said...

They're already gettin' more than they need
screwing us all the time.

God help us all if the start taking Viagra!

Anonymous said...

Gallagher already does pop the blue pill. He keeps them in his desk drawer and shows them off to visitors. No, I'm not making this up. He even suggests to guys that they should try it themselves.

Anonymous said...

Are you people kidding me?

verdi said...

No wonder Pinky is always in overdrive ,
screwing his constituents 24 hours a day!

Do you think that Mayor Mike
doses himself up with that blue pill ?

He's one hell of a ------!

Anonymous said...

I heard that story.

I believe that Pinky once told a visitor
to his...uh....district sex den,
that with these "jet blues" you can, ----, ----, ---!

Anonymous said...

Why didn't they interview Katz?

Anonymous said...

yeah, and Katz would've fit well on the Beatles album cover, too, in light of her terrific singing ability. ;)

Anonymous said...

Because Katz always has her mouth full...
heh, heh, heh.....with some developer's....uh.....

I'll bet you thought I was going to go X-rated.

Anonymous said...

Missed ya Trixie. Long time no hear.
How's tricks?

Anonymous said...

I think you losers have a short memory!!! "kim petersen", councilman Oddo's love interest, used to be dennis gallagher's chief of staff for about a year or two. If you look on gallaghers "pink patriots" blog there is an article he posted right after these current rape charges were temporarily dismissed. The postings for this article detailed the inner workings of the queens DA's office and had behind the scenes stuff and personal information about the people from that office who were involved. Kim petersen is blatantly leaking information to Pinky via councilman Oddo. This is an ethics violation for which she should be disbarred. I am going to e-mail the link to this article and these posts to wayne barret from the village voice and all of the local and daily papers. I suggest all of the bloggers here do the same to cast light on this travesty of justice.

Anonymous said...

Ugh...I know what, er, who Vallone was doing on Valentine's Day...

Anonymous said...

Some single politicians are relationship-challenged, others come out of closets, others may end up as lifelong bachelors. Ed Koch is an example. Anyway, let's keep personal lives personal.

Anonymous said...

Pinky is once again threatening bloggers on his pink patriots site. Little does he know what's about to come down. The poor pink prankster is off the deep end and will sink even deeper in the weeks to come.

georgetheatheist said...

How come the Patriot's pulled their recent "libel" post? Hmmm?

Anonymous said...

Oddo called Gallagher and told him to take the posting down on the patriots site. The pink piece-o-crap needs all the friends he can get.

Anonymous said...

Posting on 2/16 Re: Pinky couldn't bed Kim... "kim petersen", councilman Oddo's love interest, used to be dennis gallagher's chief of staff for about a year or two.

Hey. I stumbled across this blog. I had semi followed the Gallagher story. I was unaware of all of these details. Very interesting. I had never heard this information before. Did anything come of this?

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