Thursday, February 14, 2008

Rude awakening at Atlantic Yards

Videos by Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn


Anonymous said...

New York is a quickly developing city with enormous pressure on contractors to get the job done in a timely manner. If you want green pastures out your window, move to Kansas... Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah...

Anonymous said...

Yes, apparently a good night's sleep is too much to wish for these days.

A.Harris said...

Jason In kew gardens doesnt have to live next to something like that and thats why he's making such a poorly though out statement. The city may be developing but there re laws that govern this type of activity at extreme hours. Next time this happens you should call your local precinct and get a police unit out there asap.

Anonymous said...

Um, I thought that the "blah blah blah blah..." would let people know I was being sarcastic...

And I actually DO live next to a hideous piece of crap currently being erected 40 feet outside my bedroom window. I have been meaning to send Crappy some pictures for a while now.

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