Sunday, February 17, 2008

Rehabilitated and crap free!

How refreshing!

From Gowanus Lounge -
Williamsburg Changes #2: Building Redo


Anonymous said...

Wow, those hipsters really did a good job!

Anonymous said...

Brought back to life and maintains it's original character. A well built structure is capable of this, not the slop being put up today, which will soon deterioriate into the slum structures of tommarrow.

Anonymous said...

It's hipsters that revitalize a neighborhood. Then the realtors market the area as "up and coming", the developers follow, and then the yuppies destroy it.

Anonymous said...

Julie, dont you know your not supposed to talk nice about hipsters on this blog?
We hate everything new and different on this blog, keep your comments to yourself.

Queens Crapper said...

Oh look, the LICers have gotten up early this holiday on the wrong side of the bed.

Anonymous said...

Must have hit a soft pot with the Queenscrapper, now he wont allow anymore posts so he can get the last word.

Anonymous said...

LIC? I live in Maspeth and I have my entire life. I went to Grover Cleveland and hung out at "O'Neils"
I just dont agree with your persecution of hipsters and yuppies.
You sound like a whiny little baby.

Queens Crapper said...

No one wrote anything derogatory about hipsters on this post, so I am not sure what the hell you are talking about. And as a matter of fact, I agree with Julie. It's not the hipsters that ruin a nabe, it's the realtors and what they usher into a community after the hipsters arrive by engaging in race-driven marketing.

Anonymous said...

I challenge anyone to find a post written by crappy that's derogatory toward hipsters. You are placing the authorship of anonymous comments on Crappy. How sad that you can't differentiate between content and comments.

Anonymous said...

Alright, he doesnt say anything about hipsters and I confused other anonymous postings to represent his posts. My mistake and I apologize.
Regardless, the Queenscrappers persecution of yuppies makes him sound like a whiny little baby.

Anonymous said...

Great! Now I can pay the gym Soma $84 a month for membership! Everybody wins!

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