Friday, February 15, 2008

Monserrate says no to Willets Point plan

City Councilman Hiram Monserrate (D-East Elmhurst) said last week he is pulling his support of the redevelopment of Willets Point unless the city comes forward with a concrete plan.

Monserrate losing gusto for Willets Pt.

Monserrate, speaking at a rally alongside dozens of Willets Point workers outside the New York City Economic Development Corporation offices in Manhattan last Thursday, said his patience has worn thin for "the dog and pony shows" the city has put on regarding their planned redevelopment of Willets Point.

"They have to come to the table with something that's real," Monserrate said. "They should not expect the City Council to approve a plan that has no real plan in it."


Anonymous said...

Translation: affordable housing affordable housing affordable housing affordable housing affordable housing affordable housing affordable housing

Afterall, when the dust settles, he has to ensure that he can get reelected with the 'right' people in his district.

Anonymous said...

Dozens of workers represented by housing and worker's rights group ACORN joined Monserrate in Manhattan last Thursday to protest what they say is inaction on the part of the EDC, which is administering the project.

Weren't these the troublemakers in Ratnerville that came out against the community?

Who are funding these people.


Again, a public call to investigage WHO IS FUNDING THEM?!?!?

Anonymous said...

"...unless the city comes forward with a concrete plan."

If the city had a "concrete" plan in the first place and actually gave these taxpayers what they deserved (Concrete sidewalks, sewers, paved roads) it wouldn't be the eyesore that the city makes it out to be!

Anonymous said...

There's nothing like a reformed bum!
Why the sudden switch C.M. Monserrate?

I hate to be the one
that has to clue in a clueless council member.

But they ARE bringing something REAL
to the table.

A real diaspora of the poorer constituents
of your district which has been the plan for decades.

Once City Fields and the removal
of those nasty junk dealers is complete,
Elmhurst and Corona will be yuppie-fied.

Then there will be no more
low class uneducated immigrants
for you to milk!

Anonymous said...

Once City Fields and the removal
of those nasty junk dealers is complete, Elmhurst and Corona will be yuppie-fied.

What have you been smoken?

Anonymous said...

It's spelled either,
"smoking" or the more folksy/colloquial "smokin' "stupid.

You can't even spell correctly!

Anonymous said...

Maybe Hiram Monserrate
has been sippin' some of Hiram Walker's products!

They make 'em as high as 90 proof, I believe!

Councilman Hiram couldn't be postin' here.... is he? must be one of his (athletic) supporters!

Anonymous said...

Why would an ex cop like the C.M.
go into politics....better money in his pockets?

Anonymous said...

There is plenty of affordable housing all over NYC. They're called housing projects. Try getting in there. The projects are now for people who drive acuras, get free parking in manhattan, and work off the books probably making more tax free than the normal NYC Family. The willet's point junkyards have been there for decades. Just because the city decided to build a stadium close to the junkyards doesnt justify them having to move. If it's an eyesore you should have thought about that before building there. Idiots

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