Monday, December 24, 2007

Holiday crap

We were planning to tour the borough and take photos of houses with gaudy Christmas decorations but the Courier beat us to it.

Queens Courier holiday pics


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Holy Crap?

Anonymous said...

You guys are unbelievable. It's Christmas. Yeah, it's alot of lights. So what - ever see a child's eye's light up when they see those lights?

Anonymous said...

Really now.

What's the big deal?

Christmas lights are beautiful & it's once a year.

Anonymous said...

How about all the electricity that is wasted so people can show off?

Anonymous said...

Crappy decorations on crappy houses. God bless America.

Anonymous said...

Actually some of them are pretty. Christmas is once a year. Goodwill towards fellow man mean anything? One time a year try not to criticize others.

Anonymous said...

Every year I look forward to the giant inflatable doodads on fedders balconies and in front of McMansions. That's Christmas in NY!

Anonymous said...

I hate those inflatable figures!

Anonymous said...

those inflatable Snowmen and Santas look really morbid in the morning. Lying flat on people's front lawns with all the air let out of them they look dead.

Anonymous said...

It would be nice but people go overboard and clutter the whole place with the lights. Giant inflatables are usually ugly but I guess no one feels safe investing in something like a real Nativity scene (even churches have to put theirs behind glass nowadays). LED technology might help with energy consumption on this in the future--however more concerning is in the summer when inefficient electricity usage abounds.

Anonymous said...

Good taste is gone.

This is the era of tasteless over the top displays at McMansions with SUVs hulking over a former lawn. Take new money, new immigrants, and the general sleazy level of popular culture (now we know details of Britteny's entire family) and you get this.

Tastlessness on parade. Less is sometimes more.

hoolia said...

That particular house has a donation box for their con ed bill. true story. but they do let you walk around their extravagant snow globes.

Anonymous said...

It is so funny that in this area all everyone does is complain......these lights are too bright, this house is too big, etc. Maybee we should knock down all of the houses, hire one developer to build off of one blueprint so that every house looks exactly the same. Shame on those decorating their houses who choose not to be like everyone else. Not that allot of Christmas lights is a true sign of financial success, but I think it is sad that people who have done well for themselves get chastised by others when when they add something to their house that is maybe just a bit different.

Anonymous said...

Too many carbon credits used up. Looks like a 1970s game show.

Anonymous said...

I think it is sad that people who have done well for themselves get chastised by others when when they add something to their house that is maybe just a bit different.

Mister developer/politician:

You raise a good point. I do not care how much money you have, after you get it you still do not earn my respect because class and taste are not something you earn by milking a family, a community, or industry.

Afterall, the word 'shoddy' came about because slick con artists made bad shoes for the Union Army during the Civil War. Their shoes fell apart on the battlefield, as their plumes and fobs and feathers could not mask ungainly manners before polite society.

Your SUVs are just a tad too big, your homes are just a tad to gaudy, and your family is just a tad to crude to be given a free pass by good company.

Your taste is leaving its ugly mark on a boro that used to be known for class.

Anonymous said...

"Your taste is leaving its ugly mark on a boro that used to be known for class."

Who is to say that my taste, your taste, or someone else's taste is wrong. Sure I can walk by a house and wonder why they painted it a certain color, why their Hummer is an ugly orange, or why they used multi-color Christmas bulbs instead of classic white......but why should anyone have to cater to everyone else's taste. I don;t have kids but if I did I would want to decorate my house up the kazoo for my KIDS. As far as saying that the neighborhood used to be known for its class I would disagree in that there is still plenty of class. Your statements make me believe that you simply want every house, car and tree to meet some make believe standard of what you believe class is.

Anonymous said...

"Your taste is leaving its ugly mark on a boro that used to be known for class."

You are absolutely correct. It is not about one person catering to the tastes of another, it is about having taste and class. If you do not understand this concept it means you do not have any of either. I cringe at the sight of some of these houses going up. It is your right to build a house to your liking, but some people(who have class)actually take their new neighbors feelings into consideration, and try to build their new house in accordance with the historical look and continuity of a particular community. The reason people moved to these communities was exactly for that particular uniformed look. It had an aesthetic quality which they paid very good money for. When they build this "crap" these people rob their neighbors of what they paid their hard earned dollars for. People who understand this dynamic are said to have "class". They actually take other peoples feelings into consideration and realize they are part of a shared community and history. The people who do not understand this concept and think their property is some independent country that they are the dictator of, are egocentric assholes. They have no class, that is why they cannot understand this dynamic. They are nouveau-riche turds. Too bad they can't buy breeding,having a little consideration for your new neighbors, or minimal respect for the history and tradition of a community.

Anonymous said...

The reason taste has gone out the window is because we have gone from a borough of resident home owners to a borough of absentee landlords looking to squeeze every last dollar out of their property. You don't care if your house is ugly, with hanging junkyards and blond brick if you don't have to live there.

Anonymous said...

So here is what we need to do to make all of you two model houses that people can pick from when they want to move into the neighborhood. They will have two choices only. Along with the hous please let them know exactly what car you would likem to drive and the exact wattage their Christmas lights need to adhere to.

New flash......not eveyone who moves to the neighborhood does so because everything looks the same. Maybee they do so for great schools, a nice park, friendly local business, etc.

And I am sorry, all of your statements about the lack of class is absurd. I must reiterate that all you are doing is making your own determination of the word "class" and then tar and feathering anyone who does not live up to your expectations.

Queens Crapper said...

No what we need to do is pass zoning with teeth, eliminate the loopholes and make damn sure the buildings are in context with the rest of the neighborhood. Great Queens architecture of the past was not uniform; each house in the area was unique but somehow all fit together. Take this post on Flushing, for example.

Anonymous said...

New flash......not eveyone who moves to the neighborhood does so because everything looks the same. Maybee they do so for great schools, a nice park, friendly local business, etc.

You are talking about Queens, right? hahhahahahah
heheheheheehhohohoh ...

sorry, I just lost it.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, methinks the developer complains too much.

After having the newspapers and polticians kissing their arse, they just don't understand why the public doesn't go along.

Musta touched a raw nerve here, folks, eh?

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