Tuesday, November 13, 2007

St. Paul's for sale

St. Paul's Lutheran Church of Richmond Hill is on the market. The same realtor is also trying to unload a church building on Staten Island.


Anonymous said...

Hey maybe Gallagher can work out a zoning change to allow a skyscraper there. It's what the neighborhood really wants. Anyone who says otherwise is just trying to stop development.

Anonymous said...

Should be submitted for landmark status before it's too late, if the Landmarks Commission ever cooperates.

Anonymous said...

or just trying to stop improving the community.

Hmm, perhaps bulldozing boro hall - any ideas for a replacenment?

Anonymous said...

saUUUdi arabIa will finance a mosque for the community
same as they've done before.

Anonymous said...

St. Paul's looks like it was designed by Lefrak!

Anonymous said...

Yet another Queens Church coming down.

Get in touch with the Sacred Sites program at the MAS. They might spend a few dollars on their budget outside of Manhattan.

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