Wednesday, November 7, 2007

New History Center for Navy Yard

Brooklyn To Get Historical Center
By Staff Reporter of the Sun

Mayor Bloomberg and the speaker of the City Council, Christine Quinn, are expected to announce today the creation of a historical center on Flushing Avenue in the Brooklyn Navy Yard that will focus on the history of the navy yard and Northern Brooklyn.

The center will be housed in a renovated building and operated by the Brooklyn Center for the Urban Environment.

The council has set aside $10 million for the project. Officials also are expected to announce that a building will be constructed next to the historical center to house nonprofit organizations.

Good for Brooklyn, now how about one for Queens?

Photo from Bridge and Tunnel Club


Anonymous said...

That's the bone they tossed to Brooklyn
for screwing up their waterfront
with the over development that's soon to come !

Anonymous said...

Watch what you ask. Isn't there already a Brooklyn Historical Society?

Now we need all our cultural institutions and civic groups taking space under the control of the developers and politicians?

The fact is that a seperate parallel universe of housing, shopping, and cultural institutions are already planned for the Queens Waterfront. Look how Aquisto and Suna have teamed up with 5000 sq ft at Sohmer. Look how Plaxal dangled their little cultural venture buying the quiet of activitists in that community.

St Saviours? Old Astoria? Dutch Kills? Hunters Point? Redlined areas not on the plans for 2030 New York. These are the areas that are being hollowed out for development.

Not a penny for St Saviours in old line working class neighborhoods but millions for tree planting and a 'greenway' on Vernon to attract a brave new city.

Of course, they left out a little detail.

The several hundred thousand people in the communities that are slated for the bulldozer.

They will not go quietly. (besides, boys, you keep your little secrets poorly.)

Anonymous said...

meanwhile, the City is gleefully demolishing the Admiral's Row at the Navy Yard.

Anonymous said...

A judiciously applied dab of "naval jelly"
goes a long way in quickly ramming in
a building project !

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