Wednesday, November 7, 2007

More of Gallagher's schedule

Here's another day in the life of Dennis Gallagher. This was his entire agenda for September 25th. As you can see, he's a busy guy.


Anonymous said...

He didn't even show up for that committee.

Anonymous said...

Can we have a recall election? Is that written into the city charter? Yesterday would have been a good opportunity to do so.

Anonymous said...

Pinky never really represented his constituents.

Now they're totally without representation.

Anonymous said...

Aw come on guys! Do this reporting for the other politicians as well.

Anonymous said...

What is the Republican party doing about this underwear stain posing as an elected representative?

Oh! Yeah! That's the definition of an elected representative, according to New York city, and state Republicans.

Republicans look at the taxpaying citizens as morons not worth the time.

Well, they soon will be on hands and knees begging for votes once again. I say: Boot the sons of bitches!

Queens Crapper said...

I would be more than happy to post other politicians' schedules. But most employees have enough respect for their bosses not to leak out this kind of stuff.

Anonymous said...

Somebody ought to check out that drunk Sabini's constant sojourning at the crap tables on the Gulf Coast and Las Vegas.

Anonymous said...

It's either Gallagher or another member of the Crowley dynasty. THe local voters are screwed no matter woh they choose.

Anonymous said...

Nice job of hacking Crappy. I guess Gallagher's staff left their computers on.

Queens Crapper said...

Not exactly.

Anonymous said...

crappy has x-ray vision, and the ability to leap over tall buildings or McMansions in a single bound! :-o

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