Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Sunnyside Gardens calendared

This morning the Landmarks Commission voted to calendar Sunnyside Gardens for a public hearing.

Woo hoo!!!

Take a look at the map of the proposed historic district:

Sunnyside Gardens Historic District Map

They also designated 3 more buildings in Greenwich Village. The first floor of the one shown appears to have been remodeled in a similar fashion as the Hackett Building's was yet this structure was somehow not considered to have been "altered beyond recognition."



Anonymous said...

The Hacket Building was better preserved and less altered and more unique. The GV building is rather commonplace....but.....it's location in the "holy" VILLAGE assured its designation!

The message to Queens from LPC comes through loud and clear......."F.U." (And that doesn't mean Felix Unger)!

The LPC, itself, lives in an "altered state" and should be "altered beyond recognition" of what it currently is.

The whole Landmarks Law must be amended to prevent the borough by borough discrimination that is being practiced. Perhaps a quota system (for designations in the other 4 boroughs) needs to be put in place.

Anonymous said...

It's funny that a segment on the designation of SSG will be running on the Brian Lehrer radio show today. Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't one of his relatives (who's anti-landmarking???) reside in SSG?

I wonder what position Brian will be taking?

Let's all tune in and see.

I hope that Jeff Kroessler will be able to call in and present his views.

Anonymous said...

Let's see if that vociferous poster,"Charles Knipe"will show up at the LPC hearing on SSG!

Anonymous said...

From the website:

Cloud over Sunnyside?
Everyone agrees that Sunnyside Gardens, a historic neighborhood in Queens, should be preserved. The question is how. Susan Turner Meiklejohn, resident of Sunnyside Gardens, member of Preserve Sunnyside Gardens and an associate professor of urban planning at Hunter College, talks about why her neighborhood should not receive official landmark status; Jeffrey A. Kroessler, associate professor at the library of John Jay College, founder of the Queensboro Preservation League, and member of the board of the Historic Districts Council, talks about why Sunnyside Gardens should be landmarked.

Forget Charles Knipe! Call in to the show at 212-433-9692 (or 212 433 WNYC) and ask Susan M. to defend her anti-community, divisive activities.

Also yes - Warren Lehrer is the brother of Brian and he & his wife Judith Sloan (who own a rental property in SSG with an illegal deck) have been front & center in opposing the designation.

georgetheatheist said...

So, What's wrong with Astroturf?

Anonymous said...

Thank you "Astorian" for all the interesting info!

H-m-m-m....this Meikeljohn must have a "DOOZY" of some hidden agenda!!!!

Somebody ought to do some serious research into her background and put together a file on her.

We'd all like to know more about her anti neighborhood "spoiler" stance!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't any newspaper discuss her role in those disasterous studies that encourage the gullible (Dutch Kills) and the cynical (certain members of CB2) to follow the machine's agenda on community 'growth' and 'social engineering.'

A little factoid left on the floor, right boys?

Anonymous said...

DoesWarren Lehrer and Susan Meikeljohn co-author books together?

Could this have any bearing on their mutual anti-landmarking stance regarding SSG?

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