Saturday, March 10, 2007

Local Queens paper editors hope people die

The New York Times has published a story about local Queens newspapers which Crappy thought you may get a kick out of:

Where All of the News Is Local, Outsiders Tug at Queens Papers

They revealed just what it is that the editors of our local papers are really hoping for:

...the publisher and editor of The Times Newsweekly in Ridgewood, Queens, had given up hoping for a double homicide and was willing to accept something more run-of-the-mill, like a pharmacy heist...

“A grip and grin. Would we rather have body and bomb?” he asked. It was a rhetorical question. “You bet we would.”



Anonymous said...

That would explain the lack of life in that paper. It is itself a corpse.

Anonymous said...

Misses the point entirely. These papers reflect the views of the adverstisers (read developers) and politicians (read machine).

When you remember the L I Press or the Star-Jouranl as I did from (at this point) several generations ago, the dumbing down of local press coverage, like the borough itself, it not what it used to be.

It is very sad. Frankly, I hope most of these local papers go out of business. It would make it harder for the politicians to feed crap to the people.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if the NYT wrote this up to give a boost to the locals especially after the pounding our little Crappy gave them.

After all, I am certain the dinosaurs must have been in a funk when they saw all those mammals scurrying around eating their egggs.

And heavens knows, the NYT is the biggest dinosaur of all.

Anonymous said...

True....the only thing that the media respects is the opinions of its advertisers (and politico owners)!

Who do you think pays the Lion's share for that expensive ink and paper? Not the subscribers!

Anonymous said...

I would not broadbrush all the Queens papers. Some are pretty decent and independent, and fill in the gaps that the Times, News and Post could never fill. (Sunday's story could have been headined "Times Reporter Finds Queens, On Way to Airport.") On the other hand, there are examples like the Courier, where Vicki and her cronies only write about her friends and advertisers. Of course, she's the only one that doesn't see an ethical problem with it.

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