Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Gallagher lies again!

"I live by St. Saviour's Church and would like to see it saved. My kids could use a place to play and there is no place nearby for them to go.
I am very disgusted with Councilman Dennis Gallagher for lying to me. He told me that the owner of the St. Saviour's property promised to preserve the church. I became concerned when I saw workmen removing the windows in January.
Gallagher told me that the owner was going to board up the windows because squirrels and raccoons are getting in, and that's why the men removed the windows, so they could board them up. I trusted Gallagher and now I can see what a mistake that was. It is now the middle of March and the church remains wide open as you can see in these pictures. Thankfully, we didn't get a lot of snow this year but we usually get a lot of rain in springtime.

I don't believe Gallagher anymore when he says the owner is going to save the church. I bet he is just saying that so his friends can get what they want and then you'll see it either go up in flames or they'll just tear it down. Keep exposing Gallagher. He deserves all the negative attention for his role in the destruction of this once beautiful property." - J.P.


Anonymous said...

Why would someone remove windows to board them up? Gallagher's a real piece of work.

Anonymous said...

Councilman Dennis P. Gallagher is a seriously disturbed and dangerous pathological liar. Even his former bosses Serph Maltese and Thomas Ognibene know this all too well. Gallagher has spent his career putting his interests above anyone and anything. The party and loyalty mean absolutely nothing to him. All of us in the Queens County Republican Party have witnessed this close up for years. It’s amazing that he still fools some party people. He will double cross you at the drop of a hat and then when you confront him he stares at you, furrows his brow, tilts his head and puts on his patented sincere face and invents a story on why you don’t understand and why you are mistaken. Trouble with that is he often forgets his fictitious story and will give you a different story next time. Thankfully I learned very early of his schemes and stayed as far away from this man as I could. He is the best example of the very worst in politics. I’m overjoyed that the people on this blog are wise to him. I’m also glad that some of his constituents are also seeing the real Gallagher. We must all spread the word about this evil entity parading around as a councilman.

Anonymous said...

A veritable cockroach disguised as a human being!...quick! step on it!

Anonymous said...

Who is J.P? If you're going to accuse someone of being a liar, why won't you give your whole name?

Also, that church is ugly and needs to go. By the way, J.P. if your kids need a place to play, move to the suburbs.

It seems this blog has gotten away from discussing legitimate development issues and now it just serves to denigrate politicians.

Queens Crapper said...

Ah, a little history lesson seems to be in order for our friend who criticizes J.P. but posts anonymously himself. St. Saviour's is a one-and-a-half acre green space that is threatened with the development of 70+ housing units upon it. Dennis Gallagher is the councilman who represents the area and is working with the developer instead of with the community who overwhelmingly want the grounds turned into a park. So, dear reader, this is a legitimate development issue, and politicians, especially this one, are fair game. Besides, Gallagher has a history of showing up uninvited at the homes of people who disagree with him, so it's understandable why the person submitting this info would want to remain anonymous. As for the church being ugly, the developer made it that way. As for J.P. moving to the suburbs so his kids have a place to play, the mayor has said that everyone in the city should live within 10 minutes of a park. This would be a perfect place for the mayor to put our money where his mouth is.

Anonymous said...

" serves... to denigrate politicians."

Make that "public servants" $112,000.00 a pop.

Anonymous said...

make it part time public servants at $122,000.

God I love this board....

Anonymous said...

To make it even worse, I just got a phone call from someone across the street from the church who says that men have been inside since 2pm doing work without a permit. Great job, Dennis.

Anonymous said...

There goes Pinky again! He's like a Clinton. Lies even when the truth would help him more.

The fact is, Pinky is a pathological liar. Lying is his only method of demonstrating his utter contempt for his neighbors.

This very sick man must be removed by recall, or arrest.

Anonymous said...

"Also, that church is ugly and needs to go."

That's the back of the church, where the parish hall was, moron. This anonymous poster sounds like FH Guy from Curbed...

hooper said...

Well, Christina, I wouldn't bother calling DOB. Doesn't Dennis advise people not to let them onto their property? I'm sure he tells his Developer friends the same thing.
I believe he also said he'd go to court to support anyone charged with a violation.

Pinky is proud to be a developer's whore.

hooper said...

"Also, that church is ugly and needs to go."

Think about it, genius. The property owner, naturally, has let the place go to hell and that's why the windows are gone. Do you expect him to upkeep a building he wants to destroy?

Anonymous said...

Gee, here it is in living color.

The entire process of how a community's pride in something that makes it a unique landmark, a special place, is being dismantled brick by painful brick.

Let us see who notes this in their little journals ...

let us see those who make a noise that this must and should stop and ...

and let us note those who remain quiet.

Anonymous said...

George you polka loving fool, I love you, when are we going to meet? I'd love to go to Middle Village to see that pink councilman that everyone is talking about on this site. Is it a date? How do I get to Middle Village by bus from Little Neck?

georgetheatheist said...'re always too late...sorry, but I'm "two-stepping" Lewandowski around the Corona Dump Lake this week-end...but maybe, just maybe, one day we can show-up unannounced at the rosy-one's office.

Anonymous said...

If a politician does a lousy job, like Gallagher does, for his constituents......he deserves a kick in the ass.

He's supposed to be a public servant not an idol to be worshipped!

Dennis can kiss my bum!

Scratch that last comment! I wouldn't dare to turn my back on him, even for a moment!

Anonymous said...

the evil entity parading around as a councilman...priceless!

Anonymous said...

Where is Councilman Pink's office? I simply must see this guy. Is he really that pink?

Please see my ad in the Queens Tribune. Let me know what you all think. I should do a new ad soon. I look much better now. Are you reading this George?

Anonymous said...

Hey J.P. if you want to learn more about Dennis Gallagher visit: Inside edge

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