Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Extra Flushing required

Another great photo essay comes to us from Verdi:

Southwest corner of Main St. & Roosevelt Ave. the crossroads of downtown Flushing.

The aluminum coffin you see is what greets all as they exit from the last stop at Main St. on the #7 subway line!

Inspiring....isn't it!

This next group is travelling further south on the same side (West) of Main St. as the first intersection photo that I sent.

The Flushing BID's slogan reads, "Welcome to Flushing a Destination of Choice". It should read ".....a Destination of Departure" or ".....a Destination of Little Choice"!
I really think that Flushing has become the prime example of what all future "ugliness" will follow!!!!!!

Another out of scale "beauty"......looks like the plane is about to hit it.

Also, an Asian version of Italian lions guarding another piece of prime crap in the backstreets of Flush-Town!


Anonymous said...

The "lion's" are called "Foo Dogs".

verdi said...

Yeah, I know what they're called. I took art history and graduated with honors from a major university!

What's your point?

Anonymous said...

Gag.....I almost threw up my cup of coffee looking at these "wonderful" photos so early in the morning!

Anonymous said...

Are they Kang Hsi or Chien Lung (pardon the interpretive spelling) "Foo dogs? Let's see how much the 1st poster really knows!

This "occidental" poster really suspects the style is much earlier.

Anonymous said...

I'll bet the Flushing BID is fuming over these ugly photos being posted when their P.R. machine is trying to grind out a more "picture-esque" impression of Flushing.

Too bad they don't have "smell-o-vision". Wait until the hot "dog days" of August! Phew!!!!!

Maybe going back to the original 17th century Dutch name of "Vlisigen" might help. Na-a-a-h-h-h! I doubt it!

Anonymous said...

Downtown Flushing is charming-ugly, just like Chinatown in Manhattan, and everywhere else. Zero crime, many (many) polite people, its a great place to visit, those photos aren't even the residential areas.

Anonymous said...

Zero crime? Are you kidding? Do recall the Wendy's massacre? I was almost knocked down one day by a shoplifter running out of the department store...

Commercial strips can be overdeveloped too, you know. Businesses sap more electricity the 8 hours thry're open than a retiree does sitting at home watching TV.

Anonymous said...

Vibrant tourist destination.

Tour busses of yuppies slumming for the day .....

Anonymous said...

I guess the "low crime" poster didn't know about the "Ghost Shadows" Chinese gang (imported from Manhattan's Chinatown) that was operating quite early in the 1980s! One of the first gangs doing business in Flushing.....soon joined by others.

There was a Chinese restaurant owner (was it the"Crystal Garden"??) who had a gun put to their head in an extortion attemp. The police caught the gangsters. The owner was brave and cooperated!

An organized Chinese Gang were the perps. Protection money was the object!

C'mon.....ther old notion of the "well behaved" Chinese society is a thing of the past.

Crime is crime. No nationality is excluded. (The Wendy's murder, for the record, was committed by Black perps).

Anonymous said...

True.....according to the crime stats, Flushing's crime rate is much higher now than it ever was in the 80s!

Then there were the 40+ known brothels that were known by police to be operating in the downtown Flushing area around 1992.........not to mention the major gambling ring bust.....with ties to the Eastern seaboard that occred just a couple of years ago.

Do you want to hear more about recent sex slavery rings and human trafficing busts by the FBI and ICE ?

Anonymous said...

The rhodents running through Lippman Arcade, 41st Road and many other spots in the early A.M. are certainly quite "charmingly ugly" aren't they?

Anonymous said...

Please let's not discuss mice or John Liu might call a press conference and bore us all !

Anonymous said...


There was a Chinese restaurant owner (was it the"Crystal Garden"??) who had a gun put to their head in an extortion attemp. The police caught the gangsters. The owner was brave and cooperated!

That's BULLSHIT! The owners of the Crystal Garden Restaurant on 39th Avenue NEVER cooperated with the police. The fact is, the husband and wife team told Julia Harrison about being extorted by members of the Ghost Shadows. The Councilwoman met with the detectives of the Midtown Enforcement Division of the NYPD, who busted the gang.

Anonymous said...

Thank you last poster for correcting and corraborating this story with the Julia Harrison details (Crystal Garden incident).

I didn't want to expose too many details on my own!

Anonymous said...

Wendys Massacre and shoplifters? The Wendys Massacre is remembered because it was unheard of in the area, not to mention it the criminals were not from the area.

Shoplifters and brothels, THAT is the crime wave of downtown Flushing. LoL. Its probably the safest large city in America.

Anonymous said...

Let's not forget the muggings. My friend was come at with a knife right on Main Street. They took her handbag.

Anonymous said...

Everybody (at least the vested interests) are trying to whitewash or minimize the crime statistics in the downtown Flushing area.

A lot of the Asian on Asian crime never gets reported to the police because of cultural mistrust of government law enforcement.

I can assure you, as an insider in the community, that it's quite high!

A "lid" has been kept on this because it would counter the image of Flushing being a peaceful well behaved town, and that's bad for business!

Anonymous said...

No matter how the promoters of a positive image for Flushing want to spin their story.......the graphic ugliness of Flushing is in the eyes (ears and noses) of many beholders!

As the immortal screen actress Betty Davis might have saisd, "WHAT A DUMP"!

Anonymous said...

How sad, but I have to agree with the previous poster, it's really turned into a dump!

Anonymous said...

Flushing was the world to me.
I swore I'd never leave.
But I did, and I'm glad
For the Flushing I remember
I will never grieve.

Anonymous said...

Gag.....I just saw this!

Is this the bustling, vibrant "Asian Miracle" that's being talked about?

What a real estate industry motivated lie!

It looks ansd smells like a third world country!

Anonymous said...

To non Asians Flushing looks like crap, which it does, but it’s their so call Chinatown.

I rather go to Flushing then to Jamaica or corona!

Anonymous said...

I've lived in Flushing for 20 of my 22 years on Earth. The place is a shithole but there are far worse neighborhoods in Queens. For all it lacks in aesthetic value it's still relatively safe and relatively affordable.

Anonymous said...

flushing queens on a scale 1 to 10 for violent crime was rated a 6. my friend maurice parker was shot in the head twice by ms 13 gang members in flushing last year.

Anonymous said...

I heard about the PG and maurice thing. I live the opposite way (from where PG and maruice lived), I'm by 160th and sanford.

I always hear how Flushings a 'safe' and 'secure' neighborhood, when the truth of it is, its not. Truth of it is, there is alot of violence that isen't reported.

One thing I noticed (you may find this funny), during the day (work hours, and dinner time), there are many oriental people roaming the streets of Flushing. Then at night, it changes to drunk orientals holding hands coming from a bar on northern, and lots of Salvadorians and Hispanics walking around looking for problems. (This is how it is in my area)

Anonymous said...

Another sleepless night in North Flushing off Francis Lewis Blvd. The caravans of souped-up engines, hot rods and motorcycles, dummies unaware of how loud they advterise their tiny appendages . . . no respect that some of us sleep days, work nights, sleep nights, work days, it's a 24 hour thing around here. It may be some kind of cultural, ethnic right-of-passage, Greco-Roman in origens, but it hasn't slowed down in 28 years, except for HS girls cruising the drivers!? They must have stopped when they woke up to the fact of what type of guys they were attracting! Stay away from buying anything between 17th to 52 ave. and Francis Lewis Blvd. It will kill you slowly with a stroke.

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