Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Avella makes noise against noise

From the Queens Times:

Council Member Tony Avella introduced legislation at a City Council Stated Meeting to close a loophole created by the recent changes to the city’s Noise Code aimed at preventing unwanted and unnecessary weekend construction. Local Law 113 of 2005, which is set to be implemented on July 1, 2007, is a broad overhaul of the city’s Noise Code, which amongst other changes enacted significant changes to the prohibitions concerning after hours and weekend construction.

Avella stated however, that “although the Noise Code modifications were welcome and necessary, a significant loophole was created to allow after hours and weekend construction under the guise of an exception to the prohibition entitled ‘Undue hardship’. This section creates a substantial category of exceptions which can easily be manipulated by developers seeking to conduct unwanted after hours and weekend construction that would otherwise be prohibited.”

“This new section in essence creates a loophole large enough to drive a fleet of buses through – it completely negates the general prohibition concerning after hours and weekend construction. Given the already huge amounts of after hours and weekend construction which continues to proliferate in this city, these positive changes to the noise control code should not be rendered useless by such a broad category of exceptions as created in this ‘Undue hardship’ category.”

Avella had previously introduced legislation to ban weekend construction except for doing their own home renovations.


Anonymous said...

I for one am sick of hearing jackhammers and electric drills on Sunday. It is supposed to be a day of rest. When I was a kid, businesses closed for the day, and there was no building on Sundays. Now instead of worshipping God, we worship the almighty dollar. Allelujah.

georgetheatheist said...

May God Bless you, poster...I'll drink to that!

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