Andrew Cuomo announced he’s running for New York City mayor in the upcoming election after months of speculation.
The former New York governor will take on incumbent Mayor Eric Adams in the Democratic primary.
“We know that today our New York City is in trouble,” Cuomo said in a 17-minute announcement video posted to social media.
“These conditions exist not as an act of God, but rather as an act of our political leaders, or more precisely, the lack of intelligent action by many of our political leaders,” he continued.
Before Cuomo entered the race, many polls showed him as an early favorite for New York City voters. A February poll by PIX11 News, Emerson College and The Hill showed Cuomo was the first choice for 33% of Democratic voters. Some 10% of voters said Adams was their first choice for mayor.
Cuomo served as New York governor from 2011 to 2021, when he resigned after an independent investigation found he had sexually harassed multiple women, including state employees. His resignation also came on the heels of criticism and investigations related to his handling of nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Yes, 12,473 elderly people died but that's not why he resigned, he stepped down because he got too handsy and kissy with a lot a women he worked with and random women he met on occassions.
F--k cuomo, and f--k ritchie torres for endorsing him.
NYC could have had Maya Wiley.
Vote for Cuomo not the DoDo.
Trump Lite.
Idiot asshole NYer's will probably elect him
Grabbin fannies and kill in grannies/
Cuomigula's back in town/
Members only is back in fashion/
Now there'll be plastic/
On the sofas at Gracie Mansion
New Yorks worst, his demented judgement and pen killed both my parents in the assisted living retirement home along with the worst things ever enacted in this city. He gave us Hochel, no cash bail, blocked law abiding citizens the constitutional right to have guns to protect & defend themselves when the police, judges and prosecutors can or "wont". Also bent over backwards to coddle Black Live Matter and every other loony leftist terrorist group in the state.
Unfortunately Cuomo II has a padlock on the black & criminal vote, along with the family's of such.
This all is going to be a big problem for Sliwa and the good people of this city.
Good. I hope he kicks butt in the primary.
He isn't Saint Andy. He is a typical politician POS but he knows how to run a government.
We have had a bunch of zeros at City Hall lately, at least Cuomo has the Curriculum Vitae for the office.
The return of CUOMIGULA!
Killing Grannies and grabbing Fannie’s!
And sadly among most of the democratic candidates, he's the better choice. The other choices include Brad lander, a beta male as bad as Doug emhoff. Adrienne adams who was endorsed by big Letitia so that says enough about her. Zohran mamdani who is a pro terrorist sympathizer and a communist who wants hand outs for all. This Jessica Ramos, I think is her name, who seems to be like another aoc. So it's granny killer versus a bunch of communists/socialists. Pick your poison.
Eric was a Republican who went to high school in Bayside and live part of his teens in Jamaica. Eric Adams is the new Ed Koch, replace him and you get a new Dinkins. Do you remember Bloomberg's ad during the 2001 primaries? "Going back to politics the old way is CRAZY." When he ran that ad, Republicans stopped being hesitant about signing his petitions.
If Richie Torres endorsed him, he did it at the behest of AIPAC, who own him. They want Cuomo to run the city as another Zionist colony.
I didn't realize that Zohran Mamdani supports the IDF terrorists? He lost my vote.
Pick your poison indeed.
Stupid NYC voters are sure to reward Cuomo II with re-election and her eis why.
Take a minute and think deeply, Ask yourself : How many black people have a family member or baby daddy that's been arrested and released due to Cuomo's bail and jail reforms?
A: With exception of Staten Island and Malba its a near 85% and that's why Cuomo II, Alvin Bragg, every black DA, black council member in the City have the black vote padlocked for life.
This is fact not racist, these same people also believe blacks arrested are victims of poverty and not criminals.
Nothings going to get better, only worse!
The writings on the wall with no chance of things getting better. It's time to get out of New York and take my $$ with me, soon every neighborhood will be run by thugs and property values turned to shit. And the worst of all they only apparent allow the thugs and criminals to have guns. Commit a crime with a gun (or toy gun), mug, beat and hospitalize 70 year old in the street you get out of jail free in 2 hours.
No consequences at all for things that were once called felony crimes if your black.
Pure Insanity!!!
“We know that today our New York City is in trouble,” Cuomo said It's in trouble because of you, asswipe. No Bail No Jail, congestion pricing and all the other things you're going to try to get us to forget are all your doing. And don't forget that when he lived in Douglaston he was a "Frequent Flyer" at the 111 Pct.
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